
The scourge of all peoples

I Am the scourge of the heavens and the nations! Surrender, this world

fantao_meng · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Chapter 17 the first battle

**Outside, the battle raged on.**

**Inside the cafeteria.**

Su Yu and Chen Hao could only hear the sounds of clashing swords, painful groans, and the screams of students...but they didn't dare to peek outside.

Were they gaining the upper hand, or falling behind?

Even though Su Yu firmly believed that the teachers could win, he had no idea what was actually happening outside at this moment.


In the corner, Chen Hao clutched his knife tightly, his face pale and slightly flushed. He wanted to ask Su Yu if they should go outside.

Su Yu ignored him, his left ear twitching slightly as he listened intently.

Although his combat strength at the fourth level of the Kaiyuan realm hadn't improved much, his hearing had become much more sensitive.


Su Yu put his index finger to his lips, signaling Chen Hao to keep quiet.

A moment later, heavy footsteps sounded outside, without any attempt at concealment.

"Come out quickly, the academy has arranged for you to evacuate, gather at the south gate!"

A voice tinged with urgency came through. Moments later, a man in his thirties holding a knife entered the cafeteria, calling out, "Are there any students here? Hurry up, we can't hold them off any longer, the forces of the Ten Thousand Races Cult are too strong, we need to evacuate the academy!"

The urgent voice was accompanied by the sound of footsteps.

Chen Hao shifted slightly, looking anxiously at Su Yu. The teacher was calling for them, should they go?

Su Yu also squinted towards the door and saw the figure. He wasn't familiar, but there were over two hundred teaching staff at the academy, he couldn't possibly know them all.

Was it a teacher coming to find them?

"Is anyone here? We can't hold them off up front, we must evacuate immediately, hurry!"

The man sounded very anxious. The cafeteria was huge, at least several thousand square meters. To search the whole place would take at least a minute, wasting too much time.

In the corner.

Hearing the teacher's urgent tone and that they couldn't hold the front, Chen Hao couldn't hold back any longer. This time, without waiting for Su Yu, he hastily poked his head out and called, "Teacher, how is it outside?"

The man's eyes swept over, revealing unconcealed joy.

Students were still students, too naive.

Even though the academy constantly taught them survival principles, it wasn't enough.

Just earlier, he had used these words to lure out two hidden students from the practical combat room. Soon, he had induced two students from multiple rooms on an entire floor within about 10 seconds.

If he had to search himself, it would take at least two minutes.

Without having faced setbacks or been on the battlefield, a few deceptive words would be taken seriously by these kids.

"The situation outside is dire, come quickly, follow me, there's no time to waste..."

As he spoke, the man swiftly approached Chen Hao.


The man's face couldn't hide his joy. Among 300 elites, 200 went to fend off the instructors, city guards, security teams, and the Wind Brigade.

Even though they were outnumbered, they still had the advantage because many of those people were in the early to mid-Qianjun realm.

The rest were either attacking classrooms or searching for scattered students within the academy.

Attacking classrooms had instructors desperately defending.

Scattered students were few and hard to find, but without any protection, they were easier to kill.

Thousands of students, even if all were slaughtered, each person would not kill more than ten.

And he had already secured three!

In the next few minutes, his harvest could be even greater.

"Hurry over, leave the academy..."

The man moved quickly, speaking continuously as he rushed towards Chen Hao.

To them, students were just a single slash away. The challenge lay in finding the scattered students. Once found, it was a guaranteed success!

Chen Hao stood up, ready to leave, and instinctively glanced at Su Yu.

At this moment, Su Yu was also watching this "teacher."

When the man first spoke, Su Yu thought he was a teacher coming to find them, but soon Su Yu sensed something was off.

It wasn't that he had rich experience, but in his dreams, he had been hunted too many times. The man's urgent tone was just like the roaring beasts that chased him.

It felt as if he was shouting, "Come to me and die, I can't wait."

Although the words weren't the same, the urgency, the eager-to-kill-you feeling, was identical, the same tone!

At this moment, Su Yu couldn't help but take a closer look.

The next moment, sweat oozed from Su Yu's forehead.


**Although the instructors' clothing might not be uniform, they always wear their work badges, no matter what they wear. This guy doesn't have one!**

**Did it fall off?**

**Was the battle too intense, causing it to fall off?**


Su Yu saw it—the long knife slightly raised, the starting motion for drawing the blade. He was going to strike!

"Damn, Haozi, you idiot!"

Cursing silently, Su Yu didn't have time to think or regret his carelessness. He lacked experience. He and Chen Hao were just students from a medium-level academy, never having faced such a situation before.

They thought the enemy would charge in openly, that the enemy would be fierce and terrifying. They never imagined the enemy would lure them, the weak ones.


With a soft cry, Su Yu quickly jumped down, his heart pounding.

The man's hand paused, and he was overjoyed!

Another one!

Four now!

Su Yu's hand holding the knife was drenched with sweat. He was nervous, scared, uneasy...

But he held on. He had been killed too many times in his dreams. Even though he was scared, it was only because this was his first real experience. He adapted faster than others.

"Teacher, are we really losing outside? We still have over ten students here. Can I call them to come with us?"

Su Yu spoke hastily, turning his head to glance deeper into the cafeteria. "Otherwise, they won't be able to leave either."

Over ten more?

The man was ecstatic!

Over ten more!

He was going to make a fortune!

He could kill dozens of students today!

Even those in the Wanshi realm might not have as much merit as he would today. He was going to score big.

The man wanted to laugh, laugh wildly. Over ten Kaiyuan students were still easy prey. He could kill one with each strike, and they wouldn't be able to escape.

Originally wanting a quick battle, the man quickly changed his mind and said urgently, "Quick, call them all out. We need to leave immediately."

Su Yu's heart was still pounding, but he didn't say more and turned to face the man.

At this moment, the man only needed one slash, and Su Yu would be finished.

Su Yu turned around and swallowed the essence blood, his back facing the man as he walked deeper into the cafeteria, uneasily saying, "Teacher, can we take more people? I know there are many students hiding in other places too. I don't know if you can find them..."


The man was overjoyed, there were more!

He quickly followed Su Yu, leaving Chen Hao alone, thinking he could deal with him anytime.

He didn't notice that Chen Hao's face had turned pale, drenched in sweat in an instant.

Having known Su Yu for so many years, how could he not understand his close friend?

There were no over ten students, no other people...

This was...fake!

**People from the Ten Thousand Races Cult!**

**He almost got Su Yu killed!**

"I'm so stupid, I'm so dumb, I... I'm sorry, Yu, I'm sorry..."

Chen Hao's legs were weak, and his whole body felt powerless. But at this moment, he remembered Su Yu's previous words and hastily shouted, "Teacher, I... I'm scared, I can't move, can you help me?"

He was truly scared and really couldn't move, his legs trembling.

The man turned, a bit impatient.

If it weren't for the need to find the remaining students smoothly, he would have slashed this guy by now. He was worried that killing him now would scare the others still hiding, causing them to run away chaotically, making it impossible to catch them all.

"I'll help you!"

Despite his impatience, the man turned back, reaching out to grab Chen Hao, planning to drag him along.

"Haozi, you're so useless, always troubling the teacher..."

Behind him, Su Yu spoke, gripping his knife tightly, his hands sweaty, making the hilt slippery.

As he spoke, Su Yu got closer to the man. When the man reached out to grab Chen Hao, a fierce look flashed in Su Yu's eyes. Now was the time!

"Haozi, walk by yourself, don't trouble the teacher..."


The sound of the knife cutting through the air was heard. The man instinctively turned his head, a thought flashing in his mind: Did he find out?

Even if he did, it didn't matter; it's just a Kaiyuan student...

Kaiyuan... just a Kaiyuan?


No, it wasn't!

The man, initially intending to dodge, suddenly felt his limbs go numb. There was no initial pain on his neck, but a moment later, an intense pain surged!

"This strike is inaccurate. This is not how you cut a head..."

Such a thought inexplicably flashed through the man's mind. It was too painful; to decapitate, you need to be fast, precise, and ruthless. This guy was not precise enough. His head didn't fall off instantly, it hurt!


The head fell to the ground!

The man's body was still standing, maintaining the posture of turning his head, just without a head.

The long knife was still in his hand, and the other hand was still reaching forward. His dozens of students... gone!


One second, two seconds, three seconds...


The body collapsed!


Like a bellows, Su Yu was panting heavily, his mouth dry, his mind blank.

Chen Hao's face was splattered with blood, also blank.

He killed him!

Yu killed that guy with one strike!

"Yu... Yu..."

Chen Hao's limbs went limp, and he collapsed to the ground, crawling quickly towards Su Yu, not caring about losing face. He almost wet his pants just now.

"Yu... Yu... you... I... he's dead, he's dead..."


Su Yu looked at the corpse in front of him, at the blood on the ground, his throat hoarse and dry, "Calm down! Calm down, he's the enemy, a beast from the Ten Thousand Races Cult. Haven't you seen executions before?"

"Let's go... change places... hide... or more of them might come..."

At this moment, Su Yu didn't care about dealing with the body. They had to run.

That strike just now made his whole body ache, not physically, but mentally.

"Yes, go, quickly go..."

Chen Hao said, about to crawl away, but suddenly gritted his teeth, closed his eyes, and turned back to the man's body, reaching out to grope around.

Closing his eyes, he didn't dare to think or look.

But he remembered, he could go to the War Academy, he could go to the War Academy!

He fumbled around, feeling a lot of sticky stuff on his hands. He didn't dare think about it. The next moment, he felt a small cloth bag. Without thinking or looking, he stuffed it into his pocket, turned, grabbed Su Yu's leg, and crawled away together.

Su Yu, being dragged like this, felt a bit less nervous and scared, couldn't help but scold, "Thinking about this at a time like this, you want to die!"

"We can... go to the War Academy... Yu... you killed him, you're amazing..."

Su Yu didn't have time to say more, dragging Chen Hao quickly away from the cafeteria.

He didn't dare to go far, fearing another encounter with the enemy. He hid in a dark corner outside the cafeteria.

"Thump, thump, thump..."

His heart was still pounding, but Su Yu gradually calmed down. Soon, he exhaled, "It's nothing!"

"I've even gotten used to being killed myself, what's there not to get used to!"

With a self-mocking smile, he thought, I've been killed so many times in my dreams, I'm used to it, aren't I?

I can die myself, why should I be afraid of killing the enemy?


Outside, the fighting continued.

Although it seemed like a long time, from the moment the man entered until he was killed and they left, it probably took less than a minute.



"Did you wet your pants?"

"No... no, don't talk nonsense, no!"

Chen Hao's face turned red, no!

But Chen Hao quickly glanced down at his crotch and breathed a sigh of relief. Just now, he felt he had lost all feeling and didn't know if he had wet his pants.

"Yu... you're amazing!"

"Shut up!"

Su Yu looked around, hearing the shouts of the teachers and seeing what seemed like people searching in the distance.

"They're at a disadvantage!"

If they weren't, the teachers wouldn't let these Ten Thousand Races Cult people search for students within the academy.

There must be scattered students, and some might already be dead.

Su Yu looked at the knife in his hand, quickly wiped the blood off with nearby grass and trees, regained his composure, and gritted his teeth, "Haozi, are you afraid of dying?"

"Afraid... not afraid!"

"Go, see if there are any people. If you see anyone, tell them there are a few students hiding here waiting for rescue, go ask for help!"


Su Yu gritted his teeth, "The teachers can't take care of everything. If others are found, they'll be dead! Lure one or two over here, I'll kill them, and we can save a few more students!"


Chen Hao called softly, quickly thinking of how Su Yu had killed that guy with one strike just now. It didn't seem so scary after all!

"Okay, I'll go. Yu, you... can you really kill them?"

"I can!"

"Alright, kill one more. The last one was yours, the next one... can you lend it to me? I... I also want to go to the War Academy."


Chen Hao seemed to forget his fear, grinning foolishly, he wanted to go to the War Academy.

His legs and feet stopped trembling. The next moment, Chen Hao bent over and walked forward, poking his head out from the corner of the wall, looking around. Soon, he saw many Ten Thousand Races Cult members searching for students within the academy.

The nearest one was less than a hundred meters away.

Chen Hao was still a bit scared, but he forced himself to suppress his fear and trembled, "Teacher... is that you, teacher?"

Not far away, that person's ears twitched slightly, instantly turning to look at Chen Hao.

"Is it the teacher? We're... we're scared, teacher, can you take us away?"


The eyes of the Ten Thousand Races Cult member not far away flickered. These students mistook them for teachers?

Yes, both sides are human, there's not much special difference. How can a group of students recognize the difference?

Experienced ones can naturally see the difference at a glance, but what do these students who have never experienced any setbacks know?

"Teacher, there are a few more people here, can you take us away? Just now... just now someone was trying to kill us..."

"A few more?"

The person not far away was moved, seeing Chen Hao's genuinely terrified face. This wasn't an act; he could tell it was real fear.

The next moment, the man quickly rushed over.

As for an ambush... he didn't think about it.

If the academy teachers had time and energy to set up ambushes, they would have gone to the front to fight.

The academy was fighting everywhere, even struggling to protect those gathered students. How could they have the time and manpower to ambush them?

Chen Hao scrambled and crawled, quickly drilling into the shadows behind the wall.

The man's ears twitched. Even if he wasn't afraid of an ambush, he instinctively added a bit of caution. Completing the Kaiyuan, his ears were sharp and his eyes were bright. Unless someone was much stronger than him, he could still hear some sounds.

"There's another student inside!"

He heard faint breathing, somewhat nervous and heavy, not something a Qianjun stage person would have.

"He said a few, are there more people hiding elsewhere?"

The man thought, glancing at the other searchers in the distance, adding a bit of caution. This was his merit, he didn't want those guys to discover it.

The next moment, the man entered the shadow behind the wall. Sure enough, there was another student here.

Equally pale.

"Teacher is here? Zhou Tao and the others are still waiting for us. Teacher, what's going on, did the Ten Thousand Races Cult bastards attack?"

Su Yu quickly said a few words, looking happy, seemingly terrified, he threw away the knife in his hand and ran towards the man.

"Teacher, I'll take you to them..."

He even threw away the knife!

The man instantly dropped his guard. A Kaiyuan holding a knife was a bit threatening, but unarmed... even if they attacked, they couldn't kill a Qianjun.

They really thought he was their teacher!

Stupid kids!

"Where are they?"

The man spoke with a hint of joy in his voice. Like the previous one, he felt the merit was delivered to him, unable to hide his joy.

"Teacher, just follow me..."

Su Yu reached out to grab the man's arm as if to lead him away.

The man frowned slightly, wanting to dodge but restrained his desire to kill, letting him grab for a while...


While thinking, the hand moved quickly, like a sharp claw, piercing through his flesh, penetrating his heart. The other hand grabbed his knife-wielding hand, a crack sound, the arm was broken!

The man wanted to scream, but the next moment his throat was torn apart!

"Hiss, hiss..."

Large amounts of blood gushed from his mouth. The man fell, looking up at Su Yu, still confused.

Qianjun, still high-level Qianjun!

How was it possible!

This was Nanyuan, how could there be a Qianjun stage student, impossible.

Su Yu quickly searched the man's body, dragging Chen Hao, who no longer knew fear, and quickly fled.

This idiot really thought he could kill anyone and didn't run, why so excited!

While fleeing, Su Yu suddenly saw a golden light. He looked up.

At this moment, Su Yu was stunned.

In the air, a familiar figure floated, covered in golden light.

"Teacher Liu..."

Chen Hao saw it too, equally stunned.

In the air, Liu Wenyan shone with golden light, the surrounding energy converging towards him.

Liu Wenyan's voice wasn't loud but carried far, "Ascending is not my wish, I only wish for peace among the races..."

So cool!

So fake!

At this moment, these two thoughts flashed through Su Yu's mind. Cool, but fake. Teacher Liu clearly wanted to manifest his will and ascend to the sky, saying it's not his wish, liar!