
Chapter 127: Back to work

"Good day," he said.

"What’s hello? Get your ass here!!" Daisy said rudely.

"What are you so furious about? I am not that strong." Raymond said.

"What do you mean you are not that strong?"

"I have been injured." He mumbled.

"I don’t care, you are already 2 hours late for work." She said, and hung up.

"How rude, I am not going to do anything today once she sees my hand." he whined, and stopped a taxi. He got into the taxi and it took off.

He was relaxing in the taxi when it stopped in front of the shop.

"We are here, sir." The driver said.

"Okay." Raymond muttered and walked out of the car. He slammed the door and gave the driver money.

He walked to the shop and grabbed the door knob. He sighed.

"Here goes nothing." He mumbled and opened the door.

He saw Daisy taking pictures of Ava, and he smiled widely, walking to them.

Daisy stopped taking pictures and turned to look at him.

"So you are finally here, you keep acting like my boss," Daisy whined and wiped her face with a handkerchief when Ava walked over to Raymond, staring at his bandaged hand.

"What happened to you?" she asked, looking keenly at him.

"I was injured by a burglar." He replied, and Daisy turned to him and stared at his hand.

"I thought you were joking that you were injured, or are you?" She grinned and grabbed his arm.

"Ahhh!!" Raymond screamed, holding onto his hand.            

"Oh sorry my bad, I thought you were joking." Daisy whined.

"How could you treat your employee this way." Ava said, holding Raymond’s hand.

"Yea, how could you." Raymond said with pouted lips, holding Ava’s hand. He smiled incessantly at Daisy, and she noticed, narrowing her hands in their hands.

"Ava, we need to continue taking the pictures, Ray I need you to go print out a few pictures for me." Daisy declared.

"Which picture?" he asked bluntly.

"The pictures I took of Ava at the beach, the camera is on top of your desk. We are expecting a big star today." Daisy said.

"Who is the big star?" Raymond asked curiously.

"You will know when he comes." She said and turned to Ava.

Ava walked over to Raymond and whispered in his ear.

"See you around, pretty boy, this is my number call me." She whispered and put her business car in his hand.

Raymond grabbed it and walked into the room where they print pictures.

"Yes!!" he yelled. staring at the business card.

"Finally, my dream has come true." He muttered to himself, and he shoved the business card into his pocket.

When Daisy finished taking pictures of Ava, she paid her and started walking out of the shop when they started hearing noises from outside the shop.

Daisy and other models ran to the entrance of the shop to see what was happening.  Raymond didn’t hear because he was busy printing out pictures.