
The Saiyan of MHA [dropped]

When he loses everyone dear to him and is abandoned he starts to have dreams of a different world and how to train his quirk he starts to become the strongest, and show the world the truth of hero's and how cruel the world can be, exactly how it was to him.

Alvinbrrrrrr · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs


(4 Years Later)

It's been 4 years since I met Himiko Toga and recruited her and we've become close friends over the years and she's started to love me, I'm not blind to it but I just don't know how I feel about her but anyway she's also started to drink my blood regularly which I allowed and she would always become hot and bothered after, literally, I think it has something to do with how high my vitality is from my Ki.Speaking about Ki I've learned Ki sensing Instant Transmission and a lot more which is too many to count, but I've also learned how to turn into a False Super Saiyan, today is my birthday and I walked into my Father's office only to find him missing which is weird cause he's always in there. I then walk out and call out to Kurogiri to ask him where my Father is and he only tells me.

[It's better if I show you.]He said in a sad voice and was about to teleport us before I say

[What about Himiko?]I asked him.

[She's waiting for us there.]He said to me and grabbed my shoulder before teleporting us in a hallway before I could say anything and in front of us is a door and Himiko in front of a door and seemed to have just gotten out of it looking like she saw a ghost, now before I continue Himiko also started to see A.F.O as a Father from how well he treated both of us so when she sees me she immediately jumps on me with tears in her eyes and that immediately alarms me.

[Himiko, what wrong?}I say with a slightly panicked voice.

[Alex*sniff*i-it's Fath-]But before she could finish I instantly appear in front of the door which show's the results of my training and open the door only to see something that made me blind with rage, the man that took care of me and Himiko after we lost everything, body was mangled and had a bunch of tubes and wires connected to him. My Ki started to fluctuate taking a visible form of gold around my body while my hair started to turn gold and standing on end along with my tail that started to flail around and eyes fluctuate between pure white and a green eye color and then lightning started to form around me from my Ki and only one word was spoke from him while this was happening that was spoken with such hatred and killing intent it brought every person who was standing on their knees.

[WHO?]There was a moment of silence while nobody talked before he spoke again but this time with annoyance to everyone.

[I SAID WHO DAMN IT?]He said again and was about to continue before a voice was said that stopped all his killing intent.

[Stop.It.Alex.]His father said to him and he immediately appeared in front of the body with tears threatening to let loose from his eyes.

[Dad, please, let me avenge you and kill the bastard who did this to you.]He said to his Dad.

[No Alex, it's ok, the other person is probably as bad as me, if not worse, and now isn't the time.You will have to inherent my power soon.]He said that while looking at Alex.

[NO, THEY DESERVE DEATH!]I said with intense killing intent again but was stopped.

ALEX, ENOUGH!]He said to me with a domineering voice stopping my killing intent.

[But I don't want to inherent your power soon because when it comes time for that, I probably won't be able to see you again.Or worse...]I said while crying.

Son, this is what I've been preparing you for all this time so if your not ready that means I've failed you, and have I ever failed you.]He said to me with a caring voice.

[No...]I said with a strained voice.

[Then stop crying and start preparing, I'm going to let you start preparing things, let you make your plans, I'll also tell you who it was if you promise to not act on them.]He said to me.

[I, Alex Walker, promise not to act on said person, Dad.]I said to him.

[Good, it was All Might. I don't want you to act on him because he will stop being a hero and will get an inheritor for his power, like you will for me, and he will be your opponent.]He said to me.

[Ok Dad, I'll leave now.]I said while turning off my Super Saiyan form and then left with Himiko, Dad's started to give me responsibility's to prepare me and I can't fail him.


A.F.O was currently lying on a bed surrounding by doctors and wires ands tubes connected to him but then he heard the door open and saw, Alex, his successor and then his power spiked gaining gold hair, tail, eyes flickering between pure white and green, and his Ki taking physical form around him and lightning created from it then hears Alex speak.

(After Alex left)

'Hmm, interesting, it seems his past limiter broke but, more? It seems there's more to his quirks than I thought.' A.F.O thought after Alex left.

(P.O.V change end, 3 Years Later)

It's been 3 years since my Dad was critically injured, nothing has really happened except me mastering Super Saiyan which grants a 100x boost, I've recently been thinking if it's possible to control my oozaru form and make it stronger because it's supposed to give a 10x boost.

It's my birthday again and I think I found where Himiko stands in my heart. I love her the same amount as my Dad and I always knew that but it was different from my Dad, and I didn't exactly know what that meant, I didn't know what my love meant for her, but now I know, I would do everything in my power to protect her, to make sure she's happy, if thats accomplished then I'm fine.

Tonight I'm going to tell her exactly how much her existence is worth to me.

(Later that night at abandoned Island)

I was currently floating on a nimbus cloud that I made but without the certain requirements needed with it that I got from my dreams with Himiko above a abandoned Island I flew to with Himiko, I was currently wearing black jeans, black shirt, black zip-up with my black glasses and black sneakers, these were the same type of clothes I was wearing when we first met, of course not exact same since I've obviously grown since then but I thought it would be sentimental.The moon could be seen glittering against the ocean water beautifully, Alex then grabs Himiko's hand making her look at him while she shows a beautiful smile to Alex who takes a deep breath mentally preparing himself for this.

[Himiko, I've been thinking about you a lot recently, what you mean to me.I know you've loved me for a long time and I've always loved you too, the same amount as Dad, but It was different from the way I've loved him, that's why it took such a long time to figure out what you meant to me, what my love meant for you, but I now know. For me, it's to always protect and keep you safe, to make sure you always stay happy, so that beautiful smile of yours always stays on your face, if that's accomplished, then I'm fine. That's my love for you, Himiko.]I say and finish with a smile, now some people may say "that's so cheesy" but it works if it's the truth.

After I finish saying that we just sat there on the nimbus cloud, staring in silence at each other, but not awkward silence but comfortable silence as if we came to a silent agreement and we just stay like that for a few minutes before I move my face closer to hers, and she slowly does as well until we can feel each others breath before I seal her lips that transferred all my feelings to her, after a few seconds I feel her trying to slip her tongue in my mouth while I mentally smirk from her thinking she'll dominating me so I open my mouth to let her in mine before pushing mine's in hers while simultaneously making her lay down on the nimbus cloud with me on top her completely dominating her for a few minutes before we separate for air but then she bites on my neck and starts making her drink my blood and I didn't think much about it before I felt a hand trying to go in my jeans which I immediately stop then remember how she gets after drinking my blood which made me chuckle from how can I forget something so important.

[Sorry Himiko but not now, we're too young, when we're 15 then I'll let this happen but for now no.]I say with a helpless smile, I want too, really do, but I think I'd break her honestly.

[Really Alex, you're gonna leave this girl all hot and bothered like this?You should take responsibility.]She said in a seductive voice and with the way she looks right now, it almost broke my will but then I had an idea and smirked, I mean we aren't doing it so it's fine right?

I start to slide my finger under her skirt and move her panties aside to let my fingers in and she looks really sexy when I do.

[This is fine with me, I mean we aren't technically doing it so it's fine with me if it is with you.]I said after leaning to her ear and whispering in it and blowing in it letting a shiver down her spine after feeling the air against her ear and you can guess what happened after but they didn't actually do anything other then touch each other so get out perverts.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

So this is the girl no harem once again so don't ask.

Alvinbrrrrrrcreators' thoughts