
The Second Strongest Hero

Starr_Dakota · Anime & Comics
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56 Chs

Time Away For Training

"So you're going to the mountains to train?" Aizawa asked as he walked to Nezu's office with Akuma, "I'm not sure I can condone you skipping school."

"I'm asking for permission so I don't have to skip." Akuma explained with his usual stoic expression, "I want to go somewhere I can train my body to its full extent without harming anyone in the process."

"It's not completely up to me but I can understand why you'd prefer that." Aizawa said as he knocked on the door and heard a come in from inside, "We'll have to see what the principal has to say about it."

"Welcome." Nezu greeted them with a bright smile and Akuma saw All Might sitting in front of the desk, "How can I help you Akuma?"

"I was wondering if it would be okay if I trained away from the school before the tournament." Akuma explained as he stood with a confident look on his face, "My training could result in the injuries of my classmates as well as damage to the school if I actually want to improve."

"I think it's a good idea Nezu." All Might told him with a serious look, "After the strength he showed during the villain attack it wouldn't help him to improve here."

"I'm assuming you want to train until the festival?" Nezu asked him as he sat at his desk, "Alright but any class work you miss needs to be completed immediately."

"Thank you sir." Akuma said as he bowed, "You won't be disappointed."

"I plan to give you hell when you get back." Aizawa told him as he turned to leave and Akuma waves before walking out, "The other students won't stand a chance if we don't put extra restrictions on the festival this year."

"We were already discussing that but we can't disallow him being able to use his powers during the final battle or his opponents would have an unfair advantage." All Might explained with a sigh, "He has his reasons to go all out and he wants to prove to somebody that he can handle any threat."

"Who?" Nezu asked with genuine curiosity, "I can understand proving himself to all of the spectators but who could he possibly trying to impress?"

"I promised not to say anything but I will say that it's important that he does." All Might explained with a serious tone, "I trust him enough to keep my current condition a secret and I want him to know he can trust me as well."

"We definitely can't allow extended flight since he could easily out do the other students in terms of speed with that." Aizawa said as they thought of Akuma's abilities, "Excessive force should be disallowed as well to prevent any of the students from severely hurting one another."

"What about that transformation you saw at the incident?" Nezu asked All Might as he looked through his report of the villain attack, "It could give him an advantage but he can't truly prove himself without it."

"He told me he can only use that form when his anger takes full control and I doubt anyone can push him to that point." All Might explained with a calm but serious tone, "I believe it was because the villains put student Mei Hatsume in danger and it was likely his instincts that drove him to unleash his anger."

"That's the girl from Class H-1 that designed his costume right?" Nezu asked as he looked at the specifications of his costume, "I can see why he would act out like that."

"It was the fact that her life was on the line and he probably couldn't hand the thought of the villains hurting her." Aizawa said as he thought about the monsters that Akuma and All Might defeated, "I didn't stand a chance against them and that boy managed to fight and won't against one alone. I think allowing him to transform wouldn't hurt."

"We can't make it look like we are focusing on him specifically if the rules are obviously for him and it would be obvious to everyone who was there that we were restricting them with a rule against transforming."

"That settles that then." All Might told them as he stood to leave, "This years Sports Festival is going to be a sight to see."

"I have a request as well." Aizawa said before All Might could leave, "I think it would help him if Mei Hatsume went with him. If she is the key to his power then her presence would help keep him in check during his training."

"That's a good idea." All Might agreed and Nezu nodded with an excited smile, "That girl is more important to him than I think even he knows. It would probably help put him at ease knowing she was there."

"Hos training would be hindered by any thoughts of her being in danger." Nezu said as he pulled her file out of the drawer next to him, "I'll let everyone know myself and we'll just have to wait and see what Akuma can do."

"You ready?" Akuma asked Mei as she met him outside of her home with a smile on her face, "We shouldn't have any restrictions with anything since we'll be far away from the city."

"I'm already prepared to test plenty of my babies!" She told him with an excited smile, "With nobody holding me back and I bring my big projects with us!"

"Hold on to your things tightly." Akuma told her as he picked her up and flew them towards a mountain he used to train at. Mei looked at the scenery they were flying over with a huge smile that made Akuma happy. It didn't take them long to get to his old training area and she saw an old cabin sitting on the edge of the clearing.

"Who made this?" Mei asked him as they made their way inside and she noticed that it wasn't falling apart but it wasn't in good condition either, "It looks like it hasn't been used in a long time."

"I'm not sure to be honest but I haven't met anyone else up here so I just assumed it abandoned." Akuma explained as he led her to the largest room and she saw that the bed inside was far nicer than the rest of the building, "I come here occasionally to keep it from rotting away since it's in such a beautiful area."

"I could easily make a baby to fix this place up." Mei told him as she began to dig through the bag full of equipment and he helped her set up a work space, "Since it won't be hero oriented it shouldn't be dangerous at all."

"Do whatever you want." Akuma told her with a soft smile before he went to the guest bedroom and he laid his bag on the old bed and went into the bathroom to make sure the water still worked. It surprisingly managed to have hot water and it seemed safe to drink so he knew that Mei would be more comfortable. It was getting dark outside so they decided to get some sleep so they could start early the next morning. Akuma woke up to the sound of Mei working on one of her inventions and he looked out the window to judge what time it was.

"It's barely daylight and she's already busy huh?" Akuma said as he climbed out of bed and got dressed in his training outfit. He didn't bother disturbing her as he headed for the nearby lake to get them some food. He saw her setting up on of her inventions as he came back with a few fish he managed to catch and she happily waved at him.

"I'm about to cook breakfast." Akuma told her as he turned to find firewood but she stopped him.

"I brought a baby along so we wouldn't have to worry about cooking anything ourselves. I can't promise how it'll taste though." Mei explained as he put the fish in a strange machine and a few minutes later it beeped to let them know the food was done, "It can only make basic foods out of the ingredients we put in but it'll be edible."

"That's all that matters." Akuma said as they began to eat and once they were done he sat down in the middle of the clearing to meditate as she went inside to begin her own work. He thought about the feeling he had when he was in during the U.S.J. incident and he remembered having a tingling feeling in his back as he flew towards the facility. It took a few hours to figure out how to cause the tingling at Mei was surprise when his body suddenly began to glow with a yellow aura as she setup a machine next to the cabin and she watched him stand up and take several deep breaths before his hair and eyes changed colors.

"You did it!" Mei yelled happily as he looked at his hands in surprise, "I thought it would take longer than that!"

"That was the easy part. Now I have to learn how to control this form while trying to keep it up for longer than a few minutes." Akuma explained as his hair began to change back to its natural black, "It'll probably take me our entire time up here to do that."

"Can't make any babies to help with that one." Mei told him with a smile as he closed his eyes again and the yellow aura returned.