

After another ten days had passed, Su Jin continued to bring the cloths she had made these days to the market place to buy.

It was probably because of the reputation that had spread. As soon as Su Jin set up her stall, customers immediately came to visit. Before noon, all the clothes were sold out.

Su Jin found a bank and changed all the copper coins into silver coins. This time, she didn't expect such a hot buying situation. If she had known earlier, she would have kept the 20 bronze coins that she had sold to the cloth shop.

It was useless to regret, it was more important to count the money.

Su Jin calculated and found that apart from the materials and the family's money, there was still about four taels left. Adding the two taels that she had saved last time, her family now had more than six taels left.

Even before his father died, it would take him at least half a month to earn that amount.

Su Jin threw the small cloth bag and smiled proudly. She waved her hands behind her back and slowly walked back home.

Just as he was about to leave the courtyard, he heard a man's voice from the courtyard, "It's time, quickly return the money! "If you don't have any money, then come with me!"

"My daughter went to sell her clothes, and she'll pay you back when she's done."

"Bah!" The man spat. "How much money can a cloth sell for!?" You owe us five taels of silver! Can you sell it for that much money in a month!? "Obediently follow me!"

As soon as he finished, the sounds from inside became noisy.

Su Jin stepped forward and kicked the door open, "I will pay you back!"

Everyone inside was shocked and turned their heads.

When his mother and sister saw Su Jin, they all let out a sigh of relief. Meanwhile, the three people in the courtyard who were collecting debts were all stunned for a moment before they stopped pulling.

"How much should I pay you back?" Wu Jin walked up to the person in the lead and asked indifferently.

Seeing that she was holding onto a cloth bag, the man turned around and crossed his arms. He looked at her condescendingly and said: "Are you the one who went to sell cloth? Just nice, let me tell you, your mother owes us a total of eight taels of silver. Return it to me now! "

"Why are there so many!?" At that time, I only borrowed three liang! " When Meng Qin heard this number, she called out in disbelief.

The leader fiercely turned to Meng Qin and said, "It's clearly written on black and white. The interest is 1 tael per month, if you don't pay it back after the time limit, it will be doubled. You should have paid 6 taels last month. If you drag it out for a month, it would be 8 taels!"

"How about it? If you still can't afford it, then come with us. Give yourself to us until you can afford it." The other one chimed in.

"That's right, it's only right that we should repay the debt with money. The contract has your fingerprints on it, if you don't want to come with us then that's fine, but … …" The third person continued, his eyes wandered around Su Jin a few times: "You have to give this daughter of yours to us."

"Impossible!" How could Meng Qin not know what would happen if she followed them? She was only going to be forced to do that dirty business, she would never let her daughter go anywhere, but eight taels of silver was too high. She had spent all her life weaving these past few days to only save six taels of silver.

She tightly held onto her dress and unconsciously looked at Su Jin.

After Su Jin quietly listened, she stretched out her hand to think about the big man and said, "I want to see the contract."

The man glanced at her and thought she was trying to stall for time. Just as he was about to get angry, the man beside her tugged on his sleeve. "Brother Wan, forget it. Hurry up and do her job."

Brother Wang suppressed his anger with difficulty, took out a yellow paper from his chest, and handed it over.

Su Jin took it over and read it. The ones on it were exactly as the big man said, they really did owe so much money.

She returned the contract and said at the same time, "I can pay you five liang first. I will return it for the remaining two to three months. How about this?"

Brother Wang sneered: "How could there be such a good thing? If you want to do this, then you will have to double your power in just a few months!"

The three men waited to see how scared the family would be of the amount, but they were surprised. They didn't feel much fear, which made them frown in displeasure.

"Sure." Su Jin nodded.

"What did you say?" Brother Wang looked at her in surprise.

Su Jin turned the bag over and poured the five pieces of silver from the bag onto her palm. "I said yes."

Seeing that she didn't seem to be lying, Brother Wang added another sentence: "If you can't return all of it, you have to use your own money to mortgage on it!"

Su Jin raised her head and looked straight into Brother Wang's eyes, nodding without any hesitation.

Brother Wang and Su Jin's eyes, which were like black paint, met each other's gaze. They couldn't help but tremble for a moment and then immediately reacted with a sneer: "You don't want the money that's delivered to you for nothing. I will be waiting for you for this month! "

The big man told the two of them to stay here while he went to find someone to write the new contract.

When the big guy came, Su Jin first returned 5 taels of silver to him, then took the old contract and made a new contract with him.

"Alright!" After Su Jin drew the bet, Wang Ge carefully put away the new contract.

"Next month or this time, I'll come to collect the money. If I don't hand it over, you know the consequences!"

Su Jin shrugged her shoulders.

Wang Ge coldly snorted, kicked open the courtyard door with his men and swaggered away.

"Let's go inside." Su Jin brought the three of them back to the house.

"Can we make that much money?" Mother asked worriedly.

"That's fine. Mother, think about it. We only used a month to earn six taels of silver. We will be able to easily return it after a month of hard work." Su Jin comforted.

As Meng Qin thought about the contents of the contract, her heart continued to be filled with worry.

"Rather than worrying, we might as well act now. If we can buy a bit more time, we can weave an extra inch of cloth." Su Jin encouraged them as she saw the heavy atmosphere between their families.

The old debt had just gone and new debt had just arrived. This made Su Jin's family not dare to relax. Luckily, with her second brother's help, the weaving progress was even faster.

When it was the appointed day with the blacksmith store, Su Jin would go to the blacksmith store and get the parts she had customized.

"Miss, you have to wait here for a while. There are some important guests inside." Just when Su Jin wanted to walk straight into the shop, the apprentice standing outside stopped her.

Su Jin frowned, "I will go in and retrieve it immediately."

"I really can't." The apprentice tried to persuade him, "Master is in the midst of discussing something with Young Master Dai."

Was it the handsome little landlord? Su Jin slightly opened her eyes, but she still walked inside. What a joke, her time was also very precious. She had to quickly take out the parts to modify them in order to earn more money.

When the apprentice saw that he couldn't stop her, he ran in first and interrupted the conversation, "Master, that girl from that day came. She said she wanted to retrieve something."

"Master Li, I'll leave once I get it. I won't delay you any longer." Su Jin followed him in and said.

"It's you …" Dai Zi Shi who was leaning on his chair heard this familiar voice, he raised his body and asked in surprise.