
Chapter 136: Surprise

"He is so rich he even brought you clothes, get changed and get out."  Mrs Louis stated, and walked out of the room.

Raymond was getting inpatient standing outside the house. Mrs Louis couldn’t even invite them into the house.

"Why is the girl taking so long?" Mr Josh inquired, staring at him.

"That’s the way all girls are. They will take forever to get ready." Raymond replied.

"Did you bring the marriage certificate?" he added.

"I brought it, but do you think it’s appropriate to forge a signature for her?" Mr Josh inquired.

"It’s worth it." Raymond stated, and the door flew open. As Daisy walked outside the house, wearing the dress, holding onto her luggage. Although she wasn’t wearing makeup, she was still beautiful.

Raymond strangely stared at her.

"Do you think they will believe she is my wife?" Raymond inquired, staring at Mr Josh.

"Why do you say that?" Mr Josh inquired.

"Look at her, she's dope, no make-up, nothing."

"Calm down, I forgot to tell you that I don’t like wearing makeup." She stated.

"As long as you are my wife, you need to learn how to apply makeup. Don’t worry, we will stop at a beauty store along the way, get in the car." He stated, and Mrs Josh quickly opened the door for her. She walked into the car, and they both entered as they fastened their seat belts.

Daisy started scrutinizing the car.

"I didn’t know you had such a car." She beamed.

"I just bought it," Raymond stated. Mr Josh ignited the engine and they drove off.

At Kingston’s house

Everyone was eating on the dining table when a maid came and placed a desert on the table.

"Richard, you look happy today. What’s the special occasion?" Mrs Kingston inquired.

"It's nothing, mum; I'm just happy." He replied. Eating continuously.

"Have you seen a new girl?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Hmm, I won’t tell you." He muttered.

"Why not?" she inquired.

"Stop talking and eat your food you talk too much." Mr Kingston declared. She gulped and faced her food while Richard chuckled.

They finished eating, and Mr Kingston started walking towards the entrance while a bodyguard ran towards him and put his suit on his back. He put his hand in the suit and started walking outside the house as two bodyguards followed behind him. Richard didn’t want him to leave. He wanted him to be home when Raymond comes.

"Wait up, dad," Richard yelled, and Mr Kingston halted and turned to him.

"Dad, can you not go out today?" he inquired.

"Why shouldn’t i?" Mr Kingston asked.

"I have a surprise for you and I want you to be home to see it." Richard stated.

"Hmm, what kind of surprise?" Mr Kingston inquired as he dismissed the bodyguards and started walking into the house with Richard.

"You will see when the time comes, you just have to be patient." Richard assured. Mrs Kingston controlled the maids to clear the table and sighted the both of them.

"Honey, I thought you had already left." She muttered, staring at Mr Kingston.

"I wanted to go, but, Richard wouldn’t let me, he is acting weird." Mr Kingston whined.