
The Second Strongest Hero

Starr_Dakota · Anime & Comics
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56 Chs

The Sports Festival?

"Oh you're awake." Recovery Girl said as she walked into the infirmary and saw Akuma watching the students walk towards the campus, "You burned up quite a lot of energy during the incident young man."

"How long was I out?" Akuma asked her as she laid his new school uniform on the bed with a sigh.

"You were asleep for the entire weekend and since you told the school that you lived alone we decided to just let you rest here." Recovery Girl explained as he began to changed behind a curtain, "I recommend you hurry to class if your better now."

"Right." Akuma agreed before quickly leaving the infirmary and making his way to his classroom. As he rounded walked down the hallway he saw a bandaged Aizawa standing at the classroom door. They didn't say anything to each other as he opened the door and the class looked surprised that they were there.

"Be quiet and sit down." Aizawa ordered them as he walked to his desk and as he was explaining the Sports Festival he saw Akuma slowly falling asleep, "None of you better slack off on your training."

"Are you alright?" Izuku asked Akuma and he just nodded before he began to write the lesson down in his notebook. Class went by as usual despite the villain attack they went through and the belk finally rung for lunch.

"I am here!" All Might yelled as he opened the door and surprised everyone except Akuma, "Young Midoriya and Young Akuma would you like to have lunch together?"

"Alright." They said in unison as they got their lunches and followed All Might to the teacher's lounge. As soon as he shut the door All Might returned to his smaller form and Akuma looked at him with concern as he coughed blood.

"I want to speak to you about that you saw at the U.S.J. facility." All Might told him with a serious tone and Akuma nodded as he sat down next to Izuku, "Years ago I got into a fight with a villain and he nearly destroyed all of my organs, forcing me to take this form when I can't handle my quirk."

"All for One right?" Akuma asked with an surprised tone and. All Might's eyes widened, "You two fought and nearly killed each other."

"How do you know about that?" All Might asked as his eyes narrowed and Akuma sighed as he set his chopsticks down, "That information was hidden from the public."

"Before I say anything I want you two to know that I'm on your side and I don't want what I'm about to say to leave this room." Akuma told them with a serious tone and they both nodded in agreement, "Alright. All for One found me when I landed here and took me in as his son or at least that's what he told me. I honestly don't remember that far back."

"He's your dad?" All Might asked in utter disbelief before his eyes turned serious, "If that's the case then why are you at U.A.?"

"Because he made my life a living hell and I want to stop him. When I found out you were one of my teachers I wanted to ask you for help but I figured you'd either think I'm lying or treat me like any other villain."

"You're clearly a good guy though." Izuku said as he stood up and Akuma smiled at that.

"A lot of people think I'm going to stand by my father eventually but I want to stop him more than you could ever know." Akuma explained as he saw how speechless All Might was as he sat down, "All for One needs to be stopped and I won't stop for anything to make that happen."

"But you and All Might could take him down easily with your strength." Izuku said before he started to mutter and both Akuma and All Might gave him strange looks, "With that powerup you used during the incident wouldn't it be possible?"

"Even with that form I don't hold a candle light to him." Akuma explained with a low voice, "It took everything I had to beat that Nomu and All for One is significantly stronger than that monster. Not to mention I'm not sure how long I can use it or how to even control it. He probably knows that and there's probably a plan ready to counter it already."

"I hate to admit it but Akuma's right." All Might said with a sigh as he leaned further into the couch, "At the Sports Festival I have a request for you two."

"I'm not going to hold back." Akuma told him quickly and All Might waved him off.

"I want you two to use everything you have and tell the world I am here." All Might told them with a thumbs up before his face turned serious again as he turned to Akuma, "I know just how cruel that man can be and I can tell by the look in your eyes when you talk about him that you really are on our side. Neither of us are going to say a word of this to anyone."

"Let's give our all Akuma." Izuku told him with a smile as he held his fist out and All Might got a small smile when Akuma returned the gesture, "I'll be gunning for the top as well!"

"You're on!" Akuma told him with a smirk before the bell telling everyone lunch was over rang throughout the school and the two stood up to leave. Akuma gave a pleading look to All Might that he almost didn't notice and the man smiled to him. Their day continued as normal and when the final bell rang Akuma nearly sprinted to Class H-1. He opened the door as an explosion went off and nearly knocked him to the ground out of surprise. When the smoke cleared he saw Mei standing in front of the smoking remains of one of her many inventions with a smile.

"You really can't help bit make things explode can you?" Akuma asked as he shut the door behind him and nearly made both Mei and the teacher jump out of their skins, "I see the incident hasn't changed you one bit."

"I was wondering when you were going to wake up." Mei said with her usual crazed smile before she flicked him in the head, "Don't do that again."

"Yes ma'am." Akuma said as he rubbed his forehead before they both started laughing and the teacher smiled at them, "What are you trying to make this time?"

"Seeing you fight that monster made me think of a new baby!" She said with excitement, "I'm making adjustments to your costume so that it takes the damage you receive and turns it into energy you can use to stay up and running!"

"That does sound great but how would that work?" Akuma asked as he examined his costume, "I'm guessing it'll convert the kinectic energy into something I can use as a power outlet of sorts?"

"You're a lot smarter than I thought." Mei teased as she tossed the destroyed electronics into the pile of her inventions in the corner, "The problem is that I can't get it to convert the energy without overloading the circuits."

"Instead of trying to force electronics to do it why don't you try to get it to work similar to a bike or windmill?" Akuma asked as a walked to the whiteboard and began to draw examples, "They use batteries to store the energy rather than have a constant flow that can overload at anytime. The battery can only handle so much but it'll last longer than normal circuits can."

"So what you're saying is the kinetic energy with be forced to potential energy by being stored instead of constantly putting strain on the wiring?" Mei asked as they both began to write equations on the board and the teacher was surprised anyone could even remotely keep up with her, "There is a risk that the battery can be damaged and cause massive damage to you."

"We can make a powersource outside of the costume that I can fill with my own energy and I can release it all at once if I need to." Akuma explained as he drew an example of Bakugou's gauntlets, "One of my classmates uses gauntlets on his arms to store the nitroglycerin that his sweat secretes to allow him to unleash a massive explosion without extra strain to his own arms."

"We're talking about something that may have to use too much of you're own energy to be of actual use." The teacher said as he looked at the now filled whiteboard, "If you had someone with an electric quirk then they would be able to help charge it quickly but it could also cause massive backlash if something goes wrong."

"These are only ideas that we shouldn't put to test quite yet." Mei told them and they were surprised that she was being careful about an invention, "The amount of electricity that it can output might be enough to kill you if something goes wrong."

"Yeah in all honesty it probably won't work but it was fun to try." Akuma said with a smile as they cleaned the whiteboard and he watched as she began to work on another of her babies. His eyes hardened as he thought about what All for One would do if he managed to get his hands on her. Akuma looked at the clock and realized how long they had actually been talking about his costume.

"Hatsume it's about time you two call it a day." The teacher said as he noticed the time as well and she pouted before smiling as she out her tools away, "You two have a lot of work to do for the Sports Festival."

"Well I'll see you guys later." Akuma said as he left eh classroom with a wave and once he got outside he flew home. He was glad that when he opened the door his father wasn't waiting for him and he quickly fell asleep on his couch.