
Chapter 110: On a date

"Hello, beautiful." He said with a toothy smile.

"How may I help you?" one of the girls asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Please, is Elena at home?" he asked, and the girls started shouting, and one of them hugged him. He didn’t hug her back and pulled away from the hug immediately. He was wondering why they were acting that way.

"It’s Richard Kingston!!" One of them squealed, and he rolled his eyes.

"Oh, I forgot that I am a celebrity." He muttered. As they continue jumping.

"Miss! Miss! He called out to them, but they refused to listen to him. They were shy and blushing as they hovered around him.

"Gosh!!" he groaned, and Elena walked out of the building.

"Why are you guys making noise?" she asked, and their eyes meet.

Richard looked at her and walked to her as she stared at him, wondering where she had seen him.

"Hi." Richard said, stroking his hair backward.

"Who are you?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Don’t you know him? He is Richard Kingston." One of the girls beamed.

"Go away." She scoffed, and they both walked away.

"I am Richard, the guy that took you home after the club that day." He said. And she glared at him and gave him a resounding slap across the face. Richard held his face and stared at her.

"What was that for?" he inquired.

"That’s for trying to take advantage of me." She replied rudely.

"Babe, calm down, I like you." He beamed.

"I don’t like you." She replied, and started walking away.  Richard ran after her and blocked her in front of the door of her house.

"Please give me a chance." He pleaded, looking keenly at her.

"I have a boyfriend. She replied.

"I don’t care." He stated.

"Get out of my way." She said and pushed him away from the door. She was about to enter when someone started coming out of the house.

She quickly dragged Richard to the side of the house and hid there, putting her hand in his mouth as he looked at her. She was extremely close to him, with her boobs on his chest.

"What are you doing." He mumbled through her hand.

"It’s my dad, I can’t let him see you, he will cause a ruckus." She replied.

He removed her hand from his lip.

"Is he that strict?" he asked.

"Hell yea." She replied, and then she heard the sound of the door closing.

"He is gone." she said and realized she was standing close to him. She stepped backward quickly avoiding his gaze.

He took her hand.

"Please give me a chance to love you, I promise to be a good boyfriend." He pleaded and locked eyes with her.

"You barely even know me." She replied.

"I don’t care." He shrugged.

"How about we go on a date tomorrow?" he added.

"To where?" she asked.

"It’s a secret, just ready I will come and pick you up tomorrow at the same time." He said and started walking away. She was staring at him.