
The Second Strongest Hero

Starr_Dakota · Anime & Comics
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56 Chs


"What?" Akuma asked as he looked around Champa's planet in surprise, "I'm pretty sure we were erased right?"

"17 from Universe Seven wished for every universe that was erased during the tournament to be brought back." Vados explained with a smile and Caulifla suddenly grabbed Akuma by his now restored armor.

"Teach me how to go White!" Caukifla demanded and Akuma snickered while rubbing the back of his head, "I'm serious!"

"I have to get back to school though." Akuma told her with a grin and he swallowed when she glared straight into his eyes, "You could always try to join as well. I'm sure they'll let you and Kale both attend school there since you did help in the tournament."

"Vados can you bring us to Earth?" Caukifla asked her with a grin that made Akuma worried and the angel nodded with a smile. She dragged him and Kale over to Vados and they immediately left for Earth. After an hour they landed inside of the U.A. perimeter and caused the alarm to go off. Caulifla got ready for a fight as the pro heroes surrounded them but she calmed down when Akuma put a hand on her shoulder and he grinned when Aizawa walked up to them.

"You have a lot of make up work to do." Aizawa told him, making Akuma laugh before he turned to Caulifla, Kale and Vados, "I met you before Vados but who are these two Akuma."

"This is Caulifla and Kale and they helped in the tournament to keep our universe from being erased. They want to attend our school so I can train them without having to constantly leave the planet." Akuma explained as he motioned to both girls respectably and Aizawa sighed as he motioned for them to follow him.

"Have fun you three!" Vados told them with a happy voice before shooting off into space again. Caulifla and Kale looked around the school in awe as Aizawa led them to the Dean's office and they were surprised to see that a small animal was in charge of the school.

"I'm guessing things went well?" Nezu asked with a smile but his face turned serious when the three shook their heads, "So we are going to be erased?"

"We already did but another universe wished us back." Akuma explained in a calm voice before changing the subject, "These two were on our universe's team and they want to join U.A. High."

"I suppose trying to save the entire universe is merit enough to attend the Hero Program." Nezu said as he smile returned and Akuma could tell he was excited, "You two will start class tomorrow and I'll handle the paperwork. Aizawa they will be joining your class."

"Alright." Aizawa said with a sighed before they left Nezu's office and Caulifla looked ready for a fight, "Our planet has several rules for heroes to follow. Like no killing and not trying to fight villains until you have your Heroes Permit."

"That's lame." Caulifla said with a huff and they were surprised when Aizawa's eyes glowed red and his hair rose but they didn't notice anything change about him, "You ok?"

"Akuma please don't tell me these two are Saiyans." Akuma said as he shut off his quirk and he pinched the bridge of his nose when Akuma snickered, "One Saiyan was hard enough to deal with and now I have three."

"I keep Caulifla in check and Kale is pretty quiet so it shouldn't be too bad." Akuma explained and he could feel Caulifla's glare, "Either way I'm tired and want to go home."

"Actually we've built living quarters for the students here after the fights you and All Might had before you left." Aizawa explained as he led them to Class 1-A's living complex, "Luckily there are more than enough rooms for these two to use so make yourselves at home."

"Thanks." Caulifla said as she went inside and Akuma and Kale quickly followed after her. Everyone looked at Caulifla with confusion before they saw Akuma and Kale come through the doors and they immediately surrounded them.

"About time you came back!" Kirishima said as he put his arm on Akuma's shoulder before everyone started questioning the girls. They were surprised that they were going to be in their class starting tomorrow and Akuma saw Mineta walking up to them with lecherous eyes.

"Mineta they'll kill you and I mean that literally." Akuma warned him and the small teen backed away from the girls, "Uraraka could you help them get settled in please?"

"You guys follow me!" Uraraka told them with an excited look in her eyes and all of the girls left with them.

"So how'd your training go?" Izuku asked Akuma with a smile and the other guys seemed interested as well, "You've been gone for almost a month."

"It went well." Akuma said but it was clear that was all they were going to get from him and they could hear Caulifla yelling from upstairs. Akuma hastily walked up the stairs and saw Momo holding a dress.

"No way I'm trying that on!" Caulifla yelled with a red face and she turned around when she felt Akuma's energy coming towards them, "Would you tell them to stop?!"

"I think it would look good on you." Akuma told her mockingly and he realized his mistake when she glared at him.

"I can't believe he hasn't come to see me ye-" All Might stopped midsentence when Akuma flew through the upstairs and crashed to the ground below. He didn't have time to ask what had happened before Caulifla landed in front of Akuma in Super Saiyan and tan girl run out shortly after.

"You wanna say that again?!" Caulifla asked as her aura flared around her as Akuma lept to his feet while laughing and she flew straight for him.

"It's not a bad thing to be girly sometimes you know." Akuma told her as he dodged her attacks until she went Super Saiyan Two and she hit him in the chest with an energy blast. Class 1-A ran out of the building to watch the spectacle as All Might tried to comprehend what he was seeing and Akuma yelled as he went Super Saiyan Two himself.

"You must think you're real funny!" Caulifla yelled while throwing punches and kicks at him and he grinned while blocking all of them before she headbutted him.

"Why are you so damn angry?!" Akuma asked as he rubbed his face and Kale jumped between them. She had seen Caulifla upset about being told to act girly but she had never seen her as flustered as she was now.

"Move Kale! I need to teach a lesson!" Caulifla yelled but Kale shook her head with a serious look in her eyes and she took a deep breath before powering down, "Whatever."

"I never thought I'd see another Saiyan." All Might said as he walked up to the three and the girls gave him strange looks, "I should introduce myself first. I go by All Might and I used to be the number one hero on this planet."

"Used to be?" Akuma asked before Caulifla could open her mouth and she could see the saddened look in Akuma's eyes, "What happened?"

"I used the last of my strength during my fight with All for One and I've retired from being a hero. Now I'm just teaching the next generation how to become the best heroes possible." All Might explained and he noticed Akuma clenching his fists tightly, "It was always going to happen so you shouldn't be upset."

"So you're one of our teachers?" Caulifla asked as she examined the scrawny man in front of her but she knew from Akuma's reaction the she shouldn't be rude, "I'm Caulifla and this is Kale. We're Saiyans like Akuma and we came here to be trained by him. He told us that he needed to go back to school so we decided to join as well."

"So you're a teacher now to?" All Might asked him and Akuma began to chuckle.

"More like a baby sitter." Akuma told him with a smile that disappeared when Caulifla kicked him in the chest. All Might could see how Akuma's personality had changed during his time away as he was smiling at Caulifla while she was standing over him with a energy filled hand aimed at his face.

"I dare you to say that again." Caulifla told him coldly and he gave her a wide smile that made her take a deep breath. All Might smiled at their antics before saying his goodbyes and leaving them alone.

"I think we should go to bed." Kale told them as Akuma lept to his feet and Caulifla yawned as she realized how exhausted she actually was. Akuma followed then inside with his hands behind his head and went to his room after he was sure they were aware of the school's rules.