
The scourge of all peoples

I Am the scourge of the heavens and the nations! Surrender, this world

fantao_meng · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Chapter 18. The whole army is destroyed

Liu Wenyan ascended into the sky.

Without reaching the Soaring Realm, one cannot float in the air. Clearly, at this moment, Liu Wenyan had successfully manifested his willpower, officially stepping into the Soaring Realm.

Although his physical body had not yet transformed, the surrounding gathered energy was meant to strengthen his body.

Just a few dozen meters away, Wuhen was also floating, but his face looked somewhat grim.

He hadn't managed to stop it!

"Fortunately, he just manifested and hasn't physically soared yet..."

Wuhen secretly rejoiced; it wasn't the worst news.

Liu Wenyan was, after all, old. His body was deteriorating, and even if his willpower soared, his physical body was still at the Qianjun stage. Wuhen himself was at the second level of the Soaring Realm, so he wasn't too afraid of Liu Wenyan.

The Ten Thousand Races Cult still held the advantage!

Their Ten Thousand Stones stage warriors far outnumbered the opponents. The Dragon Guard's Ten Thousand Stones stage warriors were tied up by that Chen clan leader, leaving the other side to barely protect themselves with their numerous Qianjun stage warriors forming formations.


Wuhen burst forth, a short blade appearing in his hand, emitting a ghostly light, shooting towards Liu Wenyan.

"Competing in remote control power with a Civilized Master?"

Liu Wenyan looked at him and laughed, "Beasts like you can never match up. The strength of a Civilized Master is beyond the understanding of scum like you!"


The shooting short blade instantly froze!



The short blade reversed, breaking through the air, shooting back at Wuhen.

Wuhen just wanted to dodge, but Liu Wenyan's head shone with golden light, which exploded into brilliant rays in an instant!


This time, it wasn't the short blade that was fixed, but Wuhen!

Wuhen instantly felt the space around him tighten, pinning him in place.

"Dream on!"

Wuhen roared, blood streaming from his seven orifices, his eyes flashing with golden light, his whole body bursting with blood energy. With a boom, the air exploded, and Wuhen shifted slightly.


The short blade, originally aimed at his head, pierced his shoulder instead, spraying blood, but he managed to escape death.


Wuhen's face showed terror, "Impossible, you just manifested your willpower. Even if a Civilized Master is slightly stronger than me, you shouldn't be able to pin me down!"

The Civilized Master path follows the willpower manifestation route, so even newly manifested ones are stronger than ordinary Soaring stage warriors.

The physical Soaring stage warriors might not match their willpower, but their bodies were strong and full of blood energy, making it hard for the opponents to restrain them.

"That's because you're too weak!"

Liu Wenyan laughed, his face slightly pale, obviously having consumed a lot just now.

But at this moment, Liu Wenyan laughed loudly.

"Ten Thousand Races Cult, frogs in a well, yet you dare to compete with the sun and moon!"


With a light shout, the short blade embedded in Wuhen's shoulder shook instantly. Wuhen's face changed, and he shook off the blade, escaping instantly.

As a result, Liu Wenyan wasn't even targeting him.

The short blade broke through the air, extremely fast.

Several Ten Thousand Stones stage warriors fighting the city guard commander and the Chief of the Arresting Wind Hall didn't even have time to react before the short blade pierced through one of their heads.

The others were terrified, just about to flee when Liu Wenyan's willpower erupted again.

Their movements stalled, and the two Ten Thousand Stones stage powerhouses didn't hold back, their blades and swords striking out, instantly killing two Ten Thousand Races Cult warriors. The short blade pierced another one.


In an instant, four Ten Thousand Stones stage warriors fell!


Over there, a woman shouted angrily, the one entangling City Lord Wu Wenhai shrieked, "He just manifested, his willpower is limited, stall him! Damn it, stall him, do you want to be cut into pieces when you go back?"

If Wuhen hadn't feared Liu Wenyan and ran, Liu Wenyan wouldn't have had the chance to instantly kill several Ten Thousand Stones stage warriors.

Losing four top Ten Thousand Stones stage warriors was a huge loss.

Over there, Wuhen's face changed, then he gritted his teeth and rushed towards the pale-faced Liu Wenyan again.

Yes, Liu Wenyan was just pretending.

An arrow at the end of its flight!

Having just continuously pinned his weapon and himself, then several Ten Thousand Stones stage warriors, Liu Wenyan's willpower was probably exhausted. A Qianjun stage Liu Wenyan was no threat!

Liu Wenyan's face indeed looked pale, and seeing Wuhen charging back, his expression changed.

The next moment, he hurriedly retreated.

Seeing this, Wuhen was overjoyed. He reached back, summoning his short blade, speeding up, breaking through the air, rushing towards Liu Wenyan.

Liu Wenyan continued to retreat!

With a hum, Wuhen had already caught up, closing in on Liu Wenyan, stabbing his forehead with his blade!


Wuhen thrust his blade in, feeling an extremely smooth motion, without the slightest resistance, his face showing joy.

At this moment, someone behind him shouted angrily, "Fool, retreat!"

The shout jolted Wuhen awake.

It felt like a dream just now, but now, the Liu Wenyan he had supposedly killed had no shadow left—it was an illusion!

Willpower interference with reality!

"Impossible, he just manifested, how could he..."

Just as this thought flashed through Wuhen's mind, a needle as thick as chalk instantly pierced through his Purple Palace. With a puff, like a balloon losing air, Wuhen's energy instantly dissipated, unable to even maintain his floating.

"Damn it!"

The woman and the old man on the other side were both anxious, cursing Wuhen for his weak willpower, easily interfered by Liu Wenyan.

With his Spirit Aperture broken and energy leaking, Wuhen was finished!


The old man sent Xia Bing flying with a palm strike and was about to retreat from the battle, but the other nine Ten Thousand Stones stage Dragon Guards fought desperately to hold him back.


The old man didn't shout but looked at the woman, signaling with his eyes.

Let the others stay behind to cover their retreat.

Wuhen was done for!

Losing a Soaring stage warrior and facing an opponent with a newly manifested Civilized Master, they might not necessarily lose, but... why fight to the death?

At worst, the mission fails!

Did they really need to fight to the bitter end?

Just as the two reached an agreement, over there, a short blade embedded itself in Wuhen's head—his own short blade. Wuhen's eyes widened in disbelief, dying without closing his eyes!

He was dead!

Liu Wenyan had just manifested, yet Wuhen couldn't match him, killed by a Civilized Master still at the Qianjun stage.


The body fell heavily!

Liu Wenyan landed, breathing heavily. He looked at the few Soaring stage warriors still engaged in fierce battle over there and smiled, ignoring them. He shouted, "Surround and kill them!"

As soon as he spoke, his willpower reappeared!

Not far away, several Ten Thousand Stones stage warriors who were trying to escape momentarily froze. This brief moment of stillness meant death!

Zhang Yun and Zeng Hua, who had killed several Ten Thousand Stones stage warriors, were both at the ninth level of the Ten Thousand Stones stage. As high-ranking officials in Nanyuan, they were not weak. The two cooperated excellently, and at the moment Liu Wenyan pinned down the enemies, their blades and swords pierced through bodies with several thuds!

Several Ten Thousand Stones stage warriors' bodies shattered and fell, dying on the spot!

At this moment, the remaining Ten Thousand Races Cult members no longer had the courage to fight to the death!

If they fought to the end, they might not necessarily lose.

There were still nearly 20 Ten Thousand Stones stage warriors, and the two hall leaders were suppressing the Dragon Guards and the city lord. Although their strength was weakened, they could still fight. Liu Wenyan's willpower was limited.

But if they really fought to the death, they wouldn't be the Ten Thousand Races Cult.

When winning, they fought more and more bravely.

But once there was a flaw and signs of defeat, they collapsed without a fight.




Hundreds of Ten Thousand Races Cult members were terrified and fled.

Their backs were exposed to the teachers and the city guards, and in an instant, dozens of Ten Thousand Races Cult members were killed on the spot.

Already having suffered some losses, in the blink of an eye, 300 members had lost nearly a hundred, leaving the remaining 200 scattered throughout the academy.


At this moment, the two hall leaders also had no heart to fight anymore; the mission had failed.

Since it had failed, they should escape; there was no need to lose their lives here.

What honor? Fighting to the death? None of that mattered.

What was more important than their lives?

Even though they knew Liu Wenyan was probably too exhausted to fight anymore, this was Nanyuan City. If they got entangled, they would die sooner or later.

The two hall leaders, one at the third level, one at the fourth, were stronger than Wu Wenhai and the others. They fought while retreating, starting to leave the academy.

Outside the academy, the fleeing Ten Thousand Races Cult members also showed their abilities and fled quickly.

Just then, a group of people appeared outside the academy.

There were old men, middle-aged men, and the disabled.

"Archers, shoot!"

An old man with graying hair gave a low shout, and the next moment, a dozen old men bent their bows and shot!


In the blink of an eye, a dozen Ten Thousand Races Cult members' heads exploded!

"Spearmen, form up!"

Another group of dozens of middle-aged and older men intercepted with spears, their spears thrusting out!

"Swordsmen, advance!"


The sound of thuds continued, and the fleeing Ten Thousand Races Cult members completely collapsed. There were cries and pleas for mercy.

The leading old man sneered disdainfully.

With this, they dared to cause trouble in the Great Xia Mansion!

"Nanyuan Militia Corps to the rescue, kill, leave none alive!"


A group of old men roared, shaking the heavens.

Thud, thud...

One head after another fell!

In the blink of an eye, dozens more died on the spot.

Behind them, the pursuing city guards also arrived. With attacks from both sides, the Ten Thousand Races Cult was completely defeated!

"Fools, how can you retreat on the battlefield! Surrounded on both sides, if you don't die, who will!"

The old man looked indifferent, a small scene to him.

A battle of a few hundred people, could it even be called a war?

Among the Ten Thousand Races Cult, someone recognized the old man, feeling unwilling and incredulous. He knew that old man, who usually struggled to climb stairs and had to rest several times when buying groceries.

That such an old man, leading a group of park-chatting old geezers, could encircle and kill them?

"What are you looking at? Never seen killing before?"

The old man scolded, shouting, "Where are the axe soldiers? Throw!"


A dozen axes used for chopping wood flew out, thudding and precisely cleaving through more than a dozen heads.

"Old Zhang, are you blind! The axe almost hit me!"

The old man cursed, just narrowly avoiding an axe.

Behind him, a hunched old man looked helpless, "My hands are a bit shaky, I'm old, but didn't it not hit you?"

"Less nonsense!"

The old man roared again, shouting, "Kids in the back, didn't you eat? Don't you know we don't have the strength? Kill quickly, if they break through, we can't run, we can't catch up!"


The teachers, city guards, and Wind Catcher Hall members all became furious!

Shameful, utterly shameful!

In the blink of an eye, these hundreds of fleeing cult members had been killed by these old men who could barely run. If they didn't kill a few more, they wouldn't be able to show their faces.

The battle went smoothly; these people had no discipline, and at this moment, their morale had collapsed. In no time, almost no living Ten Thousand Races Cult members could be seen.

The few remaining Ten Thousand Stones stage warriors were still fiercely breaking through, but their deaths were only a matter of time.

At this moment, the most intense battles in the academy were the two Soaring stage skirmishes.

The two had fought outside the academy and had no heart left to fight, focused only on escaping.

Seeing that there was little hope of surrounding and killing both Soaring stage opponents, Xia Bing suddenly shouted, "Let him go, surround and kill the woman!"

At his command, the ten Dragon Guards instantly abandoned the old man, quickly surrounding the woman.

"Hall Master Chen!"

The woman screamed sharply, but Hall Master Chen didn't even look back, flying away at high speed.

As long as he didn't die, he couldn't care less about the others.

In almost an instant, the old man broke through several hundred meters, escaping the battle, his eyes showing relief.

A crushing defeat!

Just moments ago, they held the advantage, but as soon as they decided to retreat, they were almost completely wiped out. The old man no longer had any intention of staying; the Great Xia Mansion truly had a fierce folk spirit. He hadn't expected that group of retired veterans to erupt with such strength.

Those old soldiers, some still in the middle stages of the Thousand Jun, with deteriorating bodies, yet in formation, they had quickly killed a large group of high-level Thousand Jun.

This was the strength of the human race: strict obedience and tight military formations.

The old man felt immensely fortunate, the woman had taken the hit for him.

The woman was doomed!

He didn't think more, just ran, not caring about the consumption of his energy, running through the air.

Running on the ground made it too easy to get blocked.

However, in the air, he was also a large target.

Just as the old man was feeling fortunate, a young man appeared in front of him.

"Good luck, caught one!"

The young man chuckled, the old man's face changed, "You..."

"Assistant researcher Bai Feng from the Great Xia Civilization Academy, merit points secured!"

With a light laugh, the next moment, the old man's energy suddenly dissipated, his face turned pale, "You...dispelled my energy..."

"Yes, it's such a simple thing!"

Bai Feng laughed, "The leader of the Tianyi Cult practices the 'Yishen Technique,' just a trash technique with too many flaws. It's a cultivation method made by the Tianyi Divine Race to fool you, making your energy backlash too easy..."

"No time to chat, I have things to do, go die, thanks for the merit points!"

Bai Feng laughed again, not even approaching, his willpower burst out, instantly breaking through the old man's nine orifices, his energy completely dissipated, backlashing, the old man lost his life in an instant.


Bai Feng laughed, reaching out, and the old man's belongings flew into his hand, collected into his pouch.

"Free merit points, I like it, Soaring stage four is not bad."

Saying this, Bai Feng saw the Dragon Guards and City Lord Wu Wenhai fighting their way over and quickly asked, "Need help?"

The Dragon Guard leader shouted angrily, "Get lost! Bai Feng, you hid the whole time, now you're here to reap the benefits?"


Bai Feng said aggrievedly, "I really just arrived, Dragon Guards have bad tempers! I'm a researcher, how could I do such things..."

Saying this, he looked at Liu Wenyan chasing from behind and immediately smiled, "Congratulations, Uncle Liu, on your promotion!"

Liu Wenyan glanced at him, not giving a good face.

"I'm not your uncle, don't randomly claim relations!"

"Uncle, teacher instructed me before coming..."

"Get lost!"

Liu Wenyan was also unkind to him, his face darkened, he didn't like this guy.

Bai Feng sighed, who did I provoke?

I really just arrived, helped you kill a Soaring stage four, and this is how you treat me?

Bai Feng didn't say anything else, floating to the side, ignoring the ongoing battle, thinking that if the Dragon Guards and the city lord couldn't kill a Soaring stage three, they deserved to die.


Bai Feng was about to speak, but Liu Wenyan angrily said, "Who's your uncle!"

"Ahem, Instructor Liu, Instructor Liu!"

Bai Feng cleared his throat, smiling, "Instructor Liu, the academy received your call for help and sent me immediately, teacher is very worried about you..."

Liu Wenyan said angrily, "I don't need his worry! I'm doing fine, you came too late, want me to owe him a favor? This is official business, not a personal matter, what favor does it count as!"

"Right, right, right, you're absolutely correct."

Bai Feng didn't mind, smiling, "Instructor Liu, the academy didn't suffer too much loss, right?"

Liu Wenyan frowned slightly, behind him, the old dean arrived, panting, somewhat sorrowful, quickly said, "Five instructors died, the city guards and Wind Catcher Hall lost over ten, students...those in the classrooms are fine, but those outside, probably over ten died..."

Counting it up, nearly 30 people died in this battle.

Liu Wenyan's face didn't look good, Bai Feng also stopped smiling, awkwardly said, "I really came quickly, rushed all the way here, Dean Wang, Uncle, I'm sorry, I thought I could make it..."


Liu Wenyan ignored him, the dean didn't blame him, saying, "It's already very good, you left behind that Soaring stage, that's the best result."

As for the dead...there's nothing to be done.

The Ten Thousand Races Cult wasn't weak, this time so many came, losing 30 people to wipe out the cult, this was a victory on the battlefield.


"So strong!"

At this moment, Su Yu and Chen Hao also approached the academy gate, witnessing the earlier battle.

Su Yu was somewhat shocked, that young man was so strong.

The Dragon Guards had been surrounding Hall Master Chen for a long time, unable to take him down, almost losing lives, yet Hall Master Chen was easily killed by that guy named Bai Feng, what kind of strength did he have?

"Is this someone from the Civilization Academy?"

Su Yu couldn't help but look at Liu Wenyan in front, thinking, teacher didn't lie to me, anyone from the Civilization Academy is so strong!

A Soaring stage four was killed just like that!

And when teacher manifested his willpower, he instantly killed several Ten Thousand Stones and a Soaring stage two expert, it was unbelievable!

"Is this the power of the Civilization Academy, the power of will?"

He was shocked, Chen Hao beside him was also stunned, "Ayu, isn't Soaring very strong? Why does it feel...like paper!"

Liu Wenyan killed Wuhen like that, Bai Feng killed Hall Master Chen the same way.

So fast, incredibly fast!

In almost the blink of an eye, two Soaring stage experts were dead.

"I don't know..."

Su Yu was also shaken, his father was at the ninth level of the Thousand Jun, he always thought his father was quite powerful, but now compared...his father was really weak!

Dozens of Ten Thousand Stones died today!

With his father's strength, going to fight in the All-Heavens Battlefield, wasn't he afraid of dying!

Thinking this, accompanied by a sharp, piercing scream, the woman was beheaded by Xia Bing, dead!

The invasion of the Ten Thousand Races Cult was broken.

Total annihilation!

Hundreds of elite forces, not one left, all dead in Nanyuan.

And this day, Su Yu killed two high-level Thousand Jun, and witnessed the power of the Civilization Academy.

At this moment, in his heart, the Civilization Academy was incredibly powerful, anyone coming out was at the Soaring stage, killing Soaring like ants, and as for Instructor Liu...probably the weakest among them.

He didn't know what Bai Feng's title of assistant researcher meant.