
The Saiyan of MHA [dropped]

When he loses everyone dear to him and is abandoned he starts to have dreams of a different world and how to train his quirk he starts to become the strongest, and show the world the truth of hero's and how cruel the world can be, exactly how it was to him.

Alvinbrrrrrr · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs


(1 Year Later)

It's been a year since I started my relationship with Himiko and we haven't done "it"but we have played with each other. When we got back the next morning from instant transmission since we slept on the nimbus cloud and told Kurogiri that we are officially together he acted as if it should've happened ages ago and I took slight offense since feelings are difficult, ok?But when I told Dad he seriously interrogated me to make sure if I truly loved her which I did but only after he made sure he approved.

Right now I was at a bar that was abandoned and was in the bar room standing in front of a screen where my Dad could be but hooked up to machines.

[What did you want to speak to me about Alex?]He asks me through the screen.

[I want to attend middle school with Himiko for the last semester next year.]I tell him straight out.

[May I know why you want to go to middle school next year?]He asked me with his ever calm voice.

[Yes, because I want to infiltrate U.A as a student with Himiko since All Might is looking for a successor and what better place than the number 1 hero school. Now you may ask, why not straight to U.A, thats because it will allow me to build us more solid background against that rat principal so he isn't suspicious.]I say with my indifferent look.

[Hmm...You make valid points but I still don't see why you need to go, with Himiko especially.]He says after a few seconds of thinking.

[Well I think it would be interesting honestly and if it isn't then Himiko can just cheer me up.]I say back to him while a small almost unnoticeable smile appeared on my face.

[Very well, I did say I'd let you start making your own decisions anyways but remember that I'm always here to help.]He said to me.

[Thanks Dad, and I know you are.]I say to him with a smile before the screen goes blank.

(7 Months Later)

It's been a year since I decided to go to middle school with Himiko and we're in front of Aldera Junior High, it's a non of importance middle school but I figured it'd be good to be the first to graduate to U.A from a basically backwater school.

(in classroom)

[Alright class welcome our two new students.Now please introduce yourself, name, quirk, dream, hobbies, likes, and dislikes.]He said to the class in front of me and Himiko then to us.

[Hello my name is Himiko Toga, my quirk is Transform where I can take the form of anyone's DNA I've ingested and copy their voice and quirks sometimes{A/N:Didn't say large amount of blood cause who would say that and Himiko isn't as crazed as cannon Himiko because Alex kept her grounded} my dream is to go to U.A and become a Hero, hobbies is spending time with Alex, likes is Alex, dislikes are people who force me to do something I don't want to.]Himiko said for her introduction.

[Hello my name is Alex Walker, my quirks are Saiyan and Ki control, Ki control allows me to use the life energy in our body's and do different things, "Saiyan" gives me super human strength, speed, endurance, healing, and a tail. My dream is to go to U.A and be a Hero, hobbies are reading manga, watching anime and spending time with Himiko, likes are manga, anime, Himiko and my Dad, dislikes are people who are arrogant or blind to the real world.Also Himiko's my girlfriend.]I say with my normal indifferent look but turns into a smile that isn't a smile with the last part while glaring at the guys who are obviously getting idea's about Himiko.

[Alright, now that you have introduced yourselves, Alex take the seat by the window in the back and Himiko sit beside him.]He said to us after we which took our seats.

Our day was a normal school day and during on of our classes our teacher was talking about our future's as third year students.

{A/N:This basically copy and paste from show}

[So.As third-year students, it's time to start thinking seriously about your futures and what you want to do with your lives.I could pass out some career aptitude tests, but why bother?I know you all want to go to the Hero track!]The teacher said and the class activated their quirks and started cheering, they're all too loud honestly.

[Yes yes you all have some very impressive quirks.But no power usage allowed in school!Get a hold of yourselves.]He said.

[Hey teach!Don't lump me in with this buncha losers. I'm the real deal, but these guys'll be lucky to end up as sidekicks to some busted D-lister.Heh.]Katsuki Bakugo said to the class.

[You think you're better than us Katsuki?!]Some random mob kid said.

[Lets go I'll take you all on.]He said back.

[Huh, you've got impressive test results, maybe you will get into U.A High.

[He's gonna try for the national school?]Another mob kid said.

[That school has a .2% acceptance rate!]Another mob said.

[It's impossible to get into.]Another mob said.

[That's exactly why it's the only place worthy of me.]He then jumps on his desk from his chair.

[I aced all the mock tests .I'm the only one at this school who stands a chance at getting in.I'll end up more popular than All Might himself, and be the richest Hero of all time!People all across the world will know who I am.And it all starts with U.A High!]He said while monologging.

[Oh yeah, Alex, Himiko, and Midoriya, don't you wanna go to U.A High, too?]He asked which made the kid I'm assuming to be Midoriya try to hide himself and Bakugo freeze, the students all start laughing at him.

[Midoriya, you're kidding right?]A mob kid asked.

[There's no way you're getting into the Hero course without a quirk!]Another mob said.

[Well actually they got rid of that rule.I could be the first one.]He said after standing up but then Bakugo comes in front of his desk and blows it up knocking him back on the ground.

[Listen up, Deku!Your've even worse thsn the rest of these damn rejects, you quirkless wannabe.You really think they'd let someone like you in when they could have me?]He said to Midoriya.

[Huh?No, wait!You've got it all wrong!Really!I'm not trying to compete against you.You gotta believe me!It's just that I've always wanted to be a Hero since I was little.I may not have a quirk, but I can still try my hardest, can't I?]He said while backing up to the wall behind him.

[You'd never be able to hang with the best of the best, You'd die in the exams! Defenseless Izuku. This School's already crappy.You really wanna embarrass it more by failing so hard?]He said to him

[And you, Alex and Himiko, don't think you're better than me.]He said to me and and Himiko and to that I just

[*Yawn*If you really wanna fight we can take this outside, prove who's stronger.]I said while leaning back against my chair looking at him with my indifferent look.

[*grr*Bastard I'll kill you!]He said while jumping towards me.

All I do is raise a my index finger out towards him and shoot a finger beam at him knocking him back to the ground.

[*Yawn*I was expecting more from the schools strongest, guess my expectations were too high.]I say to him while yawning.

Then the day continued and once it was over I wrapped my left arm around Himiko and instant transmission back to our base.


I was currently walking to a manga shop in that was in Tatooin shopping district and wasn't paying attention since I was following my phone's GPS but then I bump into someone by accident.

[Oh, sorry about that but can I get through?]I say with an indifferent look.

[Are you crazy kid, don't you see what's happening?]He said to me which made me look past him and see some sludge villain just destroy the one manga shop I haven't seen yet which really pisses me off so they I start to use my Ki to fly above the sludge villain but then I see Bakugo in it and Midoriya running into it to which confuses me but I don't care, I'm going to kill this villain, on second thought never-mind too many pro's.

[HEY, ASSHOLE!]I say to the sludge villain from above.

[Huh, Who are you brat?]He asks me.

[Too you that doesn't matter, but word of advice, never.Brake.A.Manga.STORE.]I say while taking a stance for my Kamehameha.

[Ka-me-Ha-me-HA.]I say before blasting the villain into the ground and making him disperse into a bunch of little sludge pieces. I then floated down to the ground while the Heroes collected all the sludge pieces and then given to police custody to go to jail, then a bunch of Heroes started praising me and Bakugo for our quirks, it was really hard not to kill them, then they reprimanded Midoriya. After I got out of their without killing them, somehow, I started walking to my bar only for the person I probably hate most, the asshole who injured my father so badly, walked out in front of me and it took all I had to keep my indifferent face and keep my anger and hatred from my aura from slipping out.

[I am here!]He said while sliding in front of me.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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