
Chapter 130: His wife

"Please play along." Raymond whispered to Daisy.  She was confused. She didn’t know what to do.

"I will pay you, just pretend to be my wife for today." He added.

"Like how much." She whispered.

"40 million dollars." He replied and her eyes nearly popped out of her sockets. The money was huge.

"Are you guys just putting on a show? How can you guys be married?" Richard said, and folded his hand.

"But it’s true that she is my wife." Raymond replied.

"How can she be your wife? When she has a boyfriend."

"I don’t have a boyfriend, he is my cousin." Daisy defended.

"I don’t believe you two, you guys are just putting on a show. Prove to me that she is your wife." Richard said, glaring at them.

Raymond looked at Daisy and they both locked eyes.       

"What now?" Daisy mumbled.

          Daisy’s POV

I tried to move away from his grip, but he snatched my hand and dragged me back inside. His hold was hard, and the next thing I knew, he slammed his lips against mine, nearly suffocating me. He placed his tongue over the seam of my lips before I could react. He dived inside my mouth after I opened my mouth in surprise. The powerful aroma of mint was exchanged in the intermingling of our billowing breaths, and it was a very messy kiss. He let go of my lips and we took in a deep breath before he dulged back in. I could feel his saliva as it rolled off my tongue and seeped down my throat with every push of his tongue against mine. What is Raymond doing? I literally cheated on Chris. What do I do now? I pushed him back, and he quickly turned away to look at Richard, who had his mouth open and was staring at us.

"As you can see, I told you she is my wife." Raymond said, looking at him. Oh no, what has money done to me?

"I thought you were just joking you have confirmed my doubt." Richard muttered, still starring weirdly at us.  I think he was lost for words like I am. I don’t know what to say. Why would Raymond kiss me like that? He didn’t even give a light kiss. What has the love of money done to me?

Raymond let go of my waist and I stood like a statue looking at the both of them.

Richard ran his hand through his hair.

"Bro, I don’t know what to say, this is messed up, how could you get married within months?" he asked, staring at him.

"I told you guys I didn’t want to get married to Sofia." Raymond replied.

"This is messed up, you will have to come home with your wife. Let’s explain things to Mum and Dad." Gosh, this is not happening. I didn’t know a white lie would lead to a lot of things.

"We will come tomorrow to explain things." Raymond said, staring at me.