
Chapter 113: Mrs Kingston is missing

"We will try our best to find your mum." The policeman assured Mr. Kingston walked closer to the policeman and grabbed his shirt, looking into his eyes.

"I beg you to look for my wife, I can’t leave without her." Mr. Kingston said, and the man pushed him away, quickly dusting his shirt.

"How dare you threaten an official of the law." He said, glaring at Mr. Kingston.

"I am sorry, but I was just saying my mind." Mr. Kingston said, with his lips pursed tightly.

"Dad, let’s go." Richard said, putting his hand around his shoulder.

And they turned to face the entrance.

Raymond quickly removed his face from the door.

"So my mum is missing." He said and walked quickly. He stopped a taxi and hopped in quickly.

"Where to, sir?" the driver inquired.

"Go! go!" Raymond yelled as he saw Richard walking out of the station with his dad.

Raymond arrived home and ran into the house. He shut the door and found Mr. Josh sleeping on the couch.

"Wake up." he said, hitting him on the chest. Mr. Josh opened his eyes and stared at him.

"What do you want." He said and sat up on the couch. Raymond sat beside him.

Mr. Josh examined the wall clock.

"You are back early." he said.

"You remember I told you that, I was attacked in Paris?" Raymond inquired.

"Yes you did, what’s the matter?"

"The same people came to kill me at work, he was so determined to kill me, I would have been a lump of dead meat by now." Raymond stated.

"But you are alive." Mr. Josh said, sarcastically.

"Do you want me to die?" Raymond asked, glaring at him.

"It’s not what you think, you got it all wrong." He added.

"Anyway, I have hired a security guard to guard me for the main time, he will be coming tomorrow, I want you to be vigilant and guide me tonight." Raymond stated.

"Okay, sir." Mr. Josh said, and rushed into the bed room. He opened the drawer and took a gun.  He loaded the gun with bullets.  and went to the door of the house and stood there. Raymond sighed.

"Thank you, as least I will have rest of mind," Raymond said, and walked into the bathroom. He took off his clothes, switched on the shower, and started bathing. He finished bathing and walked to the bedroom wearing a robe when he spotted noodles on the table.

"What’s this?" he asked bluntly. As Mr. Josh made his way into the room.

"I made it for you to eat up, you don’t eat that much." Mr. Josh said, and Raymond exhaled and sat on the bed. He dug into the noodles and started eating them at a slow pace, looking up at Mr. Josh

"Go and guide the door." He commanded.

"Okay." Mr. Josh said, he walked to the door and stood there. He opened the door and looked outside the house.

"There is no one around,  it thinks Mr. Raymond is just being paranoid." He grinned and walked to the couch.  He took the remote from the table and switched on the TV.

                                                 Author's note

Sorry for not posting yesterday I was a little sick, Who kidnapped Mrs. Kingston?