
1st Upgrade

Su Jin already knew that he was inside, and was not surprised. She only urged Master Li, "I urgently need those items. Please bring them over. They are the remaining money." She put three sticks of money on the counter.

Master Li was naturally unhappy that his speech was interrupted, but seeing that the lord Dai Gongzi did not seem to be angry, he restrained himself and instructed the previous disciple, then wanted to continue the conversation with Dai Ziqian.

At this time, Dai Zi Shi asked him about Su Jin, Master Li naturally answered truthfully, hearing that Su Jin ordered a bunch of strange looking things, he was also interested, and asked Master Li for the corresponding news.

Master Li wiped off the sweat on his forehead and replied in full details. When Dai Zixian heard that even he didn't know what was used for, the probing look in his eyes became even stronger. He was determined to take a look, so Master Li could only let him go.

Not long after, the acolyte brought out a plate filled with spare parts.

Dai Zi Shi's eyes were on the parts in the plate and he was tapping the fingers on the back of the chair.

The plate was made of iron the size of a palm, and it looked extremely strange.

Dai Zi Wu became more curious as he watched Su Jin calmly pack her things.

"What are you going to do with this thing?" He asked Su Jin.

"You ask? for the loom. " Su Jin glanced at him and replied.


"I just made a small change." Su Jin smiled and raised her cloth to leave.

As Dai Zixian watched her go out the door, the curiosity in his heart grew. He thought that he must find a time to ask around.

"Young Master Dai? Young Master Dai? " Master Li from the blacksmith's shop called.

"Oh, let's continue. I want to customize the equipment used by the merchant caravan this time. I just want to …" Dai Zi Shi regained his senses and started discussing with Master Li.

After Su Jin returned home, she told her mother and the others to stop and borrow the tools before starting the transformation.

This time, the main purpose of the modification was to replace the components with newly made iron parts, so that the original wooden parts could be replaced and become more durable. In addition to a set of transmission systems, it was expected that the efficiency would increase by a large amount after replacement.

It took an entire afternoon to disassemble and reassemble the loom. As she looked at the loom that was even heavier than before, Su Jin smiled in relief.

"Are you done? "Let me try." When mother saw Su Jin stand up, she couldn't wait to give it a try.

"Wait." Su Jin called out to her. She turned around and went to the kitchen and picked up a piece of lard. She rolled it up with a piece of cloth and spread it on the metal parts.

"It's okay now." Su Jin took a step back and let her mother try.

"It's faster now. It's not tiring."

"Of course." Su Jin had always been very confident in her skills.

The family surrounded the loom and rejoiced, but at the other end of the town, in the yard at the back of a large courtyard, it was somewhat quiet.

"Check out the situation of that little girl's home." A clear and melodious voice suddenly rang out, spreading through the small courtyard.

"Yes." A person at the door responded in a low voice before disappearing into thin air.

The one who had been instructed was Dai Zixian, who was lying in an armchair, leisurely reading a essay.

"After flipping through all the books, I was unable to find any records on those metal objects made by Guang Yu. It seems like that little girl is also a little strange. Fine, we'll just leave her alone, it's good to find out more about her." Dai Zi Shu thought.

He once again thought of that girl's appearance. She was clearly wearing coarse clothes, and was clearly the child of a poor family. However, she was not timid when facing him, and faintly had a proud and aloof temperament.

He had never met such a person before, and he kept thinking about him from time to time. That day at the blacksmith's shop, he unexpectedly felt a sense of pleasant surprise.

Weird. It was for this reason, he thought, that he wanted to explore her further.

He lifted the teacup with jade-like fingers and placed it in his mouth. Smoke rose from the still boiling tea, covering the Dai Family's Young Master's eyes. No one could see or guess his emotions.

Su Jin didn't think that she had already attracted someone's interest. Right now, she was in the middle of comforting Number 1 with great difficulty.

"Hold on a little longer, in another month, I'll definitely get you a tael of gold."

"I'll run out of energy before I get there!" Number One was unwilling to forgive him.

"Isn't this a loan sharks' pot?" Su Jin was also very innocent.

"I don't care, the one who came up with the idea for you is me, you can't ignore me!" Number One called.

"Fine, I promise you, I will get you some gold to replenish your energy during these few days." Number 1 kept shouting in her head. Su Jin could imagine how it looked like rolling around on the ground. Her head was so big that she had no choice but to coax it.

"You said it!" Number 1 followed suit.

"Yes, I did."

After receiving Su Jin's promise, Number 1 finally calmed down. Su Jin wiped off her sweat, she had both old and young, and she also had a difficult number 1 that could cause a ruckus in her mind at any time. She would never have imagined that there would be internal and external troubles.

What could she do? She had to move forward with a heavy load on her back.

It is not easy to live, it is not easy to live.

Since she promised Number One, Su Jin started to look around for money, but after thinking for a while, she still couldn't think of a suitable person to borrow money for her. He did not have any relatives in the town, and his neighbors' conditions were not too good either. It would be difficult to gather five taels of silver.

Su Jin drew out the alternative names on the ground with the tree branches. In the end, only the cloth shop remained.

Su Jin looked at the words on the ground and hesitated. These days, she would go to the cloth shop every two to three days to sell cloth and get familiar with the shopkeeper, but if she really wanted to open her mouth, it would be a bit difficult. After all, she only had business dealings with him.

However, Number One was still waiting for the opportunity. He might have to risk it all.

Su Jin threw down the branch, made up her mind, clapped her hands and tidied up her clothes, then walked out of the house.

When they arrived at the cloth shop, there was only the waiter at the counter. When he saw Su Jin enter, he greeted her, "Miss Su, are you here to sell cloth again today?"

"Ah, no, I have something to talk to the shopkeeper about." Su Jin stammered.

"Oh, so it's like that. The shopkeeper is in the back hall. I'll call him over for you." The waiter said.

The shopkeeper quickly came out. "Miss Su, is there something you need me for?"

Su Jin organized her words and looked around.

At this time, there were still other people buying cloth in the store. The shopkeeper immediately understood after seeing it and took Su Jin to the back hall.

"Did Miss Su encounter some trouble?" He asked as he sat Su Jin down in his seat.