
Chapter 140: Stubborn parents

"Sofia! Sofia! Sofia, I am sick and tired of hearing that name!!" Raymond yelled.

"Keep your voice down, you don’t talk when I am talking, is that clear?" Mr Kingston declared, raising his voice.

"Listen to your father, son, we have gone through a lot because of you." Mrs Kingston stated.

"Yes." Richard added.

Raymond sighed and glared at Mr Kingston.

"I want you to divorce that nincompoop you call your wife." Mr Kingston stated.

"Why should I? For what?"

"Because the moment Mr Marcus finds out that you are back, he will make your life a living hell if you don’t get married to his daughter."

"Why are you talking like this, dad? are you are afraid of Mr Marcus." Raymond whined.

"It’s not like I am afraid of him, but I made a promise to him that I must fulfill." He replied

"A promise with your son?"

"Please just listen to your dad, it’s in our best interest if you get married to Sofia, Mr Marcus has gone insane. He kidnapped your father and I days ago." Mrs Kingston stated, showing him her hand with red marks.

Raymond started clapping.

"Wow dad, I am impressed, so these are the kinds of friends you keep?" Raymond remarked.

"Hey!" Mr Kingston yelled and slap Raymond hard across the face and smile widely.

"I have been looking forward to doing that for a while now." he muttered as Raymond held his face.

"You are afraid to hear the bitter truth, and I will say it again." Raymond said, clenching his fist when Mrs Kingston held his hand.

"Calm down, son, we need to solve the situation we are in." Mrs Kingston stated.

"Dad, why doesn’t Raymond just get married to Sofia for a short period of time and then divorce her." Richard suggested stroking his chin.

"What are you saying, Rich? I can’t even think of living in one room with Sofia." Raymond replied.

"You will have to think of it, because I am calling Mr Marcus and telling him." Mr Kingston stated and dialed Mr Marcus's number.

Raymond snatched the phone from him and cut the call.

"You will not call him, because I am not getting married to his daughter." Raymond announced, gnashing his teeth, and tossing the phone onto the bed. He was trying to walk out of the room.

"I don’t care how you do it, you must get married to her, even if you have to have two wives!!" Mr Kingston yelled. Raymond walked out of the room and slammed the door.

"That idea is not bad, but he will have to get married to Sofia as well." Mrs Kingston remarked.

"Are you guys hearing yourselves? I am highly disappointed in the two of you." Richard stated and stomped out of the room.

Mr Kingston's phone started ringing on the bed. He picked up the call and put the phone in his ear.


"Why did you call me?" Mr Marcus inquired.

"I wanted to tell you that there is good news, Raymond is back." Mr Kingston stated, showing Mrs Kingston his back.