

basically he focused on studying and didnt cultivate suddenly he realized he needs to cultivate to get a longer lifespan (that's the story)

DAKICHI · Fantasy
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13 Chs


As Kelin retreated to the safety of his house, a mix of emotions swirled within him – fear, uncertainty, but also a newfound sense of confidence. The trust he had gained from his victory over the demonic beast bolstered his spirits, yet a lingering unease still gnawed at the edges of his mind.

Day by day, Kelin stumbled upon the lifeless bodies of magical beasts scattered across the forest floor. The first day it was the majestic form of a flying horse, its once graceful wings now broken and tattered. The second day brought the grisly sight of a red-horned giant rabbit, a creature considered a harbinger of demonic disaster.

With each discovery, Kelin's apprehension grew, his thoughts consumed by the mystery of who – or what – was responsible for these unsettling displays. On the third day, he made a decision to wait, determined to uncover the truth behind these grim occurrences.

As he lay in wait, hidden amongst the shadows, Kelin's patience was rewarded as he finally caught sight of the culprit. Emerging from the darkness like a silent sentinel, the giant tiger prowled through the forest with a predatory grace. Its eyes gleamed with an eerie intelligence, but there was something different about its demeanor – a sense of loyalty rather than hostility.

With a mixture of curiosity and caution, Kelin stepped forward to confront the beast, his heart pounding in his chest. He approached slowly, making sure not to startle the magnificent creature.

"Stop!" Kelin's voice rang out, firm but not threatening. The tiger halted its advance, its amber eyes fixed on him with a mix of recognition and respect.

"Why do you bring these creatures here?" Kelin asked, his voice calm yet probing.

The tiger regarded him for a moment, its gaze unwavering. Then, with a subtle shift in its posture, it seemed to convey a message of understanding. Lowering its head in a gesture of submission, the tiger revealed the true nature of its actions.

"They are offerings," it replied, its voice a rumbling purr that resonated through the night. "A sign of loyalty and respect to you, master."

Kelin's eyes widened in astonishment, a surge of gratitude flooding his heart. He had not expected such a display of allegiance from the creature he had once seen as a threat.

"Thank you," Kelin said, his voice filled with genuine appreciation. "Your loyalty honors me."

wilderness of the unknown.

As Kelin observed the tiger's display of loyalty, he couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at the creature's unexpected devotion. Yet, amidst his wonder, a nagging curiosity gnawed at him – why would such a formidable beast pledge its allegiance to him?

"May I ask," Kelin began tentatively, his voice laced with curiosity, "why do you offer these creatures to me?"

The tiger regarded him with a steady gaze, its amber eyes reflecting a glimmer of intelligence. For a moment, there was silence, as if the beast contemplated its response.

"They are offerings," the tiger finally replied, its deep voice rumbling like distant thunder. "A sign of loyalty and respect to you, master."

Kelin's eyes widened in surprise at the unexpected term of address. "Master?" he repeated, incredulous. "But I am no master. I am merely a humble cultivator, seeking knowledge and understanding."

The tiger seemed unfazed by Kelin's protestations, its demeanor unwavering. "You may be humble in your own eyes, but to us, you are a powerful cultivator from the upper world," it explained, its tone respectful yet earnest.

Kelin's brow furrowed in confusion, his mind racing to comprehend the tiger's words. Could it be that the beast had mistaken him for someone else – someone far more formidable than he could ever hope to be?

Before Kelin could respond, the tiger continued, its voice tinged with a sense of longing. "I have long sought a master worthy of my loyalty and strength. Will you accept me as your disciple, to learn from your wisdom and guidance?"

Caught off guard by the unexpected request, Kelin paused, his thoughts whirling with uncertainty. He had never imagined himself in the role of a master, let alone taking on a disciple. And yet, there was something compelling about the tiger's earnest plea, a sense of destiny intertwining their fates.

With a deep breath, Kelin met the tiger's gaze, his heart heavy with the weight of responsibility. "I am honored by your offer," he replied solemnly, "but I must confess that I am still learning myself. Nevertheless, if you are willing to journey alongside me, I shall do my best to guide you on the path of cultivation."

A flicker of gratitude crossed the tiger's features, its eyes shining with newfound determination. "Thank you, master," it said, bowing its head in reverence. "I shall prove myself worthy of your trust and teachings."

And so, amidst the whispers of the forest and the ancient echoes of a world in flux, Kelin and his unlikely disciple embarked on a journey of discovery, bound together by the threads of fate and the bonds of friendship.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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