

basically he focused on studying and didnt cultivate suddenly he realized he needs to cultivate to get a longer lifespan (that's the story)

DAKICHI · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs


chapter 6 :

Three years had passed since Kelin embarked on his solitary journey of cultivation, delving deep into the recesses of his being to unlock the secrets of ancient techniques. Emerging from his meditative trance, he felt a surge of power coursing through his veins, a tangible manifestation of his newfound mastery.

With a sense of purpose, Kelin opened his eyes, his vision clear and focused. In his hands lay the culmination of years of arduous training: mastery over three formidable techniques that had once eluded his grasp.

The Cultivation Way for Commoners, a simple yet potent method of drawing upon the earth's qi, now flowed through Kelin's veins with ease. Gone were the days of struggling to connect with the natural energies around him; now, he wielded their power with the grace and precision of a seasoned master.

Similarly, the enigmatic art of cultivating as a villain had become second nature to Kelin. Drawing upon the negative emotions of others, he channeled their energy into a force to be reckoned with. With each passing day, he honed his ability to manipulate the very fabric of reality, bending it to his will with a skill that bordered on the sublime.

But it was the Profound Aura, a manifestation of his inner strength and resolve, that resonated most deeply within Kelin's soul. Though he had only scratched the surface of its potential in the past, he now stood on the precipice of true mastery. With a single thought, he could unleash its full might upon the world, shaping reality itself to his whims and desires.

With his newfound mastery, Kelin wasted no time in fortifying his surroundings. Drawing upon the knowledge gleaned from ancient texts, he erected the Seven Pillar Barrier, a formidable defense that spanned the perimeter of his domain. Each pillar, infused with qi and reinforced with the potent 777 spell, stood as a testament to his unrivaled skill. Linked by intricate strings of qi, the barrier was nigh impenetrable, capable of withstanding even the most powerful assaults. And with a foundation designed to repair itself in a fraction of a second, any breach was swiftly met with swift and decisive countermeasures.

Satisfied with his handiwork, Kelin turned his attention to other matters at hand. Venturing forth into the wilderness, he ensured that Ashra, his loyal companion, continued to train diligently, ever mindful of the dangers that lurked beyond their sanctuary.

As dusk fell upon the land, Kelin made his way to the nearby town, his presence shrouded in an aura of quiet confidence. With each step, he embraced the challenges that lay ahead, knowing that his journey had only just begun.

As Kelin entered the bustling town, the sights and sounds of commerce surrounded him. People bustled about their daily lives, while merchants called out their wares in the crowded marketplace.

Determined to make the most of his visit, Kelin made his way to the market, purchasing the ingredients he needed for his cultivation practice. With a bag filled with rare herbs and exotic spices slung over his shoulder, he headed towards the trading center in search of his old friend, Lao Zaran.

Lao Zaran, a dear friend from Kelin's past, had always been a humble shop owner in the town. However, rumors had recently spread that he had risen to become one of the wealthiest individuals in the area. Intrigued by this unexpected turn of events, Kelin sought out more information about his friend's newfound success.

Approaching a group of merchants, Kelin inquired about Lao Zaran's whereabouts. To his surprise, he learned that his friend had indeed ascended to great heights, amassing a fortune through shrewd business dealings and strategic investments.

Determined to reconnect with his old friend, Kelin sent a message to Lao Zaran, extending an invitation to meet. Days passed before a response arrived, bearing an invitation to visit Lao Zaran's lavish estate in a neighboring kingdom.

Accepting the invitation with a sense of anticipation, Kelin embarked on the journey to reunite with his old friend. With each step, memories of their past adventures flooded his mind, filling him with a sense of nostalgia and excitement for the reunion that awaited him.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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