

The waiter must have already told the shopkeeper of his purpose, so he came over to greet Xu Jingxiu and seriously began to look at the cloth.

Su Jin took the initiative to introduce the cloth and explained its characteristics. The shopkeeper's eyes lit up as he listened. After thinking for a while, he said,

"The quality of your cloth is indeed good, and it is unique, so I can accept it. I just don't know how many cloth can you take out in a month?"

Su Jin thought for a moment. If she had taken a step closer to modifying the loom, she could have used 100 looms a month under normal working conditions. Of course, she wouldn't say such a number, so she only thought for a moment and replied, "About 60 of them."

Hearing this, the shopkeeper was shocked, but he felt relieved thinking that the girl in front of him might have someone in her family who would do this. Plus, Su Jin had explained that the weaving speed was faster, so he agreed to this number.

"Then as you said, you can weave the cloth and bring it to the store to sell at any time. I'll give it to you …" "Un, the price for plain cloth, 50 words, and floral cloth, 75 coins."

This price was lower than her own, but it was natural for her to buy it in large quantities. In fact, she also took advantage of this price. Su Jin nodded in her heart, but on the surface, she still tried to increase the price.

The shopkeeper frowned as if he was dissatisfied. After grinding with Su Jin for a while, he cut off a piece of paper. In the end, he paid the price of 52 words and 78 words.

Although each piece of cloth had only increased by two or three pieces of gold, it was still not a small amount if accumulated together. She would take sixty pieces of cloth as the total, pay forty pieces of plain cloth, and pay twenty pieces of flowery cloth. With that, it would be enough to cover the basic expenses of her family for a month.

After finishing the negotiations, Su Jin didn't linger. After bidding the shopkeeper farewell, she turned left and headed to the town's most famous blacksmith shop without hesitation.

Arriving at the blacksmith shop, Su Jin looked around and found that the technology here was beyond her expectations. She could basically make all the things she wanted, but the quality was still a bit lacking.

It doesn't matter, it's enough. Su Jin made the request to the blacksmith and paid the deposit. Then, she walked back home quickly.

As she walked along the narrow street towards home, the setting sun illuminated the long passageway. As Su Jin walked, she also entered the sunlight. She slowed her steps and narrowed her eyes to look at the fiery red setting sun.

Ever since she had transmigrated, she had been busy modifying machines, weaving cloth, and taking care of her family. In reality, this wasn't something she could bear in a short period of time. She only thought that if she took over this body, she would take good care of her family and not let her borrow her weight to live.

Fortunately, everything went smoothly.

Her heart was at ease as she looked at her surroundings in a different light. Su Jin had been hurrying in the past few days. Only now could she finally calm down and enjoy the rare ancient scenery.

On both sides of the long passageway were blue brick walls. The green stone road disappeared into the yellow soil after stretching for a long distance. As he walked out of the passageway, he could see several leaves scattered on the ground on both sides of the road.

The air was filled with the unique aura of desolation that was unique to this season, causing people to feel a sense of desolation for no reason. "Wuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwu"

Su Jin was not affected by the atmosphere and walked home happily.

"Sister, you're back!" She was sitting on the doorstep, knitting grass stalks. When she saw Su Jin coming back, she waved vigorously at her.

Su Jin lowered her body and pinched her cheek.

After having a good meal these past few days, the child's face gradually grew a bit more fleshy. His complexion also turned rosy, unlike the waxy yellow thin he had seen when he had first arrived.

Not only the two children, even Su Jin felt much stronger.

His mother was cooking in the kitchen. Today, she had fried the cabbage with oil. The fragrance of lard wafted out and immediately grabbed Su Jin's empty stomach.

Su Jin could not wait any longer as she waited for the dishes to be served. Then, she picked up a piece and put it in her mouth.

"Ugh!" "Delicious!" She ate three big mouthfuls of rice along with the taste of the small piece. Then, she picked up another piece of cabbage and started to eat.

"Slow down." His mother advised gently.

The family ate their meal, and as usual, they were on the computer weaving. The difference was, when their mother got tired of weaving, Su Jin wanted to take over, but her second brother walked up to her and said, "Sis, I'll also knit for a while."

"No, how can a man like you sit on such a thing!" Before Su Jin could say anything, her mother expressed her opposition.

Su Jin looked at her mother and slightly raised her eyebrows.

Mother looked at her in confusion.

"Mother, if it was a while ago, when our family was in the most difficult times, if Second Brother could earn money by weaving, would you let him knit?" Su Jin asked calmly.

"This …" Meng Qin hesitated.

If it really was at that time, and her son could make money from weaving, she would naturally let him knit. Now wasn't that the time that had come!? How can a man touch these things!

She said it too.

Su Jin sat down on the chair and started fiddling with a bunch of strings.

"Mother, look. In fact, you agreed to let Second Brother weave the cloth. It's just that you haven't crossed your bottom line yet. But since they can agree, then what's the point of having a bottom line? "

Meng Qin wanted to say something but hesitated.

"I know you don't think men should get involved with these things, but the situation at home hasn't improved much. If he can help, why not? Those ideas you think you just heard from someone else, but we have to think about our situation. "

After Su Jin finished speaking, she waved her hand, signaling her second brother to get on the plane.

These days, his second brother had already seen Su Jin busily going in and out, and he had already relied on her. Seeing her signal, he quickly boarded the plane and began to weave like they usually did.

"Isn't that good?" Su Jin asked her mother.

Meng Qin sighed as she watched her son gradually familiarize himself with the movements. She also knew that she was dead set on letting him go.

"Mother, you should continue to rest." Su Jin had made up her mind to let her second brother participate.

From Su Jin's point of view, this era similar to China's ancient era had many ideas that did not conform to her actions. If they really did conform to these ideas, then she would be restricted everywhere. As a result, she did not plan to follow these imperceptible rules, but decided to do what she wanted.

Practical, was her code of conduct, as well as one of the ideas held by the researchers. Su Jin did not mind nurturing the people closest to her to the same view.

For the next few days, the weather was clear and the sky was bright.