
The scourge of all peoples

I Am the scourge of the heavens and the nations! Surrender, this world

fantao_meng · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Chapter 15 Xialong Wu

On April 18th, 350 Anping Calendar.

This was the second to last day before Su Yu and the others were to leave Nanyuan. Tomorrow morning, they would all gather and leave Nanyuan under the escort of the city guards and the strong individuals from the Great Xia Civilization Academy.


Su Yu had just woken up. As soon as he opened his eyes, he was startled to see a figure by his bedside.


Liu Wenyan asked abruptly. Su Yu suppressed his thoughts, feeling a bit helpless. The old man was really scary early in the morning.

"Teacher, you're up too."

"Getting old, I've been up for a while."

Liu Wenyan smiled. "Get up and have breakfast. After eating, come with me to the academy, but today, don't stay with me..."


Su Yu's eyes shifted. "Teacher, you mean..."

"When do you think the Myriad Races Cult would choose to make a move if they have a plan? Before tonight, the people from the Great Xia Civilization Academy will arrive. By tonight, they won't have any more chances."

Su Yu's heart trembled slightly. Indeed, if he were from the Myriad Races Cult, he would either act today or wait until they left, when there would be even fewer city guards to contend with.

So, the cult might very well show themselves today.

"Staying with me is too dangerous!"

Liu Wenyan still wore a smile. "Those guys are worried about me manifesting my will. If they make a move, they'll target me first, to kill me before I can manifest and step into the Soaring Realm."

"So today, don't stay with me or any other strong individuals. Stay with the teachers at the Thousand Pound level. There will be people to protect you."

"Teacher..." Su Yu quickly got out of bed. "Would they really dare to attack Nanyuan Academy?"

"Of course they dare! People from the Myriad Races Cult, some are afraid of death, some are greedy for life, some are crazy, some are possessed, but even the most cowardly among them won't hesitate to draw their swords to achieve their goals!"

Liu Wenyan sighed lightly. "These people are very strange! You say they're afraid of death, but sometimes they are braver than us. Throw them onto the battlefield of the heavens against gods and demons, and they'd be scared out of their wits. But when it comes to attacking their own kind, they become fearless."

"Maybe they think, 'We're all humans, nothing to be afraid of. The myriad races are the truly terrifying ones.' When they turn their blades against fellow humans, they don't hesitate at all."

Su Yu frowned at these words. Indeed, these Myriad Races Cult members seemed very odd to him.

Send them to the battlefield of the heavens, and they'd probably die of fright.

When it came to courage, they had almost none.

But when it came to causing trouble within the human race, these guys became extraordinarily bold and crazy, not retreating even if it meant being beheaded every day.

"Is this what you call 'being tough at home'?"

Su Yu thought for a moment and came up with a term.

Liu Wenyan laughed. "Not quite. We don't consider them part of the human race, so it doesn't really count as 'being tough at home.' But you're right in essence. They do have that kind of personality. Weak externally, ruthless internally. There have been many such people throughout history."

"And it's not just within the human race. Actually, every race has such individuals."

"When they betray their own race, to prove their choice is correct, to prove themselves, they will strike their former compatriots even faster and harder!"

Liu Wenyan, having seen it all, wasn't surprised. "Humans... actually have a group of such Myriad Races within them!"

Liu Wenyan looked at Su Yu with a smile, "The human race also harbors such traitors. When they lose faith and hope in their own race, they turn to us. At that point, they are even more ruthless towards their former compatriots."

Su Yu found it hard to understand, but having read a lot, he knew such people did exist.

Without asking further, Su Yu got up and began washing up.

Soon, at the breakfast table, Su Yu ate for a while before speaking, "Teacher, will they really make a move today? With so many students at the academy, why not declare a holiday?"

"We can't. We can't be on guard against thieves all the time. Declaring a holiday would alert them, and those guys won't show up."


Su Yu was worried. If an attack really happened, wouldn't many students be affected?

"We're prepared. There will be people to protect you." Liu Wenyan sighed. "Don't think we're cold-blooded, using you as bait. Indecisiveness in the face of danger will only cause more chaos."

"Su Yu, remember, if one day you are on the battlefield and become a commander, you will have to make choices."

"On one side, there are 1,000 soldiers, on the other, 10,000 people. You can choose to save the 1,000 soldiers, or you can choose to let them hold the enemy back, using the 10,000 to annihilate a larger enemy force. What would you choose?"

"I..." Su Yu hesitated for a long time before saying, "I... don't know."

"You actually do know, but you can't say it. You are smart and should understand what to choose. On the battlefield, annihilating a force of 10,000 from the Myriad Races can be crucial, even affecting the local war situation."

Liu Wenyan said softly, "This is the choice, this is what strong people and wise men of the human race must do! Sacrificing 1,000 to annihilate 10,000 is to save more lives in the future because that force of 10,000 could create even greater slaughter."

"Isn't it cruel?"

Su Yu nodded silently. He had never thought about this issue before. When Liu Wenyan asked just now, he felt it was too realistic, too cruel, too heartless.

"Su Yu, this is war!"

Liu Wenyan looked up at him. "Remember, this is war! It concerns the survival of billions of humans, so we must make choices. You might say those 1,000 are innocent? Yes, very innocent, they are our comrades, our brothers in arms. But... this is war!"

"Like today, we know the Myriad Races Cult is likely to attack Nanyuan Academy, but we also have to make a choice..."

"In the past few days, it has been chaotic outside the city, several villages have been attacked, and many people have died, hundreds already!"

"We are struggling to cope, the city guard is spread thin. This can't go on, we must concentrate our forces to annihilate them to bring peace to Nanyuan. So... we have to make a choice now."

"Do we let the students take some risks, or do we continue to wait, letting them slaughter more people?"

"In my eyes, the students are naturally more important, but the people outside the city are also lives, Su Yu, you students are reserve soldiers. So... we decided to let you take some risks, this is also your future path."

Su Yu nodded slightly and said seriously, "Teacher, I understand. I was just worried earlier. As you said, we are all soldiers. Even though we are weak, from the day we entered the academy, we were soldiers. You and the governor made the right choice."

"As long as you understand. If you can't understand, there's no need to force it." Liu Wenyan said softly, "If one day, you rise to a higher position and believe that sacrificing a city like Nanyuan could kill ten or a hundred times more enemies, I hope you will make that choice."

"Even if it means bearing some infamy, don't hesitate."

Su Yu didn't respond, continuing to eat. After finishing his meal, he looked up at Liu Wenyan and said, "Teacher, after all is said and done, it's because we are not strong enough. If we were powerful, if we could crush our enemies, none of these choices would exist, right?"

Liu Wenyan suddenly laughed, a gratified smile.

"Well said, exactly so. But we... are still not strong enough."

"We will be, I believe. The human race is getting better, stronger."

Liu Wenyan nodded slightly. Indeed.

They didn't say anything more and, after finishing their meal, walked to the academy together.


"Ah Yu!"

Chen Hao hadn't seen Su Yu for two days. He knew Su Yu was studying with Liu Wenyan, but he was still delighted at the moment. "I thought Liu the Instructor had kidnapped you. Finally, he let you go. I've felt like I'm about to reach Kaiyuan Stage Four these past two days..."


Su Yu nodded slightly. At this moment, a few instructors seemed to pass by the classroom unintentionally, but Su Yu knew they were patrolling.

If a fight broke out, these instructors would immediately evacuate the students.

"Haozi, stick with me today. Don't go anywhere."

"Why?" Chen Hao was puzzled but quickly nodded. "Okay, but what if I need to go to the bathroom?"


Su Yu ignored him and then said, "Go to the training building and get two knives. We're doing combat practice today."

"Huh, Ayu, aren't you afraid of getting beaten up?"

Chen Hao asked curiously, "You always lose to me. You get beaten up every time."

"I think I can beat you now!"

Su Yu rolled his eyes at him. "Stop talking nonsense. Just do what I said!"

"Alright, I'll listen to you!"

Chen Hao grinned. He didn't like to think too much and always followed Su Yu's lead.

Su Yu still had a drop of essence blood. After some consideration, he quickly got up and went to the resource center with Chen Hao.

"Teacher, I'd like to exchange for two drops of Iron-winged Bird essence blood."

"Su Yu, you're getting that again?" The resource teacher felt sorry for Su Yu. "Did your previous research fail?"



"Teacher, I think I'm close to figuring it out. Let me exchange for two more drops."

"Well... alright then!"

The managing teacher sighed. The little kid didn't know his limits and was wasting too much!

He would regret it when he went to a higher academy.

The teacher exchanged two drops of essence blood for Su Yu, bringing his total to three drops. However, he only had seven merit points left.


Wandering around the academy for a while, Su Yu soon had a knife in his hand, and Chen Hao also had one.

Chen Hao thought Su Yu was acting strangely today. He got the knives but didn't go to practice or train martial arts. He had no idea what Su Yu was planning.

By now, it was already noon.

Su Yu held three drops of essence blood, contemplating. Three drops could last about 15 minutes of continuous outburst, but last time his arm swelled after just 5 minutes. If he really kept it up for 15 minutes, his arm might be useless.

"15 minutes should be more than enough. Even if the Myriad Races Cult attacks, they won't engage for that long. If they do, they won't be able to escape."

"However... I mustn't let anyone know I'm using essence blood. It would be troublesome. Unless absolutely necessary, I shouldn't use the essence blood. Besides, even if I do, having Qianjun level strength won't change much."

The academy didn't lack Qianjun level instructors. The key was still Wanshi and Tengkong level fighters.

Su Yu glanced around, his eyes flickering. There were quite a few unfamiliar faces in the academy. Although they weren't in armor, Su Yu guessed they were city guards, and some were likely from the Windchaser Hall.

It seemed Nanyuan was prepared. The enemy would either attack the academy or the City Lord's mansion.

While Su Yu was thinking, Chen Hao's communicator rang. Chen Hao quickly answered, said a few words, and then looked at Su Yu. "My dad called. He said to be careful today, not to leave the academy. The Myriad Races Cult is here, and many people have died outside the city in the past few days..."

Chen Hao cursed, "Those beasts, if I run into them, I'll kill them with one slash!"


Su Yu glanced at him but said nothing. Chen Hao's face turned red with anger. "Maybe not now, but why not in the future? When I get to the War Academy, I'll reach Kaiyuan in one year, Qianjun Ninth Stage in three years, Wanshi in five years, and Tengkong in ten years..."

"That's what geniuses can achieve. Are you sure you can do it?"

"Get lost!"

Chen Hao looked disheartened, seeming a bit overwhelmed.

Achieving Tengkong within ten years was the treatment reserved for geniuses. But what about within twenty years?

Before the age of 40, people were considered to be in their prime cultivation years. If one couldn't reach Tengkong by then, their prospects would diminish significantly as their physical body started to decline.

It wasn't entirely hopeless, but with aging, the chances were slim. There weren't too many people who remained stuck at Wanshi Ninth Stage for a lifetime.

Su Long was approaching fifty. While reaching Qianjun to Wanshi held some hope, advancing from Wanshi to Tengkong was likely out of reach.

Su Yu smiled faintly, gazing outside the academy. Has it begun?

The commotion outside the city was likely intended to draw away the City Guards and even the Dragon Martial Guards from the Great Summer Palace. The higher-ups in Nanyuan knew this, but they had no choice but to send people over.

Otherwise, who knew how many people would die outside the city.

"They really are a bunch of shameless beasts!"

Su Yu muttered under his breath, unable to resist wondering, what was the situation at the Grand Xia Palace? Couldn't even a few Tengkong stage experts be sent to support?

It seemed the Myriad Races Cult was acting recklessly. With such a commotion, the remaining two thousand main forces of the Dragon Martial Guards seemed to have not come to investigate.

Were they tied up elsewhere?

Were the forces of the Myriad Races Cult really that strong?


At the same time,

Grand Xia Palace.

Xia Longwu was clad in full armor, exuding a formidable aura as he sat upon his throne.

Soon, a Dragon Martial Guard swiftly entered, his voice booming, "Report! Master of the Palace, there have been disturbances in Nanyuan, Tianshui, Kaishan, Longmen... all twelve cities are showing signs of activity; the Myriad Races Cult has appeared!"

"Requests for reinforcements have arrived from each prefecture. Shall we send reinforcements?"

Xia Longwu remained composed, "Send reinforcements. Fifty men per team to each of the twelve cities, and send others to the remaining sixteen cities just in case."


The Dragon Martial Guard quickly withdrew.

At this moment, an elderly man dressed as a scholar below spoke softly, "Master of the Palace, this seems like a ploy to draw attention away. Their ultimate goal may still be the Grand Xia Palace."

"I know."

"The Dragon Martial Guards have already dispatched over a thousand people. The palace army has also sent out a large number. Now, in the Grand Xia Palace..."

Before the man could finish, Xia Longwu calmly interjected, "It's fine! If we spare their lives, they'll continue causing trouble! As long as the Dragon Martial Guards don't leave, these bastards won't dare to show themselves."

With that, Xia Longwu stood up, "Their target is likely me. By withdrawing the Dragon Martial Guards from my side and pulling away the strongmen from various academies for various reasons, now nine-tenths of the strongmen of the Grand Xia Palace have left..."

"Master of the Palace, should we seek aid from the Grand Ming Palace..."

"Ridiculous! Shameful!"

Xia Longwu snorted coldly, "The Grand Xia Palace ranks higher than the Grand Ming Palace. How could we ask for their aid! Besides, it's unnecessary! These sneaky individuals, without the backing of the divine race, wouldn't dare to act so brazenly!"

The elderly man frowned, "The divine race is involved?"

"It's inevitable! Otherwise, would they dare to provoke the Grand Xia Palace even without the support of the divine race? Well, the reserves of divine blood in the Grand Xia Palace are exhausted. I was just thinking of visiting the Celestial Battlefield these past few days. It seems I don't need to go now."

Xia Longwu remained calm, "Later, you guard the palace city, and I'll go outside the city to kill a few beasts and return!"

"Master of the Palace..."

"No more words!"

Xia Longwu's eyes sharpened, "A few divine beasts think they can challenge me? I've been waiting for the Dragon Martial Blade to taste blood again. Now I finally have the chance!"

With that, Xia Longwu strode out of the hall, his voice resounding, "Once the divine race is dead, the Dragon Martial Guards will lead the army to exterminate all the Myriad Races Cultists in the Grand Xia Palace and capture them alive, all to be publicly executed! Tomorrow, I want to see thousands of heads rolling!"


A low roar echoed!

To coordinate with the Myriad Races Cult's actions and draw out the divine race, Xia Longwu allowed the situation to remain turbulent these past few days, fearing that it would scare away those of the divine race.

Now, it was time to close the net.

The strong men of the Grand Xia Palace had been called away, and now they were finally expected to appear?

There were fewer than a thousand Dragon Martial Guards left in the palace city, and they were unable to form a thousand-person battle formation. Wasn't that enough?

"You want to come and kill me? I'll indulge you. I want to see if you can kill me!"

A sneer rang out, and Xia Longwu soared into the sky, transforming into a golden light that disappeared from the city lord's mansion in an instant.