
Chapter 128: Richard in the shop

There were a lot of reporters outside the company, and they were standing ready to film the person that was in the car parked outside the shop.

"He is here." Daisy shrugged.  

"Who is here?" one of the models inquired.

"It’s Richard Kingston." She replied.

The reporters started taking pictures of the car as Richard walked out. He saw the crowd and screwed up his face. He ran back into the car as the reporters were approaching him.

He turned to look at his assistant, Dave, in the car.

"I thought you said that the press didn’t know about me coming here?" Richard said, glaring at him.

"I don’t know how they know, but information flies." He replied.

"Sir, you need to step out of the car, so the picture will be fast." Dave added.

"I am not going." Richard said, folding his hand.

"I am afraid you have to go or else the company will give someone else the job."

"Why does the company want me to take pictures at a shop like this?" Richard whined, looking out the window as the reporters started banging on the window for him to come out.

"The photographer takes excellent pictures, she is one of the most popular photographers around." He declared.

"You should have brought some bodyguards," Richard said.

"You know, we are short of bodyguards now and your dad is hiring new ones." Dave said and opened the door of the car.

Richard sighed and stepped out of the car, trying to walk into the shop as Dave quickly stood in front of him, preventing the other reporters from going near him.

Daisy moved away from the door and called Mrs Jennifer on the phone.

"Hello, boss, your client is here." Daisy informed.

"I am just a few blocks away I will be here in a beat." She declared and hung up.

Richard walked into the shop with his head held high and his hands in his pocket.  He looked around the shop.  And Daisy walked towards him.

"You again!" he said, and quickly hid behind Dave’s back.

"What?" Daisy asked, confused.

Richard hasn’t forgotten the slap Daisy gave him.

"What are you doing here?"  he asked bluntly.

"Relax, I walking here." She stated.

"Oh," Richard said as he stepped back from Dave's back.

"So who is taking my pictures?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

"It's my boss, but she's not yet here; please wait over there; she's on her way." Daisy assured. Richard looked at the waiting chair. Other models were there drooling over him. He lifted his upper lip in disgust and turned to her.

"Can you get a special seat for me?" he asked.

"I am sorry, but we don’t give our models special treatment." Daisy shrugged.

"You will have to look for a special seat for him. he is not one of the regular models that come here." Dave snarled. Glaring at Daisy.  She rolled her eyes and walked to her desk. She carried her chair and put it in front of her desk.

Richard walked to her chair, and Dave cleaned it for him with his handkerchief, and he sat with his legs crossed, staring at Daisy.  He glanced at his wrist watch.