
The scourge of all peoples

I Am the scourge of the heavens and the nations! Surrender, this world

fantao_meng · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Chapter 16, the beginning of the war

Nanyuan City.

Far from the affairs of the Grand Xia Palace, the people were unaware.

Outside the academy, atop a tall building.

The woman did not appear. Instead, a middle-aged man and an elderly man with graying hair stood together, gazing towards the mid-level academy of Nanyuan.

"Chief Chen, I didn't expect it would be you this time..."

The middle-aged man smiled, trying to ingratiate himself.


The old man didn't say much, frowning slightly as he looked below. After a while, he asked, "Wuhen, do you sense any traps?"


The man paused for a moment before slowly responding, "Not sure, but currently, Nanyuan indeed has only two Tengkong-stage individuals. As for the City Guards, the Centurions haven't broken through to Tengkong. I can confirm that."

"Is that so?"

The old man didn't comment further, but his brow remained furrowed.

This mission made him uneasy for several reasons.

Firstly, the commotion was too significant.

Secondly, Nanyuan seemed prepared already. Usually, in such cases, the mission would be canceled.

But not this time.

The directive from above was to proceed!

As for the Grand Xia Palace, there were no reinforcements. This was a confirmed answer from above: the Grand Xia Palace definitely had no reinforcements coming.

Thirdly, they were unfamiliar with the Grand Xia Palace.

The primary locations where the Myriad Races Cult had been active before weren't the Grand Xia Palace. While they had some strength here, their understanding of the Grand Xia Palace was not deep enough. Initiating this plan hastily was risky.

Given the nature of those people, mobilizing individuals at the Tengkong stage, even multiple Tengkong stages, there must have been extensive preparation beforehand.

"Wuhen, you've been in Nanyuan for many years. Are there any Wanshi-level experts who could fight above their level?"

"Not that I know of?"

The middle-aged man replied, "At least, I haven't heard of any. If there were, they should have gone to the Celestial Battlefield or to the Grand Xia Palace. There wouldn't be anyone left in Nanyuan. There are Centurion-stage experts, though. Previously, the leader of the Demon Suppression Army, Su Long, could challenge Wanshi-level, but that's still only Wanshi."

"Su Long?"

"A veteran of the Demon Suppression Army who has already gone to the Celestial Battlefield."

"Oh, the Demon Suppression Army... Xia Longwu's former troops. They've made quite a name in the Celestial Battlefield these years, advancing from second-tier legions to first-tier, with many strong warriors."

The old man was quite knowledgeable about the front lines. After thinking for a moment, he added, "Are there many veterans from the front-line army who have retired in the city?"

"Not too many, and they're mostly older. There aren't many from the prime years, fewer than 300, scattered throughout Nanyuan."

"These people must also be guarded against!" The old man spoke solemnly, "These veterans who have been to the Celestial Battlefield and survived retirement are tough individuals who've tasted blood on the edge of a blade. Warn those below to be careful."


The old man glanced at the sky and said no more.

After a while, a flash of firelight appeared outside the city, and within the city, a hundred-strong City Guard quickly rushed outside.

"The hundred-man team has gone again. There are less than five hundred City Guards left!"

The middle-aged man exclaimed happily, but the old man still frowned, "Be cautious!"

Knowing it's a ploy, Nanyuan still sent a large number of City Guards to exterminate the Myriad Races Cult outside the city. Was it confidence or... truly forced?

"Less than half of the City Guards remain, with over 300 guarding the City Lord's Mansion, and nearly all the rest gathered near the Nanyuan Academy. The streets are filled with members of the Windcatching Hall..."

The old man surveyed the surroundings, making a judgment. Around Nanyuan Academy, there were about 200 City Guards, less than 100 members of the Windcatching Hall, plus 260 from the Teaching and Academy Guards. The Dragon Martial Guards hadn't left, adding up to fewer than 600 individuals above the Centurion stage.

As for the students, they were disregarded.

There couldn't be any Tengkong-level existence among them.

Among the two Tengkong stages, Wanshi and the Dragon Martial Guards, there were fewer than 15 people. In fact, there was only one Tengkong stage. City Lord Wu Wenhai was still in the City Lord's Mansion, so coming would take time, but the old man still counted on the other party, considering it not too far.

"Are all the personnel gathered?"

"They're all here!"

The man hurriedly replied, "The Chief has gone to rendezvous; they're all elite. There are thirty Wanshi stages, and the remaining 300 are Centurion stages or higher! Those below Centurion stages are causing chaos outside the city."

"300 elite warriors above Centurion Sevenfold, with thirty at Wanshi stage!"

The old man pondered for a moment. With today's mobilization of six cities, the manpower elsewhere was even greater.

That meant over 2000 individuals above Centurion Sevenfold, with over 200 Wanshi stages mobilized, and probably more than 20 Tengkong stages!

With such a force, they could easily assemble an army of tens of thousands.

"They're pulling out all the stops... The reserves of the Tianyi Divine Sect are all out!"

The old man felt somewhat uneasy, a bit trembling.

The Myriad Races Cult encompasses many sects, and the Tianyi Divine Sect is considered one of the more formidable factions, having allied with a branch of the divine race.

However, even with this status, committing such a large force at once, plus blocking reinforcements to the Grand Xia Palace, almost exhausts the Tianyi Divine Sect's entire strength.

Throwing everything in at once, aren't they afraid of the Tianyi Divine Sect being completely wiped out?

Those peripheral killings are just cannon-fodder sects; they die when they die. But this time, deploying the real elite disciples is different.

"There are many merits to this mission. But slaughtering these students, it seems not worth such a big move. What exactly is the thinking from above?" The old man furrowed his brow, feeling a sense of disproportionate loss.

Unfortunately, he couldn't reach that level of decision-making.

"Never mind. We can only hope everything goes smoothly and retreat quickly, hiding our tracks."

Gathering over 300 disciples would take some time. In a small city like Nanyuan, assembling over 300 people required careful gathering. This wasn't like the Grand Xia Palace, where bringing in several hundred people would go unnoticed.

"In half an hour, we strike. Spread the word: resolve the fight within 3 minutes, evacuate all within 5 minutes, disperse after leaving the city, understood?"


The man hurriedly responded and quickly disappeared to relay the orders.

Once he was gone, the old man looked again towards Nanyuan Mid-level Academy and muttered, "The Grand Xia Palace... really can't spare a few Tengkong experts?"



At this moment, Chen Hao and Su Yu were crouching at the cafeteria door, looking around cautiously. Chen whispered, "Why are we staying here? Just now, the instructor called for all classes to gather. There's a school meeting after class ends. Aren't we going?"

"Don't go."

Su Yu gripped his knife and whispered, "It's safer with fewer people. If there are more... it's a bit dangerous."


Chen Hao didn't understand. Su Yu whispered, "Don't talk nonsense. Something might happen today; the Myriad Races Cult might be coming! We stay here, where there are fewer people..."

"But... Ayu, you mean... the Myriad Races Cult is coming? We should quickly join the instructors! We're just Yuanli, not even Centurion..."

Chen Hao started to panic.

Fear, but not too much. The academy had practiced drills for encountering the Myriad Races Cult, and even scenarios for battles on the Celestial Battlefield.

Now was the time to join the instructors.

The instructors would protect them.

"There are too few instructors. Most are going to fight, leaving only a small number to protect the students. In each class, at most three or five instructors stay behind to protect the students. With so many students, if there's real danger, they can't protect everyone..."

Su Yu whispered, "With fewer to protect, less pressure."

"But... then if we encounter... Ayu... let's go back!"

Chen Hao was really anxious.

Su Yu smiled, "Don't worry, two students wandering around, both Yuanli, strong ones wouldn't bother looking at us."

"But if we encounter a Centurion, we'll die..."

"So, let's hide as best we can. If we really encounter enemies..."

Su Yu looked at Chen Hao, "Do you trust me?"

"I do."

"If we really do, you start cursing, insult them. Let them target you first. We won't stand together; one left, one right. If they go after you, they won't bother with a little student like me..."

Chen Hao was bewildered. How ruthless!

"You go after them!"

"... "

Chen Hao's face fell. What a joke. You're a third-tier Yuanli. Breaking their defense is difficult, and you're going to kill them? Are you crazy?

"Trust me. At a time like this, going to the Prefecture Chief's place would just cause trouble. Going to class would also cause trouble. We're too weak right now; we're targets..."

"But the other students are targets too. Shouldn't we call them to hide together..."

"Fool, how could so many people hide? They'd all run around and die for sure. We still have a chance."

Su Yu wasn't too afraid. His dad had mentioned killing the Myriad Races many times. The ultimate goal of the academy was to teach them to kill those who attacked the Myriad Races. There was nothing to be afraid of.

Just a little uneasy. The first time they'd really encountered enemies, he was afraid his legs would go weak.

Once Chen Hao really cursed, if he felt weak, what would happen?

Also, what if they encountered two people?

Three people?

"It's okay. Strong ones will definitely deal with strong ones. Searching for scattered students in the academy is something weaklings would do, because the students are too weak. They don't even have a Centurion, so there's no need for large groups to search."

"One person can handle it. There's no reason for three or five people to go."

"The academy isn't small. If they really come in large groups, they won't manage without several thousand people. I don't believe they can infiltrate several thousand people; that would be too foolish for Nanyuan."

"Besides, even if they brought that many people, staying with the teachers would be a death sentence. This kind of situation shouldn't happen."

Su Yu assessed quietly, dragging Chen Hao into the cafeteria and finding a corner. He whispered, "You stay here, trembling like a leaf, crouching. If it's one person, make some noise yourself. If it's two... run for your life!"

"There's a small door here you can escape through." Chen Hao nodded urgently. "What about you?"

Su Yu pointed to a nearby corner. "I'll hide there. Don't look this way or you'll get me killed, got it?"

"Got it!"

Chen Hao nodded quickly, then continued with a mournful expression. "Ayu, what if... we go find my dad?"

"Don't talk nonsense. Going out alone now is asking for death!"

Su Yu cursed under his breath. "I don't know the specifics, but your dad probably has a mission too. Forget about useless thoughts. Pray I don't freeze up later, or you're finished!"

"Ayu, are you going to kill someone?"

Chen Hao asked with a bitter face. "You can't do it. Should I hide and ambush them?"


Ignoring him, Su Yu took a deep breath. "Breaking their defense is hard enough, watch me! Plus, according to the rules, if I really manage to kill someone from the Myriad Races Cult, there's hope for you to get into the War Academy!"

Upon hearing this, Chen Hao's eyes lit up instantly!

He had forgotten about that moment of fear.

Yes, the academy had rules. If he managed to kill someone from the Myriad Races Cult, and could prove it, he would earn points.

Of course, those rules hadn't been used in many years, because how could a Yuanli student kill someone from the Myriad Races Cult? Poison is too hard to kill. However, even a genius could do it, so why would he worry about extra credit?

"Ayu... are you... for me...?"

Chen Hao was so moved!

Su Yu rolled his eyes. What are you thinking?

I only think it's safer for two people to hide here. The target is bigger in the crowd right now, of course, if you really kill someone, talk later.

Su Yu wasn had told agree gave explained intervene wish

"I just feel that it's safer for the two of us to hide here. Right now, being in the crowd makes us bigger targets. Of course, if we actually kill the other, we can discuss it then."

Su Yu still wasn't sure if he could claim to have killed someone himself, being just a Yuanli student.

"But if the opportunity is right, if I do kill one, creating a scene to help Haoh get into the War Academy wouldn't be impossible."

Killing a Centurion as a Yuanli student is almost impossible, almost, which means there's a chance.

Centurions aren't invincible; a careless moment, and they could get their throat cut, and die.

As for why Centurions from the Myriad Races Cult are so stupid... ask a dead man, who's to say?

"It would be best not to use the ripping ability, but to kill him with a knife!"

Su Yu gripped his knife and by then his two full one hope. unto thee


Would Qianjun run into an opening sneak attack?

Eight or nine times out of ten, they wouldn't!

Just as he was thinking this, a loud shout rang out from outside: "Students, gather! Those not gathered, hide where you are!"

"Enemy attack! Beasts from the Wan Clan are here!"

"Don't panic, obey the command! Form a defensive circle!"

"Close the doors, all instructors, prepare to meet the enemy!"

"Guard teams, assemble!"

"City Guards, Wind Capture Hall, charge!"


With a roar, in an instant, the entire South Yuan Academy was mobilized.

At this moment, Su Yu was not afraid. He was tense and filled with adrenaline, but not afraid. He believed the teachers could win. He felt an irresistible urge to go out and see how the teachers were fighting.

When his father was at home, he often talked about glorious days, legions of tens of thousands charging into battle, bodies strewn across the fields, rivers of blood, and the heavens trembling!

On the battlefield, where human blades pointed, nothing could stand in their way!

"I really want to... go see!"

Su Yu was feeling impulsive. Chen Hao was even more impulsive. He gripped his knife tightly, momentarily wanting to rush out, but quickly suppressed the thought. He was afraid of causing harm to Su Yu.


Weapons clashed as they made contact, the sound echoing through the academy.

Apart from "kill," there was almost no other sound. In times of war, no other words were needed; only commands mattered.


Outside the educational building of South Yuan Academy,

Hundreds from both sides came into contact, and instantly, slaughter began without a single word exchanged.

Under the leadership of Squad Leader Xia Bing, the ten-member Longwu Guard swiftly surrounded the elderly man who was in the fourth level of aerial supremacy.

Xia Bing, at the second level of aerial supremacy, donned a golden helmet and wielded a long knife without any trace of fear. With a muffled shout, he commanded, "Form up, kill!"

Ten blades slashed through the air, initiating the battle!

From the rooftop of the City Lord's Mansion, City Lord Wu Wenhai leaped into the air with his own long knife, instantly attacking the woman.

"Wu Wenhai, you've come to die!"

With a sharp shout from the woman, Wu Wenhai was indeed here, but they had anticipated this.

The middle-aged man known as Untraceable saw that the two aerial fighters were entangled, even the Longwu Guard was entangled, and instantly felt great joy. Without caring about others, he charged straight towards Liu Wenyuan in the distance.

"Your opponent is me!"

"And me too!"

In an instant, two men burst out.

One held a knife, the other a sword.

"Zhang Yun, Zeng Hua!"

The middle-aged man called out their names with a cold snort. He knew them—Captain of the City Guards, Head of the Wind Capture Hall, both at the Ninth Level of Ten Thousand Stones.

However, how could they contend with aerial supremacy?


The two didn't waste time talking. There was no point in conversing with beasts from the Wan Clan. Kill first, talk later!



The crisp sound of weapons clashing rang out. In the next moment, Untraceable leapt into the air, soaring past the two men and heading straight for the rear where Liu Wenyuan stood. There were several Qiānjūn-level instructors there.

Today's target was not to kill the City Lord, not to kill those in aerial supremacy, nor the two high-ranking officials of South Yuan.

Their target was the genius of the academy, the likes of civilized fire like Liu Wenyuan.

They were the valuable ones!

Just as several Qiānjūn-level instructors raised their swords to rush forward toward Liu Wenyuan, the two powerful men from behind, both at the Ninth Level of Ten Thousand Stones, reacted extremely quickly. In the blink of an eye, they broke through the air to pursue, leaping off the ground. Zhang Yun shot out like a projectile and slashed at Untraceable in mid-air.

"Step over our bodies before you talk!"

A thunderous shout, and the two men once again surrounded Untraceable.

"You're seeking death!"

The two Ninth Level Ten Thousand Stones fought with all their might. Untraceable was only at the Second Level of aerial supremacy, unable to reach the height needed to remain in the air, so he instantly descended and engaged in combat with the two.

Otherwise, in the air, he would easily become a target.


"Teacher Liu, you go first..."

Several Qiānjūn-level guards protecting Liu Wenyuan hurriedly pulled the old man away. However, Liu Wenyuan did not budge. He looked around, everywhere filled with fighting, unable to help but curse, "Those bastards in Dàxià Mansion sure know about many in aerial supremacy, certainly supporting other cities, not us!"

The others were somewhat puzzled, but there was no time to ask.

Liu Wenyuan continued to curse, "Thinking so highly of South Yuan! Those bastards from Dàxià Mansion must know about many in aerial supremacy, definitely supporting other cities, but not us!"

Some people believe he can manifest his will today, but what if he doesn't succeed?

Liu Wenyuan muttered, grumbled, and grumbled, no longer elegant and elegant.

"I'm the most useless, how could I succeed for sure? You trust me too much. I'm just a waste, and you're not even sure why I got kicked out..."

Liu Wenyuan muttered and was somewhat sad.

"If I weren't so useless, how could I be so sure of success? It's really hard."

"You're too harsh. You're forcing me to take the academy's life."

"I just knew it. You're inhumane. If I really manifest, I'll be the first to take revenge on you."

Liu Wenyuan continued to mutter, but at this moment, there was a golden light above his head, his body trembling, and his feet gradually began to leave the ground.

The people around him had slightly changed faces, and in the distance, the Prefect who was fighting with others showed a smile. "Old man, if we don't force it, there's no way we can succeed. From today on... there will be another in aerial supremacy!"

"Ten Thousand Stones don't need to continue chasing. Come quickly!"

With a roar, he saw it, his face showing surprise, and angrily said, "Come quickly, kill these two bastards!"

The words fell, and several Ten Thousand Stones came through the air.

Untraceable also broke away from the two in an instant and rushed towards Liu Wenyuan. Can't let this old man in aerial supremacy be allowed to have any effect. Enter into the high sky today, even if some students are killed, the degree of completion of that mission is also going to have