
Chapter 111: What happened?

"Elena!!!" she heard her name from inside the house.

"I am coming, dad!" she yelled and ran away.

Richard was all smiles as he had managed to talk to Elena.  He opened the door of the car and sat close to Dave.  He ignited the engine and drove away.

Richard arrived at home and drove his car into the garage. And Dave quickly ran out of his car. Richard walked out of his car and walked into the house when he saw that the house was a total mess. With all the furniture on the floor, the house was tattered as he looked sideways and saw two maids crying on the floor with their heads down. He looked at them curiously, wondering what was going on. When a bodyguard whose hand was bandaged walked up to him.

"What is going on here? What happened?" Richard asked with his mouth hanging loosely.

"Sir, the thing is, a man came here today and abducted Mrs. Kingston." He said bluntly, and Richard's jaw dropped.

"What!! Who was the man, and how could you let that happen?" Richard asked pissed.

"It’s not our fault, sir we tried our best to protect her and many of us died." The bodyguard replied.

"Fuck!!" Richard said, gnashing his teeth.

"Do you have any idea, who the man was that kidnapped my mother?" he asked bluntly.

"I don’t know who he is, but he was wearing sunglasses and he was a very good fighter." He replied.

"Have you called the police?" Richard asked.

"We have, they have come and looked at the house and go." he replied.

Richard sighed. He was getting restless. Who would want to kidnap his mother and why? He ran his hand through his hair and took out his phone from his pocket. He dialed his dad's number.

"Hello." His voice was trembling as he spoke.

"What is the matter? You sound worried." Mr. Kingston started.

"Dad, someone broke into our house, kidnapped Mum and killed some of our bodyguards." Richard stated.

"What!! How did that happen."

"I don’t know, I just got here, I think you should come back home, we need to find Mum," Richard said and hung up.

He fell on the couch and started looking around the house. His eyes drifted to the maids.

"What are you doing crying? Clean up the house!!" he commanded, and they walked away and started cleaning up the house while he rested on the couch.

Minutes later.

Mr. Kingston came running into the house.

"Have you called the police?" he asked as soon as he set his eyes on Richard, and Richard stood up and looked at him.

"Yes, they have." He replied.

"What do you mean by have, have you?" he asked.

"No, I haven't, but he did," Richard said, pointing at the bodyguard.

"All this is messed up, who will want to kidnap your mum." Mr. Kingston lamented.

"I have no idea, wait a minute, could it be that Chelsea’s boyfriend is responsible for this?" Richard was trying to walk out of the house.