
Chapter 131: his wife

"Not just that, park your belongings so mum will have no option but to accept the two of you." Richard suggested. This is not happening.

"Do I have to return home?"

"Yes, you have to come." Richard replied and sat on the chair just as my boss walked in.

"What is going on here?" she asked, staring at us.

"Nothing we were just discussing." I mumbled.

"I am sorry, Mr Kingston, for keeping you waiting." She apologized.

Richard stared at his wrist watch.

"I would have been angry with you five minutes ago, but not anymore. Coming here has brought me happiness." He beamed.

"Let’s start taking pictures." Mrs Jennifer stated, leading him to the wallpaper.

Two makeup artists ran to Richard. This is awkward. Raymond is staring at me.

"Mr Richard, come with me." She said, and he walked away with her. And now it’s just me and Raymond. It’s awkward. I can’t even look him in the eyes. He is walking towards me. No matter how much I want to hit him right now, I can’t because I already agreed to do what he asked.

He walked to me All I could look at was his chest.

"Look at me." He said with a little bit of authority. I slowly raised my head and looked at him, avoiding his gaze.

"Look, I know I didn’t tell you that we would go home, but I am sorry. I think you will have to go home with me tomorrow, I want you to park your belongings. I will come pick you up tomorrow. You just need to tell me your address."  I wanted to reply to him. I looked sideways to make sure Richard wasn’t looking at us. He winked at him.

"What do you mean, I will have to go live in your house for how long." I asked, glaring at him.

"Speak softly, my brother is over there." he added.

"I can’t believe you are the billionaire that ran away from his wedding." I whined.

"I didn’t run away, I couldn’t get married to the girl they chose for me." He stated.

"That’s the same thing as running away, so how long are we going to continue with this act?" I asked bluntly.

"I don’t know, but I can guarantee you I will set things right, sorry for kissing you." He added, making me blush. Why am I blushing.

"I can’t go with you to your house. We didn’t bargain for that." I said, twisting my lips.

"I will double the money." He assured me. That’s 80 million people. My suffering will end.


"I know you will agree." He said and walked away. He knew me and that I liked money. All I need to do now is to tell my mum and Chris. I will be pretending to be the wife of a billionaire. That’s the life, men. I squealed, walking to my desk and counting the money in my head.

I will buy a new set of Chanel bags, a diamond neck-less, a car, and so on. There are just so many.