
Chapter 112: Suspect

"Where are you going?" Mr. Kingston inquired.

"I am going to his house to give him a piece of my mind." Richard said, clenching his fist.

"Calm down, son, we are not detectives." Mr. Kingston stated.

"So what do you suggest we do?" he inquired.

"Lt’s go to the police station first." Mr. Kingston said, they both started walking out of the house when they saw other bodyguards putting dead bodies in a sack.

"Where are you taking them?" Mr. Kingston asked one of them.

"To bury them." He replied.  Mr. Kingston shook his head as Richard walked to the garage and entered his car. He parked the car in front of Mr. Kingston and he entered the car and sat next to him. He put on his seat belt and Richard drove off.

Raymond left work early to go to the police station so he could get security to protect him, because he knew it would be too much for Mr. Josh to handle alone.

He walked into the police station and saw the police interrogating him in front of the shop. He was sitting on a desk near the jail cell.

Raymond approached him.

"You are welcome, have a seat." He said pointing at the chair opposite him, and Raymond drew out the chair and seat in front of him.  

"So you said you wanted to hire a security guard." The man stated, placing a paper on the desk.

"Yes," Raymond replied.

"Good, are you aware of the amount we charge for that?" the man inquired.

"No, tell me." Raymond inquired.

"We charge 500 dollars a day." He said, and Raymond's jaw dropped.

"I knew you wouldn’t be able to pay it." He said, glaring at Raymond.

"No, it’s fine I will pay, I am just a little scunge sometimes." Raymond muttered, and the man handed him a file and a pen.

"Sign there." he said, and Raymond signed and handed him the file.

"Transfer the money to this account, I will get the security to come to your house tomorrow, we will make sure we find the man that is trying to kill you." He assuredly stood up from his chair. Raymond stood up and shook him before heading out of the police station. He was walking out when Richard parked his car in front of the station.  His eyes widened as he saw his car.  Richard and Mr Kingston walked out of the car quickly, and their eyes landed on Raymond.  Raymond's heart was pounding in his chest and they walked over to him.  He looked away quickly and started walking away when Richard walked past him.

"Pheew!! That was close." Raymond said, putting his hand on his chest. He was about to go when something told him to eavesdrop on them.  

He saw Mr Kingston and Richard talking to the police, that he just finished talking to and rested his ears to hear what they were saying.

"Don’t you guys have CCTV cameras at home?" the man asked bluntly.

"We have, we forgot to check it, maybe that will help with your investigation, because my mum's missing is not a small thing." Richard said.