
Chapter 126: Back to work

They ran out of the house and saw Mr Marcus's bodyguards beating up their bodyguards, who were laying on the floor with their faces covered in blood. The bodyguards didn’t pay attention to them as they were busy beating the bodyguards on the floor.

Richard put Mrs Kingston’s hand around his shoulder and helped her to his car. He put her in the back seat.

Mr. Kingston dashed to his car.

"Let’s go." Richard said, switching on the car. He ignited the engine and was about to drive off. When Mr Marcus ran out of the house with Sofia.  Firing shots at them, Richard bent his head and drove out of the mansion quickly. The security guard was trying to close the gate when Richard drove towards him with great speed. The man realized that Richard wouldn’t hesitate to kill him, he quickly ran out of the way as Mr Kingston followed behind him.

After a long drive, they arrived at their home. They drove into the mansion and parked their car in the garage. Richard quickly ran out of his car and helped Mrs Kingston out of the car. She was weak and couldn’t walk as he supported her.

Richard helped her to her room and maids came into the room to take care of her as her wrists were covered in blood because of the chains.

"Take care of my mum." he declared, walking out of the room when he bumped into Mr Kingston.

"So what are we going to do now, dad? We can’t guarantee that he is going to leave us alone." Richard said.

"I know he is not going to leave us alone, so we need to file a restraining order against him." Mr Kingston stated.

"Yes, do that. I need to go, I have a photo shoot." Richard declared.

"You still want to go to a photo shoot at this time?" Mr Kingston inquired, staring at him.

"Yes dad, I have to go. I already asked Dave to reschedule it." He muttered, walking away.

"Okay, take care, don’t be late." Mr Kingston said, staring at him as he walked out of the house.

At Raymond’s house.

Raymond was struggling to put on his clothes as his phone started ringing continuously. It was Daisy calling.

Mr Josh walked into the room and picked up the phone from the bed.

"Don’t answer!" Raymond instructed.

"Why, I want to tell her that you won’t be able to go to work." Mr Josh said.

"Why wouldn’t I be able to go to work?" Raymond said, glaring at him.

"You are injured, you need rest." Mr Josh said.

"My boss doesn’t want to hear that." Raymond said and snatched the phone from him.

"Are you going to work because of the girl you like?" Mr Josh inquired.

"Yes, I am practically going because of her, and it’s boring to stay at home all day." Raymond said he was walking out of the house as his phone started buzzing. He shut the door and picked up her call.