
Chapter 137: Surprise 2

They both settled down on the couch, Mrs Kingston waved at a maid she walked to her and bowed slightly.

"Get me the most tasty wine." She declared.

"Wait! Don’t get any wine." Mr Kingston stated authoritatively.

"Why?" Mrs Kingston asked, glaring at him.

"You can’t have it that’s final." He stated and brought out his phone.

"Dad, what about Mr Marcus? Have you given me a restraining order?" Richard inquired.

"To be honest, I couldn’t give him." He replied.

"Why? The police are afraid of him, so there is nothing they can do and I still have to fulfill the promise I made to him." Mr Kingston replied.

"What promise?" Richard stated, and the door bell rings. He smiled widely and ran to the door as a bodyguard opened it for them.

Raymond and Daisy walked into the house holding hands, followed by Mr Josh.

"Welcome Bro." Richard beamed and hugged Raymond.

Mr and Mrs Kingston stood up from the couch and stared at Raymond at the door. Mrs Kingston burst into tears as she ran to Raymond.

She hugged him tightly and pulled away from the hug. She gave him a resounding slap across the face.

"How could you leave me like that?" she asked bluntly and started hitting him on the chest.

"Mum, it’s enough he is here now, you should be happy." Richard added.

"Happy? That he abandoned me without looking back? Why are you here now? You can go back to where you came from." Mrs Kingston stated and continued hitting him on the chest. Raymond pulled her into a hug and also burst into tears. When his eyes drifted to Mr Kingston, who was glaring at him with his eyebrows lowered and pulled together.

"I am sorry, mum, if I made you cry." Raymond apologized. And she pulled away from the hug.

"Maybe I was overreacting, but I am glad to see you, my son." She muttered and looked up at him. She used her hand to stroke his cheek. When her eyes drifted to Daisy.

"Who is this damsel?" Mrs Kingston inquired. Looking at Daisy.

"She is my wife." Raymond replied, and held Daisy’s hand.

"What do you mean by wife?" Mr Kingston stated, with his voice slightly raised, while walking to them. Daisy was shivering, seeing the way they were looking at her.

"So you mean to tell us that you were gone for just a month and you have already gotten married?" Mr Kingston declared, raising his voice.

"Yes dad, and it’s my decision. I love my wife." Raymond stated confidently and smiled at Daisy.

"Wife! If I hear you say that one more time, I will send my hand down your face." Mr Kingston threatened.

Mrs Kingston weirdly stared at Daisy.

"You just brought this stupid gold digger into our house." Mrs Kingston snarled and dragged Daisy’s hand and tossed her outside the house. She landed on the floor, staring at them.

"Mum, why are you treating my sister-in-law like this?" Richard inquired, extending his hand to Daisy.

"I don’t expect you guys to accept my wife, I will leave with her." Raymond declared, with his head held high.