
The Second Strongest Hero

Starr_Dakota · Anime & Comics
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56 Chs

Power Gap

"S-Sis." Kale mumbled as the two Saiyans silently watched each other and she thought back to the conversation they had with Mei. In the blink of an eye the two locked hands and their rising power began to destroy the ground at their feet. Caulifla smirked before she stopped pushing back, making Akuma leaned forward in surprise and she delivered a fierce knee to his chin. Akuma stumbled back while rubbing his jaw and Caulifla began to hop in place with her hands up. Akuma dashed towards her and disappeared just before reaching her. Caulifla looked around in surprise before she was kicked in the back and sent rolling across the ground. She barely had time to react when Akuma threw two energy balls at her and she narrowly avoided them as Akuma flew at her again. Kale watched with wide eyes as the area was filled with explosions as the two clashed at high speed.

"You can give up whenever you want!" Akuma laughed as he kicked Caulifla to the ground and she landed on her feet before firing a volley of energy blasts at him, causing large explosions on impact.

"You wish!" Caulifla yelled as she flew through the smoke and punched him in the face but her fist seemed to faze through him, "Afterimage!"

"Yep." Akuma said as an energy blast hit her in the back and she flipped through the air before crash landing, "Kale why don't you come help her out."

"Right!" Kale said as she ran up to Caulifla, who was climbing out of a pile of rubble, and they powered up to Super Saiyan Two as All Might walked in to check on them. Akuma grinned before transforming himself but the power difference between their forms and his was staggering.

"It doesn't matter if he's stronger if we both attack him!" Caulifla yelled as she and Kale charged towards him and All Might watch in awe as Akuma blocked their attacks with ease. Akuma's eyes widened when they covered their fists with energy and sent him flying into a large boulder with devastating punches.

"Take tha-" Kale didn't get to finish her gloating as Akuma knocked the wind out of her with punch to her gut before he threw her into Caulfila before hitting them with a ball of energy. All Might thought he'd gone too far before both girls roared loudly enough for the building to shake and their aura reached high above them as they broke past their limits.

"So the training we did with Vados finally kicked in huh?" Akuma asked when the dust cleared and their hair and eyes were now a light red, "I guess you two do have a habit of going above and beyond dur-"

"Ouch." All Might said as Kale punched Akuma into the ground hard enough for him to bounce and Caulifla kicked him into the air before they both flew towards him. They were nearly blown away as Akuma released his own roar and his energy exploded off of him when he transformed into Super Saiyan Blue.

"That's enough for today." Akuma told them as he powered down and landed with a smile, "You two reached Super Saiyan God in one day and that's impressive."

"Super Saiyan God?" All Might asked as he finally made himself known but it was clear the three Saiyans were already aware of his presence, which didn't surprise him.

"During those three weeks before the tournament we trained with an angel named Vados, who you've met before, and she is the caretaker of our universe's God of Destruction." Akuma explained as the girls tried to catch their breath and they were glad to see that All Might had brought drinks for them, "I was able to obtain Super Saiyan God and Super Saiyan Blue prior to the tournament and, while they did receive the same training, they just now accessed God."

"So are you three gods now?" All Might asked with genuine curiosity and Akuma shook his head, "So just having God energy isn't enough to become one?"

"There's more to the gods than that. The Supreme Kais, who create life, are born into the position while the Gods of Destruction are chosen and the angels oversee as well as train them." Akuma explained before downing the sports drink, "I was asked if I wanted to become a God of Destruction but I told them I'd rather stay mortal."

"I think being a mortal is better." Caulifla said with a smile and Akuma and Kale nodded in agreement while All Might tried to process what he was just told, "Outside of us three you shouldn't have to deal with any of that so there's no need to try to over think it. Plus Champa wouldn't dare attack Earth while Akuma is here."

"Why?" All Might asked as he sat on one of the nearby benches and Akuma nodded to continue when Caulifla and Kale looked at him.

"Because Akuma is one of the strongest people in the multiverse." Caulifla explained with a smug grin and Akuma couldn't help but chuckle at how she said that.

"That's not exactly true. I have another form called Super Saiyan White I used during the tournament but I have no idea how to access it. I doubt even the Gods could help me." Akuma explained as he leaned against the wall, "There's two Saiyans from another universe that are on the same level as me but one of them, Son Goku, gave me a run for my money even with White."

"I want a reached with that bastard! He made me and Kale look like fools!" Caulifla said as she punched her palm before she looked like she had realized something, "Say Akuma, why do we need to attend hero school when we were chosen to fight for our entire universe over every hero on this planet?"

"You two need to learn the ins and outs of our society but I honestly don't know about me." Akuma told them before he looked at All Might for an answer and he saw that the retired hero was already pondering that.

"I suppose I can't argue against that but you'd have to talk to Nezu." All Might told him with a sigh before standing up and they followed him out of the building, "Anyways I came to talk to you three about the upcoming event on I-Island. You've been invited to go Akuma and I'm sure they won't have an issue with you bringing two guests along."

"Well do you two want to go?" Akuma asked as the 1-A apartment building came into view, "The island is actually pretty private from I've heard and it should be fun."

"I don't see why not." Caulifla told him and Kale nodded in agreement, "So when does it start?"

"You'll be getting on a plane to go there tomorrow and the event starts in thee days so you'll have time to enjoy yourselves." All Might explained and all three of them stopped while giving him annoyed looks, "I'm sorry it's last minute but they just told me they wanted you there early. I won't even be going there until the day before the event."

"Well I guess you two need to go pack your bags." Akuma said as the three of them walked towards the apartment and Akuma laughed when Caulifla and Kale turned it into a race.