
Cracking Time

"Mr. Herbertor would like to meet us after cracking time"

"Why?" I asked, solemnly having an idea she wants to kill me for joking that day.

"I have no idea. I will be waiting for you in the ground. Make sure you come on time. If I am not there, come to the Goldsparrow dorm. I am the only one there. The Name's Natalie Puller"


She's so full of herself. Does she think that just because she has a rare power to get into Goldsparrow, doesn't mean she should be rude. I have a rare power too...

"She's the one from our set who is a goldsparrowian?" Eric asked.

Kristoff nodded. "Why did Mr. Herbertor want to meet Ellie though?"

"We will have to see" Kristiana said, as we walked through the rain glazed corridors. We crossed a huge tree, which added beauty to the academy. It had golden branches and pink fruits. Kristiana got another professor like look on her snout and continued, " This tree is called Saraparilla. It's colour and quality is enhanced by magic. The main significance of the tree is.. "

"It can spread good aura everywhere" Kristoff said annoyed, " We all knew"

"I was telling it for Eric and Emily" She defended looking at us.

I agreed with her even though Ethan told me this already. Eric was nodding too. It's me who should defend Kristiana.

Kristiana tried to touch it but it was not up to her height. I let out a giggle. Kristoff tried to mock her by touching it but before he could move, there was a huge sound. We turned to see a boy in the ground and two girls walking on opposite sides.

Eric reached first and helped the boy to his feet.

"Excuse me, where are my manners? I am Cedric Chocowand. I am a truffle. I ended up falling trying to separate these two girls from fighting. One is Athea, my sister and the other is her classmate Croci Anacon. They don't get along." He explained. Who is this boy? I know that he had given out information but isn't it weird for a boy to talk like his life is a cricket commentary?

We introduced ourselves. When a man came striding to us.

"Why are you all not in your dorms? This is cracking time! You are really a bunch of naughty children" Someone said in a raspy voice. The person who gave this voice over was a stern faced fellow with black hair and eyes. Why does he sound like he's a villain from a child movie?

"We are going, Mr. Ralph Tarantula" Kristiana said and added in a whisper to me, "Truffles- the fire house's head"

We ran all the way to our dorm only to be captured in the angry glare of Ms. Ariel.

The dorm was surrounded by Eggs. One by one everything cracked. Out came a little creature which had green fur and green eyes. The creatures are called biters.

One came to me. I panicked and froze its legs. It melted it out.

"You are my pet" I said and took it, "Wulfric"

It barked. This is an emotional moment. I wish someone would capture the moment and I can hang the picture in my room.

"Wulfric" He let out lovable barks.

"I know you are going to love the name" I informed him. It pounced on me and I started giggling.

Ms.Ariel coughed and added, "There is a thing I need you to know. Our year's beads will be Kristoff and Kristiana Stuart"

That's acceptable.

I applauded along with all the others. They both came smiling holding their biters. After talking with the other two members in our dorm, I found that there are five lakes and each lake has a year's dorm.

Eric had named his pet as "yo". Pretty lame! I would be surprised if it wasn't.

Kristoff and Kristiana had named them, "Day" and "Night". I found it creative!

I went to the ground to see Natalie there.

She didn't speak a word to me, which I really appreciate.

"Hey, Natalie" I said.

She nodded at me. We didn't exchange a single word during the whole conversation. Why can't everyone be like that to me? That was the best five minutes of my life.

We went to Mr. Herbertor's room. It was floating in the air?

When we moved closer, Steps became visible. We walked and reached the door. It opened automatically. It was a circular room. Not my style though.

Mr. Herbertor's face tilted up when he saw us.

"Ms. Meltone and Ms. Puller....." He said and we greeted him.

"Do any of you have any idea why I called you? No? Then I will tell you....." He said and continued, "We always keep record of people with rare powers. Ms. Puller has the rare ability of controlling the weather, and Ms. Meltone, you can freeze time."

"Oh..." I said but Natalie Puller acted uninterested.

"I am going to add two of you to the rare abilities' club. You will be given extra care and credits for this. The club gives training only for half an hour a day. You have to go to the green dorm daily for this"

"What will we be doing, sir?" I asked.

"You will be using your abilities and trying the limits of your power"

I nodded while Natalie was just staring at the wall. I have never in my life met someone weirder than me.

"You may leave" Mr. Herbertor said as I walked away.

"There had been no records of such a club existing" Kristiana said surfing in our school website for the hundredth time.