
Best quality 2

"That's not something you should do in a trouser." He said, avoiding his gaze.

"I want you to go to the supermarket tomorrow and get me good trousers, not these rags." Raymond muttered.

"Not all of them are bad." Mr. Josh said taking out another one from the wardrobe and Raymond feed his eyes on Mr josh's back side and burst into laughter.


Mr. Josh turned to look at him, embarrassed, and started taking off the trouser and tossing it to the floor. He put on the second one and was trying to squat when Raymond stopped him.

"Don’t squat, I want you to do what I did when mine tore." He said staring at Mr. Josh

"Pick that trouser on the floor." Raymond commanded and he bent down to pick it and the trouser he was wearing tore.

"You see, you bought total nonsense for me, haven’t you seen poor people wearing new trousers?" Raymond inquired.

"I have seen I will get you new trousers tomorrow."

"Good I can wear the shirts but not the trouser." Raymond said and relaxed on the bed.

"Sir, aren’t you going to eat?" Mr. Josh inquired.

"What is there to eat?" Raymond asked.            

"I made pasta." He replied.

"I am not hungry," Raymond remarked, standing up from the bed. He opened the wardrobe and took out a black robe. He put it on and fell on the bed like an anvil.

Mr. Josh looked at him and walked out of the room to continue his movie.

Chris and Daisy started walking out of the club, with Chris's hands around Daisy’s waist she was struggling to walk they were both drunk and wasted.

Chris stopped a cab and helped Daisy inside.

"Aren’t you going home?" Daisy inquired staring at him.

"I will go later in the morning." He said and the taxi driver took off.

Daisy arrived home and staggered to the front door. She put her hand on the doorknob and twisted it. But it was locked.

"Did mum lock me outside." She remarked and ring the door bell. But no response.

"She must be asleep." Daisy said and rang the doorbell continuously, and Mrs. Louis opened the door and dragged Daisy into the house.

She started sniffing her.

"What is wrong?" Daisy inquired.

"You are asking me, so you have started going out at night, huh?"  she said, glaring at her.

"I want to go and sleep, I don’t have time for this." Daisy said, trying to walk away when Mrs. Louis held her hand and pulled her to her front.

"Where did you go, young lady?" she asked, standing akimbo.

"I went out with Chris." She muttered.                         

"This is late at night, you get off work, and instead of you to come home and rest you are going out with Chris." She said with a snarky remark.

"Mum, I am not a baby, we will talk about this tomorrow." Daisy said, walking up the stairs. And Mrs. Louis folded her hands and watched her go.