
The Second Strongest Hero

Starr_Dakota · Anime & Comics
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56 Chs

Training Begins!

"You'll be working in groups of four for today's assignment so hurry up and pick your partners. Your work is due tomorrow so don't waste time tonight." Aizawa told them as he picked up a stack of papers and he noticed Mineta and Kaminari walking towards Kale and Caulifla.

"Hey ladies why don't you group up with us?" Kaminari asked with a strange smile before he felt a cold sensation on his back and he turned around to see Todoroki and Akuma giving them annoyed looks. They scurried away as the two set their chairs down in front of the girls desks without another word and Caulifla could help but laugh at the lecherous boys' reactions.

"Sorry about those guys." Akuma said as they sat down and Aizawa handed them their assignment, "They have a tendency of being weird around women and it gets annoying."

"It's fine." Kale said in a quiet voice that surprised Todoroki and he gave Akuma a confused look. He was used to Saiyans being loud and headstrong but she was the complete opposite and Akuma shrugged his shoulders.

"This doesn't make any sense." Caulifa said as she read the papers on the desk and Akuma picked one up to see what she was confused about. The assignment was over the relationships between Heroes and Villains and he realized the Aizawa made it a group project because the girls had never gone over something like this before. Todorki seemed to realize that as well as he looked at the paper between him and Kale and he gave Kale a soft smile that disturbed Akuma.

"We'll meet you at the apartments later." Akuma told Todoroki after they spent the entire class just trying to explain how their society worked and he gave Akuma a nod before packing his bag and leaving, "I want you two to meet somebody."

"They must be a big deal if you're taking away from our training time." Caulifla told him with a hint of annoyance in her voice and Kale quietly followed behind the two as they began to argue about the subject. They stopped in front of Class H-1 and when he opened they were engulfed in an explosion.

"Still got that bad habit huh?" Akuma asked as the smoke cleared and Mei gave the them an excited smile. He picked up the now destroyed piece of technology and threw it in the pile of failed experiments.

"Akuma please come to the Dean's office." The intercom announced and Akuma pinched his nose with a sigh.

"It's probably about your training." Akuma told Kale and Caulifla as he walked to the door, "Please don't blow each other up."

"So you his girlfriend or something?" Caulifla asked Mei with a tone Kale had never heard before.

"No, we're just close friends." Mei told her as she began to build another invention with quick, precise movements.

"Akuma!" Nezu said happily as he walked into the office and Akuma gave him a questioning look, "I wanted to talk to you about where you plan on training Kale and Caulifla."

"I figured that was what you wanted. I'm not really sure to be honest. The training is going to be rough and it's going to be hard to prevent any damage." Akuma told him as he sat down and Nezu pulled a key card out of his desk, "Do you have something in mind?"

"We have an old training facility that we've been renovating and it should prove helpful." Nezu explained as he handed the card to Akuma and he examined it before putting it in his pocket, "If you agree to only train there then I'll allow you three to use it in your free time. It's located on the South side of the campus and it's hard to miss once you get close enough."

"Anytime we want?" Akuma asked as he put the papers down and Nezu nodded with a smile, "Alright, I'll let the girls know."

"Have fun!" Nezu yelled as Akuma left the office and made his way back to the girls. When he opened the door an explosion went off and sent Caulifla flying out but he caught her with ease. She looked at him in surprise and he smiled at her before her face turned bright red and she punched him across the jaw.

"I have a place we can train." Akuma told them, unfazed by the sudden punch, "The Dean is letting us use an old training facility whenever we want."

"Then let's go!" Caulifla yelled in excitement as she lept out of his arms and tried to lead the way before realizing she didn't know where it was. Akuma chuckled before motioning for Kale to follow them and Mei smiled as the Saiyans flew out of the window. It didn't take them long to find the large building and Akuma pulled the card out of his pocket when they landed. The lights came on as the door opened and they were surprised just how big the building was as they examined the rocky area in front of them. Caulifla gave Kale a grin before she tried to kick Akuma in the back but he grabbed her foot and flipped her on her back.

"There should be gym schools in the locker rooms." Akuma told them as he walked to the boy's locker room and Kale helped Caulifla up.

"Damn he's fast." Caulifla sighed as she followed Kale into the girl's locker room they walked back into the main area and saw him leaning against one of the rocks, "I hope you're ready to get your ass kicked!"

"No transforming." Akuma told both of them with a serious tone and they both gave him a strange look, "Training while in a Super Saiyan form is only going to strengthen that form but if you train without transforming then all of your forms become stronger."

"But I can't keep up with you two while in my base form." Kale protested and both of them gave her a serious look, "W-What?"

"Kale if your base form wasn't powerful then that berserk form of yours would have never beaten Goku while he was in Blue." Akuma explained as he put his hand on her shoulder, "Transformations are like multipliers of your normal strength. If you were at level one then that form would also be at level one."

"Plus you have me to back you up!" Caulifla told her with a big smile but it turned into a frown when Akuma shook his head, "What do you mean no?!"

"What if Kale needs to fight and you're not there to help her?" Akuma asked before he suddenly sent her flying across the building and he pointed an energy filled hand at Kale, "Do you see how easy it is to split you two up?"

"I understa-" Kale didn't get to finish as Caulifla flew in and kicked Akuma in the chest, making him slide backwards. She motioned for Kale to wait as she walked towards Akuma with rage burning in her eyes and Akuma gave her a smug grin.

"I'll get you back for that cheap shot." Caulfila told him with a death glare and Akuma took his fighting stance.