
Chapter 101: Intruder

      Author’s POV

Richard walked into the club and spotted Mace on the chair with two girls by his side.

"I didn’t know I would see you here, you are just so nasty." Richard made a remark as he walked up to him.

"Hey man, what brings you here?" Mace inquired, standing up from his chair. Richard started looking around, using his eyes to look for the girl.

Mace sat and Richard sat down with him.

"Girls, leave us alone." Richard said, and they both stood up and started walking away.

"Baby don’t go." Mace said, extending his hand to one of them.

"I came here to look for that bartender." Richard said in a low tone.

"Oh, you mean the bartender you took home that day?" Mace inquired.

"Yes, that one, where is she?" Richard Inquired

"I haven’t seen her since the day you took her home." Mace muttered.

"Are you sure of what you are saying." Richard asked, standing up from the chair.

"Yes." Mace beamed, and Richard walked to the owner of the club.

"Good evening," Richard greeted.

"Evening, how may I help you?" she asked, staring at him.

"I am looking for one of your employees, she has blue eyes and long black hair." Richard described.

"Oh, you mean Elena, she has resigned." She replied

"Why?" Richard asked bluntly.

"I don’t know, why are you asking all these questions? Are you her boyfriend?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I am not, but I just wanted to know where she is, can you give me her home address?" Richard asked.

"Sure, she lives at 23 Brown Road." She said, walking away.

"Thank you!!" Richard beamed and started walking out of the club.

"Hey! "Man where are you going!!" Mace yelled.

"I am going home." Richard replied.

"But you just got here." Mace said, but Richard didn’t reply. He walked out of the club in a haste and entered his car and drove off.

in the evening..

Raymond walked to the bed and removed the duvet, he entered the bed and Daisy started dragging the duvet with him.

"Let it go." she whined, dragging it to her side. And Raymond let go of the duvet and turned to the entrance of the room, staring at the door. He stared at the door for some time, and his eyes started to close.

Later that night. Raymond started hearing the sound of the door opening.  He opened his eyes immediately. and stare at the door. It was dark. He was seeing someone approaching his bed with a dagger. He sat up on the bed and cleaned his eyes to be sure he wasn’t imagining things.

He stood up from the bed as the person walked closer to him. He quickly switched on the lamp on the side of the bed, and the person pounced on him, trying to stab him with the knife.  Raymond was squabbling with the person on the ground.

He couldn’t see the face of the person. Raymond aimed for the stomach of the person and punched him hard in the stomach, pushing him off his body.  

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