
The scourge of all peoples

I Am the scourge of the heavens and the nations! Surrender, this world

fantao_meng · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Chapter 19 harvest

Nanyuan City won, and the city began post-war cleanup work.

At the same time.

Just as the entire Nanyuan City exterminated the followers of the myriad races, outside Daxia Mansion.

Duantou Mountain.

On a peak that looked as if its head had been severed, Xia Longwu slashed off the last head of a god tribe member. With a thunderous sound, the five-meter-tall corpse fell heavily to the ground.

"Spare me!"

At this moment, five god tribe corpses lay scattered around the peak.

Someone was still alive!

It wasn't a god tribe member, but a human.

The leader of the Tianyi Divine Sect!

A figure that humans had been hunting and trying to eliminate but had not succeeded. He was extremely powerful!

But at this moment, this powerful sect leader knelt on the ground, trembling, and cried out loudly for mercy.

Xia Longwu raised his long knife, looked at him expressionlessly for a while, and said calmly, "Your master is dead. You should be buried with him!"

"No... Sir, I am still useful!"

The sect leader knelt on the ground, trembling, and said, "I am still useful. I can lure more god tribe members for you. I can gather the followers of the Tianyi Divine Sect. I can also infiltrate the myriad races' sects and find their bases... Sir, keeping me alive is beneficial to the human race."

Begging for mercy was useless; he had to show his value.

Xia Longwu was too strong!

He must have already taken that step!

It was a mistake, a mistake from the beginning. The Tianyi god tribe had suffered too much this time, with five top-tier powerhouses dying in the human realm, in the Daxia Mansion.

The Tianyi Divine Sect was finished. The sect leader knew it was over!

But he didn't want to die. It had been too hard to cultivate to this level. He had hope of taking that step. He even gave up the opportunity to transform into a god tribe member because he believed he still had a chance.

Xia Longwu looked down at him, condescendingly.

After a while, he smiled faintly and said, "Anything else?"

"Yes... yes... The Tianyi Divine Sect has many treasures, many treasures hidden in a secret realm. I have been to the Tianyi god tribe's territory and know their situation. I can lead the human powerhouses to attack the Tianyi god tribe's powerhouses..."

"Sir, I can also go to the battlefield of all heavens and contribute to the human race as long as you don't kill me..."

The sect leader trembled, quickly explaining his usefulness.

He didn't want to die.

They had lost!

Six top powerhouses besieging Xia Longwu, and five god tribe powerhouses were quickly killed, which terrified him. He was too scared.

"Where is the secret realm?"

Xia Longwu asked coldly.

"Sir, as long as you spare me..."

"Where is the secret realm!"

Xia Longwu asked again, with a strong murderous aura. He only wanted an answer.



A slash fell, and a head dropped.

Xia Longwu snorted coldly, too much nonsense!

If he didn't say, it didn't matter. He would have people search every inch of land. If they couldn't find it, so be it. If they did, it was a bonus.

A scum dared to bargain with him!

Wanting to live?

Wishful thinking!

The six top powerhouses were completely wiped out.

Xia Longwu started collecting corpses. The god tribe's corpses were valuable. There were five god tribe corpses here!

While he was cleaning the battlefield, a figure suddenly appeared on a nearby mountain peak.

Xia Longwu didn't even look and continued cleaning the battlefield.

"Clap, clap, clap!"

Applause sounded, and a middle-aged man on the mountain peak clapped and said with a smile, "Xia Longwu, it seems you don't need my help."

Xia Longwu ignored him.

"Are all geniuses so arrogant?"

The middle-aged man laughed heartily, "But still, given your age and how far you've come, it's quite unexpected. I originally thought that today I would have to step in to deal with these god tribe members, but you killed them all so quickly."

"By the way, why didn't you keep Yun Hao?"

Yun Hao, the leader of the Tianyi Divine Sect, a top powerhouse.

"Trash, no need to keep him alive!"

Xia Longwu finished packing up and looked to the side, coldly saying, "Zhu Tiandao, I didn't invite you to Daxia Mansion. Why are you here?"

"You, I'm at least of your uncle's generation, and you call me by name directly, sigh..."

Zhu Tiandao sighed, then quickly laughed and said, "You didn't invite me, but that doesn't mean no one did. Those old guys invited me before they left. Isn't that okay?"

Xia Longwu said no more. Apparently, someone in the mansion was worried about him facing the enemy alone.

Zhu Tiandao didn't continue on this topic, laughing and saying, "You haven't taken that step yet, right? I think you're close. It's frustrating to be stuck at this step, isn't it?"

"If you had taken that step, you could have killed these guys in the blink of an eye. There's an opportunity here that can help us go further, or at least see the path ahead..."

Xia Longwu said flatly, "No need. I know my path and have already seen it clearly! In a few days, I'll go to the battlefield of all heavens to kill a king. I will take that step! I'm not like you!"

Zhu Tiandao's tone stiffened, cursing inwardly!

Who are you provoking?

"Do you think you can succeed? You can't kill them. Now the kings of the myriad races are all cautious. Once you appear on the battlefield of all heavens, they will definitely join forces to kill you and crush your hopes!"

"Moreover, taking that step makes a big difference..."

"No need for your reminder!"

Xia Longwu couldn't be bothered to respond. He had seen invincible powerhouses before—his grandfather, the King of Daxia, was such a figure.

Zhu Tiandao sighed, "Really not interested in hearing what I have to say?"

"Not interested!"

Xia Longwu turned and started down the mountain. "If it really worked, you wouldn't be this weak. If your brother were alive, he might have had a chance to step into this realm. But you... you're much worse than him!"


Zhu Tiandao was enraged, "Kid, you can only say this to me. Be careful you don't get beaten to death when you come to Daming Mansion! And don't bring up my brother; he died when he was nine. How do you know he was stronger than me..."

"Because he was the first human genius to reach Qianjun at nine years old!"


Zhu Tiandao was speechless. Yes, his brother was a genius, a Qianjun at nine years old, but he had almost become a cautionary tale for the entire human race.

He had absorbed the blood of a demon and stepped into Qianjun in a single day, at the age of nine.

The direct descendant of the King of Daming!

Now, more people in the human race knew his brother than knew him, by ten or even a hundred times. But Xia Longwu's words still felt like a taunt.

Xia Longwu wasn't actually taunting him. He continued walking and said, "At least he had the guts to try! If you had gone to the battlefield of all heavens a hundred years ago and fought with the kings of the myriad races, you might have become invincible by now. You wouldn't be stuck at this step!"

"I won't learn from you. You're not worth learning from!"


Zhu Tiandao was speechless. After a long pause, he said, "It's easy for you to say. Xia Longwu, I want to see if you can kill an invincible in front of the myriad races! That's suicide. You have a chance to reach the invincible realm. Why rush to your death..."

"If you die, who will support Daxia Mansion? Your grandfather? No one even knows where he is right now..."

Xia Longwu's steps paused slightly, then he said, "No matter. My second uncle is still alive. I'll have him come back!"

"Him? He's even weaker than me. If it comes to that, Daxia Mansion will no longer be one of the top three mansions in the human realm!"

"It doesn't matter. It won't be your Daming Mansion replacing us anyway."


Zhu Tiandao found it impossible to communicate with Xia Longwu, feeling a bit helpless. Seeing Xia Longwu about to leave, he hurriedly said, "In three years, the Xingyu Mansion will open. Daming Mansion has 10 slots, and you have 20. How about we join forces then..."

"You're too weak. I won't team up with you."

"Xia Longwu!"

Zhu Tiandao was furious, "I came all this way to help, and this is how you treat a visitor? How is Daming Mansion weak? In three years, Daming Mansion will send its strongest generation to Xingyu Mansion! If you don't want to team up, then by the rules, since I came to aid you, you owe me a god tribe corpse!"


Xia Longwu's expression changed slightly.

"Otherwise, we team up!"

Xia Longwu turned around, stared at him for a while, and couldn't help but curse, "Shameless!"

"How is that shameless?"

Zhu Tiandao said helplessly, "We team up, and it won't cost you anything. Your Daxia Mansion is strong, but we're not weak..."


Xia Longwu snorted lightly. After a moment, he said indifferently, "Fine! But if your people from Daming Mansion are too weak, I'd rather give you a god tribe corpse! Weaklings are not qualified to team up with Daxia Mansion!"

With that, Xia Longwu took to the air and left.

Zhu Tiandao watched him go, cursing for a bit, then quickly broke into a smile. "This kid... wow, he's really strong!"

With a sigh, he knew Xia Longwu was really close to stepping into that realm.

On the surface, they seemed similar, but in reality, the gap was vast.

A hundred years ago, Zhu Tiandao had been at this level. For a hundred years, he hadn't made any progress. A hundred years ago, Xia Longwu hadn't even been born.

Every time he saw Xia Longwu, he was progressing.

No wonder he dared to take risks this time, confronting the god tribe in Daxia Mansion and killing five god tribe powerhouses in one battle.

Even though the Tianyi god tribe was strong, they would be spitting blood this time.

Five top powerhouses dead, and even the Tianyi Divine Sect uprooted.


The battle in Daxia Mansion was unknown to the world.

Few knew about the fall of the five god tribe members and the leader of the Tianyi Divine Sect.

It was too high-end for most to grasp.

The city lord and powerful figures like Liu Wenyuan were discussing the cleanup of the remaining myriad races' followers outside the city. These matters had nothing to do with Su Yu.

At this moment, Su Yu was hiding in a corner with Chen Hao, examining their loot.

"A-Yu, did we hit the jackpot?"

Chen Hao looked at the spoils laid out in front of them, somewhat excited. "A-Yu, why do these people carry so much stuff when they go out?"

"The myriad races' followers trust no one and often move around, never staying in one place. Of course, they carry good stuff with them. It's not surprising."

Su Yu wasn't particularly surprised by this.

Among the myriad races' followers, killing high-ranking members sometimes yielded little because they often had fixed residences and were deeply hidden.

But the lower ranks moved constantly, here today, there tomorrow. Killing them often meant taking all their possessions.

"Two cultivation manuals, two combat skills, five drops of essence blood. I don't know what kind of essence blood it is, but we can find out by asking..."

Chen Hao continued counting, grinning. "And a bottle of body refining pills. Too bad there are only five left. These are very helpful for Qianjun realm cultivation."

"Sixteen Anping gold coins. Each one is worth 10,000 Anping currency..."

"It's my first time holding gold coins. My dad has some, but he never gives them to me..."

Gold coins were very valuable.

The myriad races' followers sometimes didn't dare to store Anping currency, and it was inconvenient to carry, so they often exchanged it for gold coins to carry with them.

As for savings cards, these guys didn't dare to use them either, fearing that their identities would be exposed and the cards frozen.

So this time, killing two followers yielded quite a few gold coins.

Sixteen coins, 160,000!

For two high-level Qianjun realm followers, 160,000 wasn't a lot, but it wasn't a little either, considering they also had to cultivate.

"A-Yu, should we turn these in?"

Chen Hao was a bit reluctant, but still said, "We have to turn in the spoils after killing these people."

That was the rule, after all. More than one person participated in the battle.

"Turn them in..."

Su Yu thought for a moment and said, "I'll think about it. Turning them in would mean admitting we killed two myriad races' followers, but we're so weak. How could we have done it? Haozi, don't tell anyone I killed them. You know what I mean."


Chen Hao nodded, then whispered, "Ah Yu, how did you suddenly become so powerful? You're in the Qianjun realm! I heard the instructor say that those who attacked this time were all experts above Qianjun Seventh Layer. How did you break their defense and kill them?"

"Don't ask, even if you do, I won't tell you."

As Su Yu spoke, he looked again at the two small black badges. These were the symbols of the Myriad Clans Cult. The cult members generally didn't carry these to avoid revealing their identities.

But this time, it was a large-scale operation, and they needed to disperse and retreat afterward. To regroup and verify identities, almost all the attackers carried these badges to prove their identities.

So they had also seized two badges this time.

These could also represent their achievements!

Su Yu thought for a moment, then threw one of the badges to Chen Hao. He also took out a manual, a combat technique, two drops of essence blood, and six gold coins, and handed them all to Chen Hao.

"If you want to enter the War Academy, turn these in to prove you killed a Myriad Clans Cult member."

Chen Hao was excited, but then quickly deflated. "Maybe I shouldn't. If they find out, it'll be hard to explain. You killed someone at Qianjun Seventh Layer. They'll investigate thoroughly..."

He wanted to enter the War Academy, but turning these in might expose Su Yu's situation.

Su Yu smiled, "It's fine. Killing a Qianjun isn't impossible! Of course, you can't report the second one. That guy had his heart crushed by me, killed bare-handed. But the first one is fine. He was killed by a knife. If you say it was a surprise attack, it'll be okay."

"Just report it and say the other guy was careless, and you suddenly killed him with a slash."

"Ah Yu, will that work?" Chen Hao was nervous. "Maybe you should report it. Didn't you say you also wanted to enter the War Academy?"

"Me? I don't need to."

Su Yu said calmly, "If I can kill a Qianjun, do you think it's hard for me to get into the War Academy? By the way, I broke through to Kaiyuan Fourth Layer a few days ago. I think I'll reach Fifth Layer soon."


Chen Hao was heartbroken again. Seriously?

So fast!

But since Ah Yu killed a Qianjun, he couldn't not believe it.

Chen Hao looked at him with a bit of grievance. Are all geniuses this monstrous?

You didn't seem this monstrous before!

Su Yu ignored him, packed up the rest of the things, and stuffed them into his chest pocket. He whispered, "The credit can be yours, but... the merit points as a reward should be used by me! Also, you've saved up more than 10,000 yuan of private money. You need to give it all to me as payment, got it?"


Chen Hao looked pitiful. Ah Yu was really stingy. They had gained so much this time, and he was still eyeing his private money.

Was it easy for him?

He had saved it over many years, and now it was all going to be taken?

"What are you looking at? You'll get rewards for turning these in too..."

"But the academy rewards merit points!"

Chen Hao looked aggrieved. Do you think I'm stupid?

You just said, all the merit points go to you, which means I'll be broke.

"At least you have a chance to enter the War Academy, right? Just over 10,000 yuan to get into the War Academy—worth it, right?"

Chen Hao was a bit dizzy but nodded. It did seem worth it.

"Alright, it's settled then. When you report it, you can say I assisted you, but you dealt the killing blow."

"But if they examine the wounds, they'll see it wasn't just a matter of strength. What should I say?"

Chen Hao asked urgently. He wasn't clueless; experts would see through it.

"Don't worry. I checked earlier. The bodies have been collected for burning. You wait until they're burned to report. No evidence, no problem!"


"If not, then forget it. It's not like I want to go to the War Academy and need this achievement."

With that, Chen Hao hesitated.

"Fine, I'll report it! Don't worry, I won't betray you. If they investigate, let them. What's wrong with being strong!"

Chen Hao gritted his teeth. He still wanted to enter the War Academy.

This was the best chance!

Su Yu ignored him. The academy was unlikely to investigate deeply. Of course, they might have some suspicions, but with the bodies burned, no one would claim someone else's achievement. Chen Hao stepping forward would just mean the academy would pay more attention to him.

A Qianjun realm, not a Ten Thousand Stones realm. It wasn't impossible for a Kaiyuan to kill a Qianjun by coincidence.

"Ten gold coins, three drops of essence blood, five body refining pills, one manual, one combat technique..."

Su Yu was in a good mood thinking about today's gains.

He had used one drop of Ironwing Bird essence blood and gained ten times more. Excellent.

At least he wouldn't worry about spending all his dad's savings and having no food.

He would go back and carefully examine the essence blood drops. Maybe he could unlock the second page of the atlas.