
Chapter 119: A date

"Hello." He muttered.

"How are you?" she inquired.

"I am fine, just have a little injury on my right arm." He replied.

"Why what happened?" she asked bluntly.

"That dude still came to my house to kill me." He replied.

"Really, I think you should call the police." She suggested.

"I have, and I have even hired security."

"You have hired a security guard and haven’t paid me my money." She stated.

"Calm down, you haven’t done your job." He replied.

"Anyway, I have to go see you tomorrow. Ava is here."

"Greet her for me." He grinned.       

"I will." She assured and hung up.  

"Who was that?" Mr. Josh inquired.

"My boss." he replied.

"So what do you do at home all day?" Raymond asked

"Just watch a movie, sleep, and…. Raymond cuts in.

"Bring the whores home." He added, and Mr. Josh burst into laughter.

"I don’t do that." He whined.

"Keep telling yourself that, go and make dinner for me." Raymond instructed and he walked away.

Richard arrived at Elena’s house and started looking around. He wanted to go and knock on her door when he remembered what happened yesterday: her father was strict. He started pressing the horn of his car.

But no one came out of the house. He stopped and stepped out of his car. He walked to her door and knocked on the door. He didn’t care about the consequence.

Elena opened the door and stared at him with her eyes wide open.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" he asked.

"Don’t you remember that we have a date?" he asked.

"Oh, yea, a date." She said, and closed the door quickly.

Richard walked to his car and waited there for her.  She walked out of the house in a short midi dress with a small bag in her right hand. He drooled over her as she walked toward him.

"Let’s go, my lady." He said, and opened the door for her.

"What a gentleman." She commented and walked into the car.

He hopped in and drove her to a popular restaurant. He drove into their parking lot and stepped out of the car. She walked over to him and looked up at him.

"Why did you take me here? This is a popular restaurant, are you sure the press won’t disturb us here?" she asked bluntly.

"No,"  he replied, and grabbed her hand as they both walked into the restaurant. A waiter escorted them to a chair for two, and they sat there.

Elena started looking around the restaurant and dropped her bag on the table.

"Why are you staring like that? Is this the first time you have been to an expensive restaurant?" he inquired, staring at her.

She brushed her hair backward and stared at him.

"Yea, it’s the first time." She muttered twisting her lip.

"I will give you a chance to order for us." He stated, and she smiled widely at him. and grabbed the menu. She crossed her legs and started staring at the menu.