
Chapter 129: The encounter

"I don’t like unprofessional photographers, so I don’t want your boss to take one hour of my time." He declared, staring at her.

"Okay." Daisy said and walked to sit in Raymond’s seat.

After a few minutes,

Raymond walked out of the room, staring at the pictures, and was on his way to Daisy's desk when he stubbled over Richard's leg and landed on this face. And his glasses broke. He was so furious as he stood up and removed the glasses from his eyes. He cleaned his eyes and turned to look at Richard, and their eyes met.

Richard stared at him and opened his eyes wide in surprise. He stood up immediately, staring at Raymond, and he quickly put on the broken glass.  Tears started coming out of Richard's eyes as he ran to him and hugged him tightly.

Daisy was weirdly staring at them, wondering what was happening as she walked over to them.

"Why did you leave like that without telling me, bro." Richard said and disengaged from the hug.

"I feel like killing you right now." He added.

"I am not your brother you must be mistaken." Raymond stated, avoiding his gaze.

"You are my bro, you are Raymond don’t you dare lie to me." Richard stated, raising his voice.  As he cleaned his tears with his left hand.

Raymond adjusted his glasses.

"I don’t know what you are talking about, but I think you will have to pay me money for the glass you broke." Raymond shrugged.

Richard glared at him and removed the glass from his eyes immediately.

"You are Raymond Kingston, my brother." He said. And Raymond burst into tears. He didn’t know what to say as he had been caught.

"Say what now?" Daisy muttered looking at them confused.

"How can you be Raymond Kingston, the Raymond Kingston." She whined, staring at Raymond.

Richard hugged him one more time.

"I will be glad to see you come back home, mom misses you a lot." Richard stated, smiling endlessly.

"I am afraid I can’t go back home." Raymond stated confidently.

"If it is about Sofia, I am sure we can talk dad out of it and he will consider your decision." He assured looking keenly at Raymond.  

Raymond ran his hand through his hair. He knew even if he went back. His dad will still be determined to get him married to Sofia.  He wasn’t thinking straight anymore, and his eyes drifted to Daisy.


Daisy was shocked by the whole thing, and she still couldn’t believe that he was Raymond Kingston as she stared weirdly at him.

"Come back home, bro, we will make things right." Richard assured.

"Can I come home with my wife?" Raymond asked and grabbed Daisy by the waist and pulled her closer to him.

"Did you just say wife?" Richard asked.

Daisy opened her eyes wide in surprise, looking at Raymond as he wrapped his hand around her waist. She was trying to break free, but his was too strong for her.

Richard noticed that she was struggling with him.