
Chapter 118: Dangerous boss 2

Mr. Marcus walked to the spot where the man's body was lying and looked down at the blood stains. And look around the house. He spotted a maid and the way he looked at her. She looked down immediately and quickly carried a mop and ran to him. and started cleaning the blood stains as he walked out of the house.

His bodyguards opened the door for him.

He bumped into Mr. Kingston at the entrance of the house.

"What took you so long? You are the one that asked me to come to your house." Mr. Kingston said, glaring at him.

"I have something to take care of." He replied. with a frown. 

"So why did you call me here? Talk to me, I have something more important to do." Mr. Kingston declared.

"I called you here because, I want you to find your son as soon as possible because my daughter has gone mad." Mr. Marcus said.

"So that is the reason you called me here? I have more important things to worry about, and you know, my wife has been kidnapped." Mr. Kingston stated.

"I know she has been kidnapped, it’s all over the news. That’s the least of my problems, I want you to find your son or else." Mr. Marcus said, pointing at him.

"Or else, what are you going to do?" Mr. Kingston asked, clenching his fist, and they both locked eyes.

"You are well aware of what I am capable of; you are aware that the famous gangster is my best friend, and with a snap of the finger, he will get you killed." Mr. Marcus said, snapping his finger.

"Like I told you before, and I will say it again, I am trying my best to find Raymond." Mr. Kingston said confidently. He started walking away while Mr. Marcus watched him go and signaled to his bodyguards to abduct him.

"It’s like you like it the hard way." Mr. Marcus stated, and his bodyguards ran to Mr. Kingston and grabbed him. One of them put his hand around his neck while the other put a handkerchief in his mouth. He struggled with them, trying to break free. And suddenly, he stopped shaking and passed out in their arms.

"Take him inside!!" Mr. Marcus instructed

At the Kingston's residence,

Richard walked down the stairs and a policeman approached him with a bodyguard.

"I am here to get the CCTV footage." He said, staring at Richard.

"Why are you coming at this time." Richard inquired.

"I have to drive here, you know." He replied.

"So where is the CCTV room?" he inquired.

"Take him there." Richard commanded, he stared at his wrist watch.

"OMG, I nearly forgot I had a date." He muttered and started walking out of the house in haste. He got into his car and drove off.

Raymond was at home relaxing on the couch when his phone started ringing. He picked up the phone and realized it was Daisy calling.