
The Saiyan of MHA [dropped]

When he loses everyone dear to him and is abandoned he starts to have dreams of a different world and how to train his quirk he starts to become the strongest, and show the world the truth of hero's and how cruel the world can be, exactly how it was to him.

Alvinbrrrrrr · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Quirk assessment test?

{A/N:This had to be split in two cause it was getting too long, at least for me, see ya

P.S:1193 words without this}

[I am here!]He said while sliding in front of me.

[What are you doing here?Don't you have to deal with reporters?]I asked while keeping an indifferent face and calm voice.

[Young man. I came here to thank you. For stepping up and being a Hero, when I wasn't able too.]He said.

[Ok?You're welcome I guess?]I said to him with slight hint of confusion in my voice.

[But I also came for something else. Most great Heroes put their lives on the line to save someone else, and you risked your life to beat that villain.So I have a question. Would you become my successor.]He said to me while I was thinking 'I literally one shot him, thats putting my life on the line?'I was thinking but then when I heard the last part I tried my best not to laugh, if only he knew who I was.

[Sorry All Might, thanks for the offer but no thank you, I'd rather not be the next symbol of Peace, I don't think I'm exactly suited for it.]I said to him, and some people may think, why don't you accept and steal the power? Thats because where would be the fun in that? Although it would be interesting to see how he would react when I killed him, his own "Student", but I'd rather defeat his successor and for them to watch how I kill their teacher before them.

[Please reconsider.]He says to me.

[Sorry but thats my final answer. Though you could always ask that quirk-less kid, I mean, he risked his life without any powers, imagine what he could do with powers.]I say to him while walking away.

(At Bar)

[Dad, I wanted to tell you that All Might, tried to make me his inheritor, but I rejected.]I say to my Dad on screen straight out.

[Why would you reject? You could easily steal his power.]He asks me.

[Well Dad, where would be the fun in that? I'd rather see how his successor would look, when I kill them after they remember how I killed their teacher, or you do, but either way it would be more fun like this.]I say to him.

[Very well, it was your decision, your choice, and if this is what you choose I'll support you.]He says before the screen goes blank.

(10 Months Later)

Today is February 26th, the morning of the U.A entrance exam, I've noticed that Midoriya has started to work out and gain some muscles, which made me assume All Might took my advice for a successor so now I know exactly who I'm going to kill. I've also noticed that my dreams per Birthday has stopped, which made me wonder if I've learned all I could, or reached a cap in power, maybe both? But during these past 10 months I've been going to the abandoned Island and trying to master oozaru form and I'm close, I know what I do but can't stop it, so probably 1 or 2 more full moons, but right now I'm in front of U.A with Himiko to attend the entrance exam.I start walking in with Himiko and see Bakugo bullying Midoriya, again. Honestly I don't understand, I'm assuming he's inherited All Mights power already and was trained by All Might, but he still has no back bone, whatever he's gonna die anyway why care.

(In U.A High School Hero course Exam Orientation Room)

I'm starting to regret my decision to go here now honestly, there are too many Hero's here, I don't know how I'm going to restrain myself honestly. Right now I'm in an auditorium with other examinees and Present Mic explaining the rules and stuff.

[Excuse me sir but I have a question.]A kid asks, he's obviously the uptight type. After that I just start tuning things out and wait till the exam start.

(Out Side Of A Battle Center)

'Oh looks like they separated all of us so friends can't work together potentially, thats fine but how should I pass this?Super Kamehameha, Spirit Bomb, just fly around and punch everything, hmm... I think I'll take the flashy approach... yeah that'll work.'I think to myself before hearing Present Mic announce start of the exam.I then instant transmission to the middle of the battle center before anyone can get in to make sure no one gets injured and use a Max Power Kamehameha in the middle battle Center which essentially destroys it except the area closest to the arena wall.

(In examiners room)

If you were to look at all the teachers present you would see all of them slack jawed after seeing Alex blow up most of the arena but it was All Might who first recovered.

[I always knew young Walker was strong but this is far more than I expected.]He said aloud to which the other teachers awoke from their stupor.

[All Might, do you know who this child is?]Nezu asked All Might.

[Yes I do, he was the one who defeated that sludge villain 10 months ago.]He said to Nezu.

[Hmm... It's good that he is on our side cause I don't want to think of what type of destruction he could do if he was a villain.]Nezu said aloud to which made the other teachers think about and shiver from fear at the power display.

(Week Later)

I was currently in the bar talking about random stuff with Himiko before Kurogiri appears with two letters in hand from U.A and when we open it a projector was in each of them. It then showed a projection of All Might in each of them and it explained how we passed and that I was the number 1 examinee with 313 points.


It's April right now, I've learned control over my oozaru form but don't know anyways of advancing. But thats thought for later, right now I'm in class right now in the seat far back next to the window talking with Himiko who's beside me ignoring Bakugo and Lida who are arguing and then the door opens up to reveal All Might's successor, Izuku Midoriya. Then he started talking with a girl behind him, Ochaco Uraraka, and then a man in a sleeping bag appears behind them, Aizawa Shota aka Eraser Head, our teacher. He introduces himself and tells us to put on what I'm assuming is U.A's gym clothes.

Right now we were at a field where I can feel many different gazes on my body, mainly from girls. Now some may be wondering, why I'm getting these types of looks? Well thats because of my ripped body which can be seen from the gym clothes which is from years of training and from my looks. But let's try to pay attention now.

{A/N:looks like Gogeta}

[What? A Quirk assessment test?] Everyone in the class said and honestly kinda creepy how they said it all together like it was planned.