
The Second Strongest Hero

Starr_Dakota · Anime & Comics
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56 Chs


"Why couldn't we just fly here ourselves?" Caulifla asked as they walked out of the airport and Akuma just shrugged his shoulders, "Of course you don't know. Do you at least know why they went out of their way to bring us here?"

"It's probably because of that Saiyan you and Cabba helped me beat because not many people know about that tournament." Akuma explained while looking at the crowd in front of them before they rose above the buildings and flew towards the hotel at high speed, "Either way it doesn't really matter!"

"I guess you're right." Caulifla said as they landed in front of the hotel and quickly checked in before dropping their bags off in their room, "So what's the plan?"

"I have absolutely no idea." Akuma told her as he opened the door to the balcony and he saw an area in the distance that looked like an arena of sorts, "Actually I think I may have an idea."

"What?" Kale asked as she and Caulifla walked over and he pointed to the arena he saw. They nodded before all three of them flew towards it with high hopes.

"So people are trying to see if they can beat robots?" Caulifla asked when they landed and saw a display showing how long different groups had lasted, "Should be a piece of cake."

"It may seem like that on the surface but the reason everyone is struggling is because the robots are automatically adjusted to match their opponents." The lady at entrance explained and the three Saiyans looked excited, "Well everyone it looks like we have our next challengers!"

"How many people do we need?" Kale asked as they watched the current group begin to get overwhelmed by the robots and the lady held up four fingers as she continued to announce the battle, "We only have three Sis."

"Then I guess I have to help you losers out." Bakugou told them as he walked up to them and Akuma looked surprised to see him, "I got invited for winning the Sports Festival."

"Well let's show these guys how U.A. does things." Akuma said with a grin as Kale finished signing them up and after a few minutes it was their turn. They stepped into the arena as four robots were brought in by a machine and Akuma could tell that the technology on I-Island was no joke.

"Looks like this might actually be fun after all." Caulifla said as she hopped in place before they went Super Saiyan and took their fighting stances. The moment the buzzer sounded a robot fired a barrage of rockets that Bakugou destroyed quickly and Akuma immediately crushed it with a powerful punch. A larger robot grabbed Akuma's leg with its extendable arm but before it could do anything else Caulifla kicked it into the wall and they both hit it with energy blasts, making it slide away. Kale was too caught up in watching Akuma and Caulifla as they fought the robot with perfect teamwork that she didn't noticed the robot to her right aiming an energy cannon at her.

"Watch out!" Bakugou yelled as he shoved Kale out of the way when a large beam of energy flew straight for her and her eyes widened as he was engulfed in the explosion. When the smoke cleared she saw that Akuma had gone into Super Saiyan God and blocked the attack last second while Caulifla was standing over what was left of the robot in her God form. Kale ran over to Bakugou and helped him up with a look of shame. Bakugou was confused as to why she was acting like that but decided not to push the subject as Akuma destroyed the last robot and the crowd cheered for their victory. Akuma and Caulifla gave the two serious looks as the returned to their base forms before giving them wide smiles.

"Congratulations on being the first ones to ever win this challenge!" The lady from before yelled as they walked out of the arena and she handed Akuma four tickets, "The reward is a cash prize of ten thousand split between equally amongst you four. Enjoy the rest of your stay on I-Island!"

"I suppose it makes sense that the money is solely for I-Island since we're in international waters." Akuma said as they each took their share of the money and began to walk down the crowded street, "So now what?"

"We're able to use our power freely right?" Caulifla asked as she handed her money to Kale and Bakugou looked confused but nodded, "Then let's train over the ocean where we can go all out!"

"You two go ahead. I'm going to find a place for us to eat." Kale told them with a smile and the two looked at each other before flying to the ocean.

"What's the real reason you didn't join them?" Bakugou asked and Kale was surprised that he saw through her so easily, "They might not have asked but it was obvious."

"Those two should spend some time together without having to worry about others." Kale explained as she felt their energy nearly disappear and Bakugou understood what she meant, "It's better for them that way."

"I'm taking you down this time!" Caulifla yelled as they both went Super Saiyan and she charged straight for him. Both of them smiled as they clashed forearms and time seemed to slow for them before the sky was filled with explosions as they traded fierce punches and kicks. Caulifla suddenly grabbed Akuma's arm and threw him into the ocean hard enough to causing a massive splash before she followed him in. She nearly swallowed the salty water when Akuma grabbed her at full speed and nearly breaking the sound barrier as he dragged her high into the air. He was sent flying when Caulifla's energy exploded off of her and she transformed into Super Saiyan Two and she fired a barrage of red energy blasts at him. She gasped as he appeared inches from her in Super Saiyan Two and he gave her a big smile that made her face turn bright red before he returned to his base form.

"I think that's enough for now Cauli." Akuma told her as he backed away from her and she sighed as she powered down, "You're definitely getting stronger way faster than I managed to but then again I didn't have anyone to train against."

"Maybe I'm just naturally better than you." Caulifla told him with a grin and he gave her a stupid look before they began to laugh as they flew back to I-Island.