
The Saint Likes Me, But I’m Screwed…

Genre: Fluffy romance, slice of life, psychological, light comedy, dark fantasy & adventure, hi-tech/magic/elemental. Setting: metropolis, ruins, forests and bent spaces.  Expectations: arc 1, fluff and some dark stuff. Arc 2, action/adventure. Arc 3, fluff/slice of life. Arc 4, action/adventure. Arc 5, dark/sweet fluff.   In the magical world of Lethren, Alum and his classmates found themselves in the Lesich Empire after having fallen through a spatial quake. But he was unbothered compared to his distressed classmates because—his world hadn’t changed. Meanwhile, a girl with a pure smile took over the role of a saint after the previous saint’s passing. She was doing her best in her new role—being the new beacon of light. Still, for a saint, she was shy, contrasting the people’s image of her elegance. She found herself more worn out than usual—it was because she had to prepare herself to make a good first impression on the otherworlders who’d just arrived. On that same day, Alum arrived in the city and found himself in a park. Unaware of the fateful encounter he’ll have, he was led by the park’s cute animals—he came across a serine scene of a girl sleeping by the fountain. The animals pestered him to cover for her when she sneezed in her sleep, and he did just that—only to fall asleep himself. When Amethely woke up, she was unaware she’d leaned on a stranger, and yet she ended up falling in love at first sight after having shown him an embarrassing side of her. Unbeknownst to her, he was an otherworlder. The same could be said for Alum as well; he’d unknowingly fallen in love with The Lesich Empire’s beloved saint after finding her endearing. Unlike his usual self, he decided to give love a chance—the only problem was…He’d never been in love; what’s more, he’s trying to capture a saint. But it was the same for Amethely; she knew she was shy. Yet she wanted to be more daring to capture his heart, but…  “How do I make him/her fall in love with me?!” 

Seseal · Fantasy
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101 Chs

| ARC III | Chapter 12: A Lost Star

 It's dark, and my heart is pounding as my whole body shakes. Why… just why did I think this was a good idea? Getting ahead of myself and all… just because teacher Rain praised me, I had to distrust her and head out to see for myself.

 But… never was my intention to encounter this….

 By no means am I outside of the barriers reach, and stronger monsters like these shouldn't even be around. Am I just unlucky?

 …You could say I was born without talent, unlike the rest of my family…. But I never once considered myself unlucky because of it.

 I know I'm weak, but… I try to work around my weaknesses. I'm not as bright as my sister, but I work extra hard to catch up.

 I… I'm now facing death itself. I need to run, but I can't.

 My eyes are glued to the creature, and my legs shake uncontrollably.

 It's over… isn't it? 

 I feel cold as blood gushes out of my arm… I lost sensation of it long ago. Every heavy breath feels like minutes. And each step I try to take is as heavy as mountains.

 It could have killed me when it first noticed me… but it's been chasing me until this point. I feel exhausted and have lost too much blood.

 It's been toying with me.

 But… now that I could barely move, I fell to the ground, watching the beautiful moon and closed my eyes.

 If I'm going to die… I want my last moment to be at least beautiful.


 …But how can I!? My family must be worried! And—and there are still things I want to do in life! I'm not ready to die! I don't want to! 



 Save me! 


 But… I know better than anyone that being saved would likely be impossible. After all… this monster is an A-class disaster.


 Moments passed. Am I still alive? I don't know.

 As I opened my teary eyes, it was still there, looking down on me. Seeing as I cried and agonised over my life, it seemed like it was amused and not yet ready to end the torment.

 Why? WHYYYY!?

 Anger and frustration build up as it drowns the lungs. My heart was heavy, and my chest was about to burst. I clench my fists with teary eyes. I looked at it, a gaze filled with spite.

 It doesn't want to kill me because it needs food, nor to become more intelligent. It already was.

 It was toying with life as it killed for amusement! It's unforgivable! 

 Then it tried to cut off my arm. I rolled to the side as its blade-like limbs cut the long hair my family so much praised.

 I had squeezed every last bit of mana available inside my already tiny body, creating a string of light to pull me as far away from it as possible.

 It hurts so much! 

 It was too fast and appeared behind me, aiming for my head. I crystalised my hand and coated it with light, deflecting the attack.

 I don't want this! 

 It seemed surprised by this and even started to cry. Cry in excitement as the phase in which it attacked increased.

 It was still toying with me as it never tried to aim for my vitals after that.

 But its arrogance will be the end of it. 

 As it went for my left arm, giving it a non-lethal cut, I was close enough and the magic I was chanting. Was complete.

 Celestial Magic: [Light Blade] 

 But… maybe I'm the arrogant one…. 

 "Urgh! Arghhhh!"

 My insides were screaming and twisting as I vomited blood. It was as if something broke. Coughing blood and falling on my knees. My whole body was numb as I hazily watched if my attack succeeded.

 "...I knew it…."

 I tried, but… Celestial Magic is too difficult… and my life.


 I'm surprised I didn't die from attempting to use it, at least in an instant.

 I have so many regrets. But… this is truly the end. Isn't it?

 … I want to grow up, be happy and start a happy family with the boy I like….

 Aahaha… you're silly, Ame… you don't have anyone like that yet.




 …It's dark but… somewhat warm? Am… I alive? But.. that shouldn't be possible. Still… death is more… eventful than I thought.

 I slowly open my eyes. There was a ceiling, and I was in a warm and comfortable bed. I looked around, and outside the window, it was still dark.

 "...I'm still in the forest?"

 …Why am I alive?

 As I got up, it didn't feel too bad except that my body was slightly heavy.

 I unconsciously touched my hair, and… it appeared that the encounter wasn't a dream since it was now short.


 I walked toward the door and saw a man as it slid open. He has white hair and blue eyes.

 He was reading a thick book as he looked at me and then shifted his gaze, which I unconsciously followed. It led to the couch in front of him—he was telling me to sit down.

 So… I did as he wished and sat down. He didn't say anything, and he's quite strange, living out in the forest where monsters appear.

 "...Th-thank you for saving me," I said nervously.

 I didn't know who he was, and I'm not used to strangers at all. Which led me to stutter… how unbecoming of a lady….

 "...Are you hungry?" He suddenly asked, not averting his attention from the book he was reading.

 …He won't ask why I was in the forest…?

 "...You're… not going to ask…?" I asked, feeling ashamed of myself as I stared at the floor.

 The man put down his book and sighed.

 "What more than humorous curiosity could it have been?" he asked.


 He's right… it was my own curiosity that led to this.

 "Now then…. Are you hungry?" He asked again.

 I… I'm slightly hungry, but I don't know if it would go down… considering everything that has happened.

 "I am…." I said, nodding.

 He got up, went to the kitchen, and cooked something as I curiously watched. When the meal was done, I looked at the food… it looked a little strange, but… he did save me, so I should be happy about even receiving a meal on top of it.

 "...How does it taste," he asked.

 ".....It's bad," I told him.

 "Mmm, kids are too honest sometimes. Have you ever heard of that?" The man asked.

 "...I'm sorry," I apologised. He was right… maybe I was a bit too honest… but… It really tasted terrible! 



 "Well, then, little one, it's time for you to go back home."

 …I… I don't want to…. 

 What will they say when I get back? I… I don't even know how much time has passed. And as I felt sad, I sensed something in my head—his palm, and he gently patted my head.

 ….Strange… he's a stranger, yet it doesn't feel unpleasant. Maybe because I'm grateful and he's my saviour?

 …No, I'm not sure….

 I just somehow feel calm around him. It's strange. Very strange… since I do consider myself shy around others, not letting my guard down….

 But when I think about it… did he defeat it himself?

 "U-um… M-Mister, how did you defeat the Glacial Death Blade?"

 I wanted to know who he was. An individual capable of dealing with an A-class disaster is rare.

 "...With magic, I suppose," he replied.

 "I… see."

 That didn't say much. And healing this reply made my shoulder slump a little since I had no talent in magic.

 As I recently got a little better at swordsmanship… so maybe, just maybe, I was hoping he'd taken it down with a blade.

 But… if he's so good at magic, being able to take it down. Maybe… if there is a tiny possibility that he'd let me in on a secret to unlock that potential.

 "I know what you're thinking. I'm not teaching you." He coldly said.

 But… I had to find a way for him to teach me! I want to know, I… I can't stay like this forever…!

 "...If I recall correctly, you observed me, didn't you? …Mister?"

 It was a bluff, but… I had to try.


 So… he really did watch me get tormented…. But… I can't feel angry for some reason.

 "You're horrible!" I said as I pouted and puffed my cheeks, showing him how dissatisfied I was.

 "I… I am merely an observer," he replied.

 …Although his tone is still the same as his expression, why was there a hint of sadness in that statement?

 "But… you saved me… please make me your disciple, Master!"

 I don't know what's gotten into me, but… I can't miss an opportunity like this. I'm sorry, mother, father… elder sister Chely…. But… I want to be strong and dependent, too! Even if I have to run away from home!

 "...I won't teach you magic," he said.

 I was disappointed, of course… but… maybe I can learn something anyway.

 "I… I don't mind," I said.

 "...Your sour face tells me everything, little one."


 I'm not called 'little one!'

 "My name is Amethely Ilis. Please call me Ame, Sir Master!"

 "....Alester," he said. "That's my name, little one."


 Why won't he call me by my name?

 Or are powerful people like him just strange?

 "Does that mean you've accepted me as your disciple!?"

 "...I suppose, well then, you should head back home."

 …Is he trying to get away?

 "...Only if you teach me something!"

 "...." Sir Alester quietly looked at me as he sighed and then asked, "When using Celestial Magic, don't use your own life force."

 …What does he mean? Not use my life force? …I see. That's why it's stated in the textbooks that it was also called Sacrificial Magic.

 "...What am I supposed to do then?" I asked as I felt excited about learning some sort of secret.

 My heart beat in excitement. With this, maybe, just maybe, I'll be able to become dependent and strong!

 "It's simple. Just chant it through an object instead of your body. Of course… the said object should be alive."

 …Isn't that the same thing? Using the life of something else? If that's the case… I don't want it!

 "...Are you telling me to use another's life…? Just to achieve my selfish desires!?"


 My shoulders slumped after his silent response. I thought there might be a secret to it… since Celestial Magic is the strongest magic I know….

 "...Tell me, little one. Why are you so fixated on becoming strong? Plenty of strong people protect the cities, and I doubt you'll ever need to fight your whole life if you so choose."

 …Why? I know… it's just my selfish desires. I want to become competent and worthy of my family name… my grandparents on my father's side are academics. On my mother's side, Grandma is a Saint. I don't know a lot about Grandfather… but… before he disappeared, he was a Paladin…. All of them are great people. My sister was also taken in by a Sage….

 I could feel my eyes moisture…. As tears start to form.

 "I feel so useless…."


 "No matter how much I try, no matter how many books I read, how much I practise, I… I never achieve anything."

 I… I don't know why.

 Was it always like this?

 "I… I just want to be useful!"

 Warm tears ran down my eyes, and my legs were giving up until Sir Alester caught me, holding me up in his arms like father used to….

 He stroked my head and let me cry it all out as I told him everything that was on my mind.

 "...let me tell you another thing, little one, and a final lesson until the next time we meet."

 Hearing him try to comfort me, I clung to his coat, looking, and the heavy feeling in my chest lessened.

 "You're still young. I can tell that you work hard, and the roadblocks are massive once you reach one. It may take months, years, or decades to overcome. And the result isn't always evident, but… always present.… In short, you're still young, and there is no need to rush. Effort and time will always be rewarded at the end."

 …Was I just being impatient?

 Am I so blinded that I didn't realise the simplest of things?

 I looked at Master Alester as a blue orb was in his hands, and then the blue orb turned into a sword.

 "Here, try swinging some. I'll correct your mistakes, and if you don't remember my advice, I won't repeat myself. Show me how you use magic. There are, after all, more efficient ways to use magic."


 I showed him how I swung my sword, and… he criticised me hard. The way I held the sword, my posture was apparently not good enough, and I made unnecessary moments….

 "...How do I fix them then…?" I asked. I didn't expect a proper reply anyway… but… it's still worth asking, no?

 "You figure that out. It may take years, though."

 I knew it! 

 "Hmpf!" I crossed my tiny arms in dissatisfaction.

 "...What is the point if I tell you how to do it? I'm making you aware. And you ought to be a grateful, little one."

 "...I am, Ehehe~, thank you, Master Alester! B-but! My name isn't little one!" I retorted.

 He patted my head in response, saying, "...Sorry, I'm just bad with names."

 I don't believe you, though!

 And next up, I showed him my magic.

 "...From the looks of your mana flow, it isn't flowing very efficiently, not to mention you should use incantations. They will help you guide your mana until you get the hang of it."

 "...But isn't incantations more inefficient?" I curiously asked.

 After all… the things I've been taught or read always stated that reciting a spell is worse than natural control….

 "Generally, it's correct, but you struggle with your mana finding the optimal route, right? Incantations guide themselves, so all you need to do is feel how the mana flows and try to imitate how the incantation is guiding the mana."

 "...What happened about not telling me how to do things…?" I asked with a sulk.


 I smiled and closed my eyes. It didn't matter what his intentions were when he told me that… but….

 "Thank—" but as I opened my eyes again, he was gone. "...you."


 I was in bed and in my room?

 Confused, I touched my hair, and… it was cut. So I know it wasn't a dream.




 Now, years later, down the line, I hold Al's hand.

 I reunited with the one that changed my life.

 "...It's been like yesterday, little one," he said indifferently.

 But… despite the looks and the tone, those words weigh on my emotions.

 Meeting him again, I need to show that I've improved and changed. I've grown up now! And I'm not the impatient 'little one' anymore.

 Excitement filled my lungs as I finally greeted him.

 "Master Alester! I'm happy to see you again!"