
The Saiyan of MHA [dropped]

When he loses everyone dear to him and is abandoned he starts to have dreams of a different world and how to train his quirk he starts to become the strongest, and show the world the truth of hero's and how cruel the world can be, exactly how it was to him.

Alvinbrrrrrr · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs


Alright saying this here grammar absolutely sucks, this won't be a damn harem, the MC will be a villain and he will be cruel and indifferent to others if they aren't the people he cares about, also the girl is already decided and if you guys start hating on me or the like where I'm going with this then take a big FUCK YOU and leave.


[When Talking]

'When Thinking'

"When quoting"


Nothing when narrating

(P.O.V Change or scene change)






Today was supposed to be the best day of Alex Walker's life, or at least it was until a certain point, today is the 24th of June, his birthday.

He's right now in a fetus position in a random alleyway in Japan after running away from where his parents were murdered with lifeless and distraught eyes.

Now some may be wondering why he has an American name in Japan, thats because his Parent's were American and he was born there as well but they moved to Japan when he was two, that was two years ago and today was his birthday where he turned 4 and found out his quirk, or rather quirks because he got both his parents. His first quirk was from his Father which was a Mutation quirk where he grew a tail called "Saiyan" and the interesting thing about it was that it has more transformations, one such transformation is called "False Super Saiyan" which his Father unlocked after finding out about his parents death which multiplied his strength by 25x.Another transformation was where when Father wa sa kid and looked at the full moon and become a huge 10 ft tall ape which had to be subdued by hero's. His Mother's quirk was KI control which is the living energy or life force in everything but neither quirk got explored since both Parent's were civilians.

He was thinking about all this before he heard a voice that sounded gentle and calming for some reason.

[Hello child.]

(A Few Minutes earlier, ALL For One's P.O.V)

'I really need to find a successor soon, luckily for me the Nomu Project will completed soon'*Sigh*. All For One was currently walking through some back alleys toward his base while thinking about the multiple issues he currently is having.

{A/N:Btw if you guys don't read tags this is AU so man child doesn't exist}

He was about to reach his base that was across the street before he saw a child in fetus position with a tail connecting from tail bone to his hands.

'Hmm... interesting'. He thought while walking up to the child.

[Hello child.]

(Back to Alex's P.O.V)

When I heard this voice I had a weird calm and when I looked up I saw a man in a suit with a mask on crouching in front of me.

[What happened little one?]He asked me.

'Who is this man'. I thought to myself while looking at him.

[My p-parents were murdered]I said in a very low voice.

[Hmm... sorry to hear that little one but do you know who you should blame?]'I sense strength in this child'. He said then thought to himself while looking at him still.

[Of course I do, it was all that villains fault, all his.]I said that to him but then started repeating those last words in a low voice.

[ha ha, no your wrong.}He first chuckled then said in a amused voice.

[WHAT YOU MEAN I'M WRONG, WASN'T IT THAT MAN WHO KILLED THEM.]I said in a enraged tone to this random man, what does he mean I'm wrong, it was that man who killed them.

[Your wrong and right little one.]'His power spiked when he got mad, he may be a worthy successor, now to see if I can plant the seed of hate in him?'He said then thought to himself looking to see this child's reactions.

[What you mean I'm wrong and right?]He said in a questioning tone.

[Ok I'll explain it then, while yes it was the villain that killed your parents, wasn't it a hero's job to protect them?]He said in a mattarfactly of tone.

'Hero's?...Yes Hero's, it's all their fault, they're supposed to protect us but instead they abandoned me, because of that my parent's died, it's the hero's fault'. He thought to himself before his eyes got a certain clearness in them.

'Hmm, good the seed of hate is within him and his power is spiking again, but it seems there is a limiter stopping it, let's see if it disappears after some training'. He thought to himself after he sees his eyes somewhat clear up.

[Can you help me?]Alex asks in a low voice that A.F.O couldn't hear.

[Say that again little one I didn't hear you?]A.F.O asks.

[Can you help me, get rid of Hero's?]Alex asks in a louder voice while looking directly into A.F.O eyes should be under his mask with clear determination.

[Hmm, I could but for that I would need to make you my successor.]He says with his ever calm voice.

[What would be becoming your successor mean?]He asks A.F.O.

[It would mean you come under my wing to while I train you to become strong enough to inherit my quirk.]He says to Alex.

[What is your quirk?]Alex asks.

[All For One.]He says.

(Week Later)

It's been a week since Alex meet A.F.O and accepted to be his successor where A.F.O explain his quirk where he can take anyone's quirk he touches and can give quirks to anyone he touches. Today he will be introduced to A.F.O organization while in this short time he started to see A.F.O as a Father figure with how well he treats to him, rIght now he is walking down a dark hall behind A.F.O toward a meeting room.

They reach the door and Alex walks in behind A.F.O with a calm and indifferent look and stands behind A.F.O to the side while scanning the room, he sees multiple people, some seemed like executives and other's were doctor's.

[Who's the brat behind-]But that's as far as this random doctor got before he was sent a glare with killing intent from A.F.O.

[Finish the sentence please.]A.F.O said while still glaring at the doctor.

[Please excuse my rudeness master.]He said nervously while bowing until his head hit the table.

[Very well, as for the child I adopted him, he is my successor.]He said after retracting his gaze and killing intent which earned shock looks and gasps.

[May I speak?]I said while looking at A.F.O.

He gave a nod after which I started speaking,[Hello my name is Alex Walker adopted by A.F.O and successor to him as you have all heard.]I said in a clear and calm voice after giving a slight head bow.

[Now that he is known, Kurogiri please take care of him you will be his trainer from now on.]He said and after a man appeared with a body of purple gas with a butler outfit and metal collar around where his neck should be.

[Alex meet Kurogiri, Kurogiri meet Alex.]A.F.O said.

[Hello Kurogiri.]I said while putting my hand out to shake.

[Likewise Alex.]Kurogiri said while shaking his hand.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

ALright I will say this now update's will probably be very inconsistent I will only update when I feel like or have a reason to like being 200 and up at least but probably won't happen

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