

basically he focused on studying and didnt cultivate suddenly he realized he needs to cultivate to get a longer lifespan (that's the story)

DAKICHI · Fantasy
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13 Chs


As he delved deeper into the recesses of his consciousness, Kelin felt a growing sense of unease gnawing at his soul. Shadows danced at the edges of his vision, whispers of doubt echoing through the corridors of his mind. But he refused to falter, steeling himself against the encroaching darkness.

With each step forward, the air grew heavier, thick with the weight of his own insecurities. Memories of past failures loomed large, threatening to engulf him in a tide of despair. But Kelin pushed on, his resolve unyielding in the face of adversity.

Suddenly, he found himself standing in a vast chamber, its walls lined with mirrors that reflected his own image back at him. But as he gazed into the mirrors, he saw not his own reflection, but that of his inner demon, twisted and malevolent.

The demon grinned wickedly, its eyes gleaming with malice. "You cannot defeat me, Kelin," it hissed, its voice a venomous whisper. "I am the embodiment of your deepest fears and insecurities. You are nothing without me."

But Kelin refused to cower before the creature that lurked within him. With a defiant roar, he summoned the power of his Profound Aura, surrounding himself with a brilliant light that banished the darkness from his soul.

The demon recoiled, its form flickering and fading in the face of Kelin's newfound strength. "You may be strong, Kelin," it snarled, "but you cannot destroy me. I am a part of you, forever bound to your soul."

But Kelin knew better than to listen to the lies of his inner demon. With a mighty swing of his spiritual blade, he shattered the mirrors that lined the chamber, banishing the creature back into the depths of his subconscious.

As the echoes of his victory faded, Kelin felt a sense of peace wash over him. He had confronted his inner demon and emerged victorious, stronger and more determined than ever before. With renewed purpose, he continued on his journey, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead with courage and conviction.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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