

basically he focused on studying and didnt cultivate suddenly he realized he needs to cultivate to get a longer lifespan (that's the story)

DAKICHI · Fantasy
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13 Chs


Chapter 4:

As Kelin gazed upon the towering peaks of the mountains surrounding his secluded abode, he felt a sense of tranquility settle over him. The crisp mountain air filled his lungs, invigorating his spirit as he prepared to embark on the next stage of his cultivation journey. Beside him stood Ashra, the formidable magical beast who had become his loyal companion and disciple.

"Are you ready, Ashra?" Kelin asked, his voice resonating with determination.

Ashra nodded, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. "I am prepared, Master. I shall dedicate myself to mastering the Shadow Veil Technique as you have instructed."

With a solemn nod, Kelin handed Ashra a scroll containing the ancient secrets of the Shadow Veil Technique. "Remember, Ashra, this technique is not to be taken lightly. It requires utmost focus and dedication. But I have faith in your abilities. I believe you have the potential to unlock its mysteries."

Ashra accepted the scroll with reverence, bowing his head in gratitude. "Thank you, Master. I will not disappoint you."

With that, Ashra retreated to a secluded corner of their mountain abode, where he would begin his intensive training regimen. Meanwhile, Kelin turned his attention inward, focusing on his own cultivation practice.

Cultivation Way for Commoners: Kelin's Journey Begins

Taking a deep breath, Kelin closed his eyes and centered himself, allowing his consciousness to sink deep into the earth beneath him. With each inhale, he drew in the essence of the earth, feeling its energy course through his veins like a gentle stream. Gradually, he began to sense the subtle vibrations of qi emanating from the soil, beckoning him to harness its power.

Following the principles outlined in the Cultivation Way for Commoners, Kelin focused on channeling the qi from the earth into his meridians. With each movement, he visualized the flow of energy, guiding it along the pathways of his body with precision and control. Though the process was slow and methodical, Kelin persisted, determined to master the fundamentals of cultivation.

Hours turned into days, and days into weeks, as Kelin dedicated himself wholeheartedly to his practice. He endured moments of frustration and doubt, but he remained steadfast in his resolve, knowing that every moment spent cultivating brought him one step closer to his goal.

As time passed, Kelin's efforts began to bear fruit. He felt the qi within him grow stronger and more vibrant, pulsing with newfound vitality. His senses sharpened, and his awareness expanded, allowing him to perceive the subtle nuances of the world around him with heightened clarity.

How to Cultivate as a Villain: Delving into Darkness

Intrigued by the enigmatic teachings of the How to Cultivate as a Villain technique, Kelin delved into its mysteries with a mixture of curiosity and trepidation. Unlike the straightforward approach of the Cultivation Way for Commoners, this technique delved into the darker aspects of human nature, harnessing the power of negative emotions to fuel one's cultivation.

With a furrowed brow, Kelin studied the intricate diagrams and cryptic incantations inscribed within the ancient tome. He pondered the implications of drawing upon the emotions of hate, jealousy, and anger, knowing full well the dangers that lurked within the shadows of the human psyche.

But as he delved deeper into the teachings, Kelin began to discern a deeper truth hidden within the darkness. He realized that these emotions were not inherently evil, but rather manifestations of the human experience, each holding its own unique power and potential.

With this newfound understanding, Kelin set out to master the techniques outlined in the tome. He practiced weaving strands of qi with delicate precision, forming invisible threads that reached out to touch the hearts of those around him. He honed his ability to sense and manipulate the emotions of others, learning to draw upon their negativity without succumbing to its influence.

The process was fraught with challenges and ethical dilemmas, as Kelin grappled with the moral implications of his actions. But he remained steadfast in his commitment to his cultivation, trusting in his own moral compass to guide him along the path of darkness.

The Profound Aura: Unleashing the Power Within

As Kelin delved deeper into his cultivation practice, he encountered the teachings of the Profound Aura technique. Unlike the previous techniques he had studied, this technique focused on harnessing the raw power of qi to unleash devastating attacks and awe-inspiring displays of strength.

Intrigued by the possibilities that lay before him, Kelin dedicated himself to mastering the art of the Profound Aura. He practiced channeling his qi with focused intensity, drawing upon the deepest reserves of his inner strength to fuel his techniques.

With each passing day, Kelin felt the boundaries of his power expand, as he pushed himself to new heights of mastery. He learned to shape his qi into formidable constructs, conjuring swirling vortexes of energy and torrents of elemental force with a mere thought.

But mastering the Profound Aura was not without its challenges. Kelin faced formidable obstacles along the way, testing his resolve and pushing him to the brink of his limits. Yet through sheer determination and unwavering perseverance, he overcame every obstacle that stood in his path, emerging stronger and more resilient than ever before.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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