
Chapter 117: Dangerous boss

He saw a man on the camera putting a white handkerchief in Mrs. Kingston's nose before she passed out. He zoomed in on the face of the man and found out that he was wearing a mask. He couldn’t see his face.

"Damn it!!" he cursed and hit his hand on the table.

"Where do I start looking for mum?" he said, asking no one in particular.

Mr. Kingston drove his car into Mr. Marcus's mansion and parked his car in the garage. He stepped out of the car and two bodyguards ran to him.

"Good morning, sir, how may I help you?" a bodyguard asked, bowing slightly.

"I am here to see Mr. Marcus." He stated.

"I am afraid you can’t go inside, he has a guest." The bodyguard replied.

"What do you mean by he has a guest? Go in there and tell him I am here." Mr. Kingston said, glaring at the bodyguard, and he bowed slightly and ran into the mansion while other bodyguards blocked Mr. Kingston from going in.

The bodyguard walked into the house and saw Mr. Marcus shouting at the man on the floor, the same man that had been trying to kill Raymond.

"What are you telling me? You are so useless!!" Mr. Marcus said in a rumbling voice.

"I am sorry sir, but that’s the truth, I have tried to kill him several times, but to no avail." He stated.

"How are you sure the man you have been attacking is Raymond?" Mr. Marcus inquired. 

"It is him, I have hired a private investigator to get him for me." The man replied, holding his injured leg, which had been bandaged.

"I can’t believe you allowed him to do this to you." Mr. Marcus said as he stared at his leg and the bodyguard ran to him.

"Sir," he said, and Mr. Marcus stopped him with his hand. and the bodyguard stood beside him staring at them.

"You are fired!!" Mr. Marcus declared and tossed a bunch of dollars at him.  He picked it up from the floor and looked up at Mr. Marcus.

"Please give me one more chance and I will kill him." He pleaded.

"Which one more chance, I give you a simple task, but you couldn’t fulfill it." Mr. Marcus stated angrily.

"I want to have him killed so my daughter can move on with her life thinking he is dead." Mr. Marcus added.

The man stood.

"Okay, as you don’t need me anymore, I will take my leave." He said and started walking out of the house when Mr. Marcus brought out a gun from his pocket and shot him in the back. The man opened his eyes wide in surprise and turned to Mr. Marcus as Mr. Marcus shot him continuously in the chest. And he fell to the ground.

"Go and dispose of his body." Mr. Marcus instructed, looking at the bodyguard, and he turned to look at him.

"Sir Mr. Kingston is outside waiting for you." He informed.

"Really, why didn’t you tell me earlier? I bet he must have heard the gunshot." Mr. Marcus remarked.

"I don’t think so." He said and ran to the body of the man. Another bodyguard joined him and they carried him out of the house through the back door.

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