
The Second Strongest Hero

Starr_Dakota · Anime & Comics
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56 Chs

Explosive Power

"Dammit!" Akuma yelled as he flew at high speed and he could see Ita running down a side road leading to a large facility from the school. He landed further ahead of him so he wouldn't take him by surprise and saw the panicked look on his face.

"Thank goodness you're here Akuma!" Ida yelled as he slid to a stop, "The U.S.J. building is being attacked by villains and All Might is on his way there now! Our entire class is fighting for their lives and even that girl who works on your costume is there!"

"How?!" Akuma asked as he felt his anger grow and he already knew that Shigaraki had something to do with it, "Why is Mei there?!"

"A villain with a teleporting quirk helped them get in and since Aizawa knew you'd make it to school he allowed Mei to come with us so she could see your costume in action! The teachers have already been defeated and the others are trying their best to protect her but we were barely able to stand against them ourselves!"

"Ida go to the school now!" Akuma yelled before launching off of the ground with enough force to destroy it and Ida continued his sprint to the school.

"Hatsume!" Izuku yelled as a large Nomu ran towards her and she was frozen in fear, "You have to run!"

"You bastards!" All Might yelled as he tried to get away from the other Nomu so he could help her but it wasn't allowing him any time to get away. Suddenly a bright yellow light crashed through the roof of the facility and hit the ground with enough force for the air to spin around it before wind blew in every direction. The Nomu was sent tumbling away from the force of the impact and the nearby students saw Akuma standing in front of Mei. with golden hair and a yellow aura violently flowing around him. The Nomu stood up and stared at the enraged Saiyan while Mei tried to process what had just happened. The Nomu charged Akuma with its arm cocked back and they saw Akuma looking at Shigaraki with anger.

"Woah!" Mei yelled as Akuma and the Nomu suddenly clashed fists and Todoroki shielded her with a wall of ice before grabbing and leading her away. Akuma locked hands with the Nomu and the ground began to crack from their power struggle.

"Annoying bastard!" Akuma yelled as he planted both of his feet on the Nomu's face but it held on to him and slammed its head into his chest. The Nomu threw Akuma away and he landed in front of Mei and Todoroki. He stood to his feet while holding his now broken ribs and Mei grabbed his arm.

"Here!" Mei yelled as she handing Akuma a case and he saw his costume inside. He turned to Todoroki with a serious look in his eyes before a wall of ice blocked the Nomu's path and Akuma quickly put on the upper half and boots of his costume. They got prepared for the ice to break when a dark portal appeared behind them and Akuma saw the Nomu swing a fist at Mei.

"Go now!" Akuma yelled to her as he blocked the attack and she began to run to the others waiting at the door. He flipped above the Nomu and brought his foot down on its head but it had no effect on the monster.

"These Nomus have shock absorption and regeneration." Shigaraki said with a wicked laugh as Akuma delivered fierce blows to the monster's face and body. Shigaraki stopped laughing when Akuma flew into the air with energy charging in his hands and when he reached the ceiling he raised his hands above his head.

"Akuma don't do it!" Izuku yelled at the enraged teen but his pleads fell on deaf ears as blue streaks of energy rained down on the Nomu, destroying everything they hit with massive explosions. Izuku realized the Nomu was regenerating even after the amount of destructive force Akuma had used. Akuma landed on the ground as the Nomu's body was only half regenerated and they watched as a blue orb of energy formed in his hand.

"Try to heal after this asshole." Akuma said as he threw the orb like a ball and when it hit the Nomu an explosion far bigger than the others rocked the area, sending dust flying throughout the facility and blocking everyone's view of them. When the dust cleared everyone saw Akuma holding onto the Nomu's wrist as it tried to stab him with its claws from a dark portal. He pulled the Nomu through the portal before sending it back with a fierce punch to its face and the monster quickly stood back up before sprinting for him. Shigaraki saw Akuma's hair turn black for a brief moment as he got into a power struggle with the Nomu and he got a wicked grin.

"Nomu finish him now!" Shigaraki yelled and the monster suddenly headbutted the Saiyan. Akuma stumbled back as he world spun and his hair flickered again. He shook his head and watched as All Might sent his Nomu flying through the ceiling.

'I have to finish this now or we're dead!' Akuma thought as he felt how weak All Might's energy was. Akuma screamed as he pulled the last of his energy out and the pros could hear it echo across the campus. The Nomu punched Akuma in his jaw but he grabbed its arm and slammed it into the ground hard enough for it to bounce back up before following it up with a massive blow to its face. The Nomu bounced along the ground and before it could recover he kicked it into a nearby building.

"All Might!" Izuku yelled as they watched Akuma's hair began to switch from gold to black rapidly as he and the Nomu traded lightning fast punches, "We have to do something!"

"Get out of my school!" Akuma yelled as his remaining energy was focused into his fist and he narrowly dodged the Nomu's fist going for his face. He slammed his fist into the monster's jaw and a bright yellow light exploded from his fist. The Nomu broke the sound barrier as it flew across the facility and destroyed the buildings it hit before crashing through a wall leading to the outside.

"Both Nomu's are out of the game?" Shigaraki asked as he scratched his neck and he turned to Kurogiri, "Let's go."

"You're not going anywhere!" Akuma yelled as he flew towards them and a dark portal appeared in front of him. Shigaraki's hand reached for his face before he was shot several times when the Pro Heroes finally showed up. The two quickly fled through a portal as Akuma crashed go the ground and rolled to a stop in front of Izuku and All Might. He saw All Might transform into a small frail man but he could barely move since he had burned through all of his energy.

"Are you ok kid?!" Cementoss asked as he ran over to Akuma and his vision faded as the hero kneeled in front of him. The last thing he saw was a small old lady walking towards him.