
Chapter 125: chained like dogs 2

"I think someone is coming." Mr Kingston said in almost a whisper, and Richard stood up and hid behind the door immediately.

"Who turned on the light?" Mr Marcus asked with a rumbling voice as he walked towards Mr Kingston.

"And why are your mouths free?" he asked.

"It’s fell off." Mr Kingston said

"You are lying, someone must have come in here, was it Sofia?" He asked coldly, and Mrs Kingston started giving Richard the signal to run out of the room.

"No one came here." Mr Kingston assured, and he slapped him hard across the face. Mr Kingston face became red as he glared at him.

"Stop lying to me." He declared and Mr Kingston spat on the floor and looked up at him.

"What will you gain by doing all this?" Mr Kingston inquired.

"I will be able to get Raymond." He replied, and Richard ran out of hiding and jumped on his back, trying to take the key that was hanging on his pants.

They both started struggling, as Richard was struggling with him, trying not to let go of him. Mr Marcus hit him on the stomach continuously with his elbow and Richard jumped down from his back. He had managed to grab the key. Mr Marcus punched Richard on the face as his hand penetrated his face and saliva came out of his mouth.

Richard was not giving up without a fight as he aimed for Mr Marcus's stomach and punched him hard. Mr Marcus staggered backwards and ran out of the room.

Richard walked to his parents and quickly freed them with the key. Mrs Kingston started hugging Richard as Mr Kingston started walking out of the room.

"Stop hugging, we need to find a way out of this house." Mr Kingston scoffed, and they disengaged from the hug and followed him outside.

They started walking out of the house as they saw Sofia pacing in the living room. She was looking for Richard. She eyed them and weirdly stared at them.

"Are you guys coming from there?" she asked, pointing at the passage.

"Yes, your stupid dad kidnapped my parents, mark my words, I am going to arrest him." Richard threatened, pointing at her with his index finger.

She smirked and looked at him.

"As if you can." She shrugged. He glared at her and started walking out with his parents when they all heard the sound of a gun fired in their direction.  Their hearts flew out of their chests as they all thought that they had been shot. They shuddered and turned back and saw Mr Marcus holding an AK47 pointing in their direction.

"Nobody leaves." He threatened glaring at them.

"Dad, what are you doing?" Sofia asked, running to him.

"Don’t come any closer, I want to set things right." He said, walking down the stairs.

"No, dad, I think you have gone insane," she stated as she approached him and grabbed the gun in his hand, dragging it with him.

"Let it go, you don’t know that I am doing this for your own good." He said.

"No dad, you are not doing me any favour by trying to kill my in-laws." She muttered and started dragging the gun with him as Richard and his parents quickly used the opportunity to run out of the house.

                          Author's note

From this day on wards your day will be good after reading this book, don't get addicted.