

basically he focused on studying and didnt cultivate suddenly he realized he needs to cultivate to get a longer lifespan (that's the story)

DAKICHI · Fantasy
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13 Chs


As Kelin accepted the tiger as his disciple, a whirlwind of doubt engulfed his mind, gnawing at his confidence from within. "What if he discovers my true weakness, seeing me as strong only because of my techniques?" The thought tormented him, for while ordinary individuals might remain oblivious, Kelin's profound understanding of cultivation left him vulnerable to such self-inflicted doubts.

Seeking to assert his dominance and quell the rising tide of insecurity, Kelin issued a command to the tiger, cloaking it with an air of authority. "Take on a human form," he ordered, his voice tinged with an unwavering resolve.

The tiger, trembling with both fear and reverence, acquiesced to Kelin's command. With a shimmering transformation, it assumed the guise of a muscular and handsome man, adorned with a flowing beard reminiscent of a sage from ancient tales.

Intrigued by this unexpected transformation, Kelin regarded his disciple with a mixture of curiosity and apprehension. "Who is this person in reality?" he inquired, his gaze piercing through the façade. "For a magical beast can only assume the appearance of someone it has consumed, and transforming into a human requires the consumption of a hundred cultivators."

The tiger, unsure of how to respond to Kelin's query, resorted to a gesture of communication. With a swift movement, it reached into its mouth and retrieved a sign bearing the emblem of a noble family, adorned with the word "Yin" intricately carved upon it. Kelin's brow furrowed in disbelief at the unexpected revelation, but he remained composed, his mind racing with possibilities.

"It seems improbable, but..." Kelin began, his voice trailing off as he pondered the implications of the noble insignia. Turning his attention back to the tiger, he pressed further, his curiosity piqued. "Do you possess any more belongings of the cultivator?" he inquired, his gaze fixed intently on his disciple.

In response, the tiger withdrew a weathered diary from its mouth, offering it to Kelin with a reverent bow. Accepting the diary, Kelin carefully examined its contents, his eyes widening in astonishment as he discovered the identity of the individual whose appearance his disciple now assumed.

"This appearance... it belongs to a prince from the royal family of the Great Kingdom," Kelin muttered, his voice tinged with disbelief. As the realization sank in, he found himself confronting a mystery far more complex than he could have ever imagined.

i don't think its really a problem since you're the" only one who can defeat me around here"

The tiger's declaration resonated deeply within Kelin, instilling a newfound sense of reassurance amidst the turbulent sea of doubts. "Your words hold truth," Kelin acknowledged, his voice carrying a note of admiration for his faithful disciple. "In this realm, strength manifests in myriad forms, and yours may well transcend mere appearances."

With a solemn nod, Kelin assented to the tiger's proposal, opting to assume the guise of a man in his fifties, blending seamlessly with the local populace to evade unwanted attention.

"Let us set aside that matter for now," Kelin proposed, eager to redirect their focus to more immediate concerns. "First, let us address the issue of your name."

Ashra, now the tiger's chosen appellation, clarified the pronunciation with unwavering determination, emphasizing its distinction from the similar-sounding "Ashura." Kelin nodded in acknowledgment, recognizing the significance of the chosen name.

"Yes, Ashra," Kelin affirmed, his voice resonating with reverence. "It signifies the tenth in an ancient tongue, a fitting epithet for one such as yourself."

Impressed by his master's knowing the ancient tongues, Ashra bowed his head in gratitude. With a surge of resolve, Kelin etched the name into his consciousness, imbuing it with the essence of his qi. As the resonance of the name reverberated within him, Kelin sensed a surge of power coursing through his veins, a tangible testament to the bond forged between master and disciple.

In that moment, Kelin realized the profound significance of their union, understanding that within Ashra's newfound identity lay the seeds of their shared destiny. With renewed purpose, they embarked on their journey, united by the ancient ties of loyalty and kinship, prepared to confront whatever trials lay ahead.

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