
The Saiyan of MHA [dropped]

When he loses everyone dear to him and is abandoned he starts to have dreams of a different world and how to train his quirk he starts to become the strongest, and show the world the truth of hero's and how cruel the world can be, exactly how it was to him.

Alvinbrrrrrr · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs


(3 weeks Later)

It's been a month since I meet A.F.O and 3 weeks since meeting Kurogiri, nothing eventful has happened other than starting my training a week ago. All these thoughts before I go to sleep and go to dream land.

(In Alex's mind)

'Where am I?'Thought Alex before a bunch of scenes flash by of different ki techniques and training routines and then he wakes up abruptly.

[Kurogiri.]I call out and then a a gas portal opens up in front of me and Kurogiri walks out.

[Yes Alex?]He asks me.

[Lets go to the training area I wanna test something and if it works, I need to speak with A.F.O]I said to him and then after he puts his hand on my shoulder and we become enveloped in his fog and appear in a bunker of sorts which is the underground training area.

[Ok lets see if this works].I said to myself in a low voice which seemed to be a mumble.

After Alex said this to himself before he turned away from Kurogiri and took a low stance with his upper body at an angle where his left side is forward and right side back before putting his hands at his right hip crossing each other with space in between that a ball could fit, where his left hand is on the bottom facing up and fingers facing back of him with his right facing down while fingers pointing to his right.

[Ka-me-Ha-me-HA]He starting saying slowly while a blue ball starting forming between his hands before yelling the last part and pushing his hands forward connected by the wrists with the right hand on top of his left but fingers pointed opposite off each other with right pointing up and left down and then a blue stream of energy flew into one of the walls leaving a dent in it and leaving Kurogiri what assuming it slack jawed from fog where his mouth is a little lower than it should be.

[Alex, what was that?]Asked Kurogiri after composing himself.

[Not now take me to A.F.O I'll explain in front of him.]I said clearly before he just sighed and grabbed my shoulder before we become enveloped in his fog again and teleported in a office in front of A.F.O.

[Ah Alex, I'm assuming you want those glasses for the moon? Well the doctor just created them.]He said to me after seeing me appear.

[That's good but I want to talk about something.]I said to him.

[And what may that be Alex?]He asked after which I explained my dream and different ki techniques and training and the kamehameha which Kurogiri confirmed for me.

[Hmm, interesting. Interesting indeed, ok Alex inform me if you have more dreams like this also this is a good thing because you can become stronger faster.]He said to me.

(11 Months Later)

Today is July 24th, it's been a year since my Parent's died and I met A.F.O and was taken in by him and became his successor, I'm 5 now.I mastered the ki techniques and last night I had another dream with more techniques and training routines and I already told A.F.O but my training has shown some results like my small streamlined muscles, nothing crazy yet but my Ki control and reserves have also improved so I can use Super Kamehameha etc.

I was walking through some back alleys before I spot a little girl my age with ash-blonde hair in two buns with strands loose with a crazed smile bloodied with a knife in hand with yellow eyes with slit pupils like a cat staring at me.

{A/N:If you can't guess who this girl...I don't know what to say but also this AU so stop complaining in comments saying she not supposed to be on the streets yet.}

(Girls P.O.V)

I was walking away from some random guy I just killed and let me tell you his blood tasted horrible, yesterday after showing my parents the dead bird they threw me out while disowning me saying I'm a monster and I decided to taste some random guys blood to get these thoughts out of my head but it was horrible but then I see a kid in front of me with Black jeans, black shirt and zip-up, black glasses and black sneakers that looked just so full of life if you take away his indifferent look, I knew that I needed his blood, that it would just be delicious, and after seeing him I gave him my usual smile.

(P.O.V change end)

I see her smiling at me but her eyes looked those of sadness and haziness but was well hidden, the same look I had before meeting A.F.O and gaining my resolve to eradicate Hero's. These thoughts passed through my head before she lunged at me with her knife trying to stab me but I easily side-stepped her from my training and grabbing the hand with the knife and putting on it her back forcing her to let go after dropping her on the floor with one hand behind her back thats being held down by me.

[So mind telling me why you tried to stab me?]I said with my normal look before she turned her head to the side while still on the floor with her crazed smile looking me straight in my eyes.

[Hi sorry about that, you just look so full of life that I know I just need to drink your blood, and you look really tasty.]She said with a blush on her face.

[Well thats good and all I guess, but why try to stab me?]I asked her while staring straight into her eyes back.

[Because I need ALL of it.]She said while smile getting bigger.

[Ok I'll maybe consider it if you explain what happened to you because you look lost and sad, I see it in your eyes.]She kept listening before she lost her smile and look angered.

[WHY SHOULD I SAY ANYTHING, WHY SHOULD I DO ANYTHING I DON'T WANT TO!I HATE THIS SOCIETY WHERE PEOPLE ARE FORCED TO BE WHAT THEY AREN'T BECAUSE OF HERO'S!]She yelled at me with pure anger while I just stare at her with my normal indifferent face.

[You should tell me because I used to be lost like you before, sad like you, but I was saved so give me chance to save you, and, I want to destroy Hero's too but for different reasons.]I said with a bit of sympathy before getting off of her and letting go but then she grabbed her knife and started to keep trying to stab me while I just dodged or misdirected her attempts and she did all this with tears of anger sadness and hate in them, this wen't on for 10 minutes before she just dropped on her knees and let go of knife.

[Why...?Why you have to abandoned me...?WHY?]She said to herself before looking up at me with tears and yelling at me.

[Why you ask, because of Hero's, they're the ones that shaped this society you hate, they're the ones who shaped it like this.]I said while staring into her her eyes.

She then started to break down and tell me how her family abandoned her because of her quirk and then I tell her my story of how my parents died and A.F.O saved me after that I start to walk away before I hear

[Wait.]She called out to me I then stop and turn to look at her waiting for her to continue.

[Take me with you, please, let me help you at least.]She said to me with a look of desperation practically begging me to take her with me.I then take out my phone and call A.F.O.

[Yes Alex.]I heard him say to me over the phone.

[Hello Father I was wondering if I could recruit somebody and bring them back to the base?]I asked him over the phone, I also started to call him Father over the year.

[...Do you trust this person?]He asked after a minute of silence.

[Yes I do.]I said clearly with no hesitation.

[Very well I will send Kurogiri to your location.]After he said that he hung up.

[Well I guess you can join then welcome.]I said to her and her face brightened up and then Kurogiri appears from his fog portal and he create's another one back to our base and I go back with Himiko Toga .

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Alvinbrrrrrrcreators' thoughts