
Chapter 139: Rejected Bride.

"I am his wi…wife." Daisy stuttered.

"For how long have you two been married?" she asked.

"For 3 weeks now." Daisy muttered with sweat forming on her forehead. Mr Josh wanted to help Daisy, but there was nothing he could do.

"Where is the proof of your marriage?" she inquired, and Mr Josh drew out the marriage certificate from his suit and handed it to Mrs Kingston. She took it from him and glared at Daisy before looking at the certificate, she screwed up her face immediately.

"I can see you came prepared, but that doesn’t mean you will enjoy your stay here, gold digger." Mrs Kingston snarled and gave Daisy that I am watching you fingers before walking into the mansion with Mr Josh.

Daisy put her hand on her chest and started breathing continuously.

"His mum is a bitch." She whined and started walking into the house when the bodyguards opened the main door for her.

"Nobody is even welcoming me, well what do I expect? I am just a worker." She whined and walked into the living room. She scanned the place with her eyes when two maids ran up to her and bowed slightly.

"You are welcome, ma." They both chorused. Daisy smiled widely at them, seeing the way they were respecting her. She felt on top of the world as she lifted her head high.

"Take me to my room." She stated, and they started leading her to the stairs.

"Nice." Daisy beamed as she started looking around the house.

They take her to Raymond’s room . She entered the room. It was painted in blue and white, with a master-sized bed in the room and a laptop desk in the corner of the room. It was spacious and beautiful as she inhaled the fresh scent that ran through her nostrils.

She sat on the bed as the two maids stood beside her. She lay on the bed. With her hand crossed behind her head,

She got up from the bed immediately and stared at the maids.

"Get me my luggage." She commanded, and they both walked out of the room.

Daisy started looking around the room. She opened the bathroom door and looked inside. Everywhere was sparkling. Although Raymond had been away for a long time.

"It’s so big, I love it." She muttered as she eyed the Jacuzzi.

She fell on the bed.

"Yea Daisy, this is the life." She mumbled and smiled widely as she cuddled the pillow.

All the family was in Mr Kingston's room. They were all standing as Mr Kingston sat on his bed. And looked up at Raymond.

"You are the most childish senior I have ever known, do you know how much you cost us when you were away?" Mr Kingston inquired.

Raymond avoided his gaze.

"I am here, and you are talking about money, aren’t you happy to see me?" Raymond asked bluntly.

"I will be happy to see you the moment you come to your senses and get married to Sofia." Mr Kingston stated.