
Chapter 138: Rejected bride

"You want to run away again like a coward." Mr Kingston snarled.

"I don’t care what you think of me, dad, if you guys don’t want to accept my wife, I will leave with her." Raymond declared and walked to Daisy. He extended his hand to her and she took it.  He helped her off the ground and held her hand.

"Let’s go, my darling wife." He stated, leading her to his car, and Mr Josh ran after them.

"Raymond, please don’t go, honey do something." Mrs Kingston said, running to her husband.

"Let him go, no one needs him here, as he doesn’t respect my decision."

"Dad, you can’t let him go, i was the one that made him come." Richard stated.

"Why did you make him come, so this is your surprise?" Mr Kingston inquired.

"Yes, Dad."

Raymond opened the door for Daisy and she walked into the car. He was about to unlock the car when Mrs Kingston held his hand.

"Please don’t go, my son." She pleaded.

He smirked and turned to look at his dad.

Mr Kingston glared at him and walked towards them, and they both locked eyes.

"If you want to stay here, you can’t live here with your wife." Mr Kingston stated.

"Which man doesn’t live with his wife?" Raymond asked, clenching his fists.

"I won’t accept her, Sofia is the only wife I approve of." Mr Kingston started  confidently.

"Then you will have to force me to divorce my wife then."

"I don’t mind doing that." Mr Kingston shrugged.

"If my wife can’t leave here, then there is no point in my staying here." Raymond stated he was trying to enter his car.

When Mrs Kingston ran to her husband and whispered in his ear.

"You can’t let him leave, Mr Marcus has made our life a living hell more than enough now." she whispered. 

"He will still continue to torture us, as Raymond is proving stubborn; he even brought a woman home."

"Talk to him, let him stay. we will think of a way to separate him from his wife." Mrs Kingston suggested.

"Raymond, wait!!" Mr Kingston said with a rumbling voice, and Raymond turned to look at him.

"You can stay." he declared.

"I didn’t hear you well, it’s like there is something in my ear." Raymond whined.

"I said you can stay!!" Mr Kingston yelled, pissed.

"Okay." Raymond stated, and Mr Josh ran out of the car and opened the door for Daisy.

"Come with me, I need to have a word with you." Mr Kingston stated, walking into the house, and Raymond followed him. followed by Richard.

Daisy was feeling left out as Mrs Kingston was standing beside her.

Mrs Kingston turned to look at her. She stared at her from top to bottom and lifted her upper lip in disgust.

She walked closer to Daisy and her back landed on the car. She was looking at Mrs Kingston, terrified. As she put her hands up

"What relationship do you have with my son?" Mrs. Kingston inquired, her gaze fixed on her.