
The Saint Likes Me, But I’m Screwed…

Genre: Fluffy romance, slice of life, psychological, light comedy, dark fantasy & adventure, hi-tech/magic/elemental. Setting: metropolis, ruins, forests and bent spaces.  Expectations: arc 1, fluff and some dark stuff. Arc 2, action/adventure. Arc 3, fluff/slice of life. Arc 4, action/adventure. Arc 5, dark/sweet fluff.   In the magical world of Lethren, Alum and his classmates found themselves in the Lesich Empire after having fallen through a spatial quake. But he was unbothered compared to his distressed classmates because—his world hadn’t changed. Meanwhile, a girl with a pure smile took over the role of a saint after the previous saint’s passing. She was doing her best in her new role—being the new beacon of light. Still, for a saint, she was shy, contrasting the people’s image of her elegance. She found herself more worn out than usual—it was because she had to prepare herself to make a good first impression on the otherworlders who’d just arrived. On that same day, Alum arrived in the city and found himself in a park. Unaware of the fateful encounter he’ll have, he was led by the park’s cute animals—he came across a serine scene of a girl sleeping by the fountain. The animals pestered him to cover for her when she sneezed in her sleep, and he did just that—only to fall asleep himself. When Amethely woke up, she was unaware she’d leaned on a stranger, and yet she ended up falling in love at first sight after having shown him an embarrassing side of her. Unbeknownst to her, he was an otherworlder. The same could be said for Alum as well; he’d unknowingly fallen in love with The Lesich Empire’s beloved saint after finding her endearing. Unlike his usual self, he decided to give love a chance—the only problem was…He’d never been in love; what’s more, he’s trying to capture a saint. But it was the same for Amethely; she knew she was shy. Yet she wanted to be more daring to capture his heart, but…  “How do I make him/her fall in love with me?!” 

Seseal · Fantasy
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101 Chs

| ARC III | Chapter 11: Alester: Ender of Gods

 On the continent of Tsirin, a man hovers over the desert, looking down and searching for his prey.

 The individual's name is Alester. He has no family name, as he already abandoned that name long ago.

 He is currently hunting an Irueel, descendants of divinity, as he won't allow them to intervene with the physical world.

 But… No matter how many he hunted down, they kept descending into mortals, taking control and wreaking havoc upon the world.

 This time, it descended into a human girl around the age of 16. And the girl has been running away since she heard someone was looking for her.

 But… it doesn't take Alester much time to find what he wants.

 "...Found you," Alester said after stealthily landing behind the Irueel.

 "Eek!" The girl screeched as Alester suddenly appeared behind her.

 She slowly turned around and saw a man with hair pure as snow and eyes deep as the ocean… and she couldn't grasp a breath since he had caught her by the neck, lifting her in the air.

 "Aughwhh, h-help," the girl choked as she struggled.

 But Alester's cold eyes made her feel helpless as she kicked and hit him. But it's all for nought since he doesn't budge. She felt immense pain throughout her body, both lacking oxygen and from the magic that repelled her every attempt to escape.

 ….Then, she stopped to move. Foam came out of her mouth as her whole body became pale.

 …Suddenly, her eyes lit up, causing a massive explosion in the desert, sending waves of sand in all directions.

 "YOU! FOOLISH MORTAL, HOW DARE YOU TRANSGRESS ON THIS VESSEL OF MINE!?" it furiously inquired as storms raged across the desert.

 Alester, on the other hand, said nothing as he watched the rampage.

 After all… his only goal was to eliminate it. It is but a fallen god who descended into this realm.


 …Alester merely wanted to make this quick, but… it seemed like he underestimated it a little.

 Despite him sealing all divinity in the world, some are powerful enough to still use a fraction of what's leaking through…. and this one was one of them.

 Still… it was unusual to find fallen gods who still kept their divinity after becoming an Irueel. After all… most of them have been stripped of their divinity, and Alester had sealed divinity…. Which should make it almost impossible to use it….

 (…How come…?) He ponders.

 No matter how many times he'd asked them in the past, there was never an answer. As he was observing it, an attack came his way, splitting the ground and heavens with powerful winds as the vacuum caused massive storms, dragging him into the centre.

 (However powerful these beings are, they aren't in their prime.) He thought and used [Convert: Null] to eliminate the divine spell.

 "WHAT?!" The Irueel cried in disbelief. "NO… DON'T TELL ME… YOU, YOU'RE THAT ALESTER!!?"

 (…They talk too much.) Alester thought as he materialised a blade out of pure condensed mana.

 And in the next instant, he had pierced its chest.

 Then… the wind stopped blowing, and the raging storms were gone. Its body lay on the sand, facing the sun directly above it.

 "AHAHAHA! THAT'S HUMOROUS! YOU THINK THAT A MARE MANA BLADE WOULD KILL ME?" It said, lying on the sand, hysterically laughing.

 (….) Alester stood and watched silently.

 "Don't you realise you've been severed from your vessel?" Alester told the Irueel.


 As it began to realise what had happened when Alester stabbed it. It looked at him with disdain.

 After all… Alester had separated the souls of the two. Usually, the soul of the Irueel would escape into another vessel, but… Alester cast the girl outside his [Pretend Reality], leaving only him and the Irueel in the world.

 This was the only true way to kill one….

 "...You accursed being…."

 Being stared by resentment, Alester coldly looked at it. He then stated, "It's over," and proceeded to cast [A-one Neutron].

 Sensing the abnormal amount of mana that created a natural phenomenon with energy that could kill even a god. The Irueel realised it was over since the beginning as it blankly stared at Alester, full of bitterness and fear.

 "Hear me, mortal… don't think you'll get away with this for much longer."

 (… I've gotten away with it for thousands of years… what's more to come?) Alester thought but didn't respond.

 He then released the artificial cores that kept the spell stable. And at that moment, the world lit up in blue light, incinerating half of the world in [Pretend Reality]. Leaving nothing but a scorched dead planet.

 After finishing the job and leaving his [Pretend Reality], he saw that Milena was caring for the girl he'd thrown out.

 "All taken care of? She asked.

 "...I suppose, but… why are you here?" Alester asked as he looked at her with scorn.

 Milena just giggled as her eerie eyes turned to the girl.

 "You know… not all Irueel are bad…." She gently said.

 "...Most are. Those who descend tend to be, don't you agree? Celestial Angel?"

 Milena then puffed her cheeks.

 "I have a name, you know!?" She retorts.

 Which only made Alester scoff a little.

 "Milena, right? The one you received from your lover."

 After Alester said that, her expression turned dark as the mana around her became unstable, suffocating the girl as if she already wasn't struggling to breathe.

 "You're suffocating her." Alester calmly points it out.

 (You're one to talk….) 

 "...My bad," Milena replied, as her expression turned into a longing one. "...In honour of the name he gave me… I'll end them miserably as they did him…."


 Well… there is no better partner than her when it comes to wanting to end the descending gods. But… in her case… she's looking for a specific one. Whilst Alester intends to eradicate those, he deems them a threat.

 "...Are you heading to Lchren now?" Milena asked.

 "...I am. Why are you asking?" Alester answered.

 "Hmm," Milena ponders, "Is that so? Are you there to meet the young lady that became your apprentice years ago? Well… she's also in possession of my celestial construct… should I perhaps come along?"

 Alester glared at her.

 "Are you planning to take it back?" He sternly asked.

 Milena shook her head.

 "No~, dear me, I wouldn't. After all, it would kill the poor girl if I did. So spare me the death glare, will you?"

 "...If that's the case, then fine, you can come along."

 "Yay~!" Milena celebrated, "Or that's what I wanted to say. But I have other matters to attend to," she said and took off.





 It's been a few days since Alum's and Amethely's celebration.

 The preparation for the trip to the nation Lea Nor was nearly finished. As they would head to The Labyrinth City of Velen Lon, which would be about 3 days with the ship they were travelling with.

 And since Alum was going to be Amethely's assistant, he had to go over the materials with her, Luna and Chely.

 "Hey, Ame… on this floor…."

 "Oh, yes, it's probably best to let them take the west route…."

 As their conversation continued, Luna and Chely were close by and had their own, but….

 (…..The two of them sure get along…. But... they're a bit close… no?) Luna thought as she watched Alum and Amethely go through the map of the labyrinth together. (They somehow got more lovey-dovey…)

 And finishing her line of thought, she glanced at Chely, who didn't seem to mind at all as she studied the kind of traps and monsters there would be. In a sense… this was also a test for the instructors.

 "...Were they always like this…?" Luna asked.

 "...? Sorry… what are you referring to, Princess?"

 Luna made a small nod toward Alum and Amethely.

 "....Oh," she uttered as she then shook her head. "...They were much more awkward around one another, but somehow, they seem very relaxed, and the aura around them is… a bit too sweet…."

 (…Even she noticed…?) Luna asked.

 Well… who could blame her? After all… Chely adores Amethely and Alum, so, in her mind, it was perfect as she wasn't too bothered… maybe she was a little jealous… but that wasn't their fault.

 "Uh-hmm," Luna hummed with a nod. "Well… I wonder if I'll be in such a happy relationship at one point?" Luna asked herself.

 And hearing her say that, Chely glanced to the side with a slight blush, and the young man that came to her mind was none other than Noel.

 Seeing this, Luna softly smiled at Chely, who had turned a little red.

 "W-what…?" Chely asked in a somewhat flustered tone.

 Luna shook her head.

 "No, nothing~," Luna said in a teasing manner. "It's just that you and Noel have been rather obvious to everyone."

 "Geh…! H-how is that nothing…?" Chely asked with a slight pout.

 Though… Luna's statement wasn't too much of a surprise to Chely since she has been working on showing people that she was an ordinary girl who could also fall in love. And well… in a sense, she's also displaying the troubles of one in love….

 "Well, you've already found your Prince charming…. Though I consider him a pest of sorts." Luna states, though, in a playful manner, since she and Noel would usually bash one other.

 "I-I see…."

 (…Princess Luna and Noel have some strange rivalry going on.) Chely thought, taken slightly aback.

 And as she was thinking along those lines, there was a knock on the door.

 "You may enter," Luna calmly said.

 The one that was knocking was Alver. He bowed to Luna, glanced around the room, noticed Chely, and headed toward her.

 "Hero Chely… I'm sorry to disturb you while you work… but Sir Alester has arrived in Ilifel…."


 …Alester wasn't a known household name per se since his existence is hidden from the public for a reason.

 One of them is to not cause any unnecessary panic among the public, and the other is because they don't know if Alester is a friend or foe.

 However, most nations see him as an impartial entity since he doesn't get involved in their affairs. But… around 100 years ago, someone wasn't pleased with Alester's attitude and challenged him.

 In turn, Alester obliterated the challenger, The Dragon Emperor Theldroch. The battle resulted in the fall of The Empire of Elsels, which is now technically ruled under Alester. Though… that place is but ruins and forest nowadays.

 It was written off as a great calamity, but only high nobles and royal families were privy to the knowledge of Alester.

 Remembering what Alester is, shivers run down Chelt's spine. Luna, who's also knowledgeable, soured as she didn't want such an individual here.

 "...Why has he come?" Chely carefully asked Alver.

 Alver shook his head, somewhat defeatedly.

 "He wants to meet Saint Amethely…."


 Alver had an apologetic look on his face.

 "We're not sure why he wants to meet The Saint, but… some are now speculating that he wishes to be affianced to The Saint."

 Hearing this, both Chely and Luna became disgusted. If it was true… then there was little they could do. Who knows what he'll do?

 "...Didn't anyone tell him Saint Amethely already has a lover?" Luna coldly spoke.

 Alver showed yet another pained expression.

 "...We did tell him… that's why he's asking for Sir Alum as well… since it appears that he knows about the Ilifelen etiquette."

 "...Such ancient tradition… he's old for sure…" Luna remarked. "...Wait… I wasn't saying you were ancient or anything, Mister Alver. You look youthful as always…." Luna said, feeling awkward since Alver looked so young despite being relatively old.

 To which Alver laughed off.

 "No, no. It's fine, Princess Luna. I am but humbled to serve youngsters such as yourself."

 …Amethely, who has been quiet all this time, spoke up.

 "W-wait, I don't think Sir Alester is that kind of person…."

 …Everyone but Alum was surprised that she'd defended the man called Alester.

 "Ame… do you know him…?" Chely carefully asked.

 Luna and Alver also seem to want to know, and Amethely shortly explains that he once saved her.

 "...I am technically his apprentice… even if he taught me for a short time…."

 Hearing Amethely's words, things made more sense to the others, but… why would such an entity take an interest in a single human girl? Not only that, visit that girl as well….

 "Al… are you okay with this…?" Luna asked as she moved closer to him, holding the hem of his shirt.

 And to Luna's surprise, Amethely didn't seem jealous like she used to whenever the two got this close.

 (…Did something happen between them?) Luna pondered, as it was strange that the two weren't as awkward or jittery around one another as they used to be.

 "If he's taking Ame away, I won't stay still, and of course… I'll die trying." Alum boldly stated.

 Amethely leaned on his chest and gently removed Luna's hand from Alum's shirt as she glanced at her with a small pout.

 This, in turn, made Luna giggle as she watched the two.

 "Al, you dummy… I won't go anywhere. What's more… I'd feel distraught. So don't say such things…." Amethely was angry with Alum, which was a rare occasion, but… she was still lovey-dovey with him….

 (…Some things are still the same….) Luna thought.

 They appear to still be shy around each other, though not as before… still, Luna had a hard time putting it to words, and the thing that did come to mind was something lewd….

 (S-Surely not… right?) She shook her head as her face then became bright red. (T-thinking of something so outlandish! Such a princess, am I!!?) 

 Chely, on the other hand, watched the two lovebirds and felt conflicted. If Alester is as powerful as history claims, then why did he save Amethely? He's, after all, an entity that doesn't involve himself with human affairs—is he here for a favour?

 If so… what favour could he possibly ask of? What could be the reason for his visit?

 Chely couldn't comprehend, but… if the speculations were correct, then….

 (I won't let anyone get in the way of their happiness….)


 Everyone in the room noticed Chely's change and felt a little intimidated by her cold looks and spiteful demeanour.

 Whilst they all wanted to say something, they knew that Chely was only like this because she cared for the two.




 After receiving the message from Alver, they all headed to the meeting room. As they walked through the halls, they saw many guards from different sections of power. The most noticeable ones were Knights of The Royal Order and Kilenloth Paladins.

 One belongs to The Royal Family, and the other to The Church.

 Both forces aren't to be messed with, but they never leave the capital due to their role as guardians. Still, even in the battle against the Selges, they were reluctant to deploy such troops.

 The only reason they asked for Saint Amethely at that time was the mass corrosion inflicted on the soldiers. Other than that… she wasn't supposed to go out in battle. After all, her role wasn't that of a fighter, but she was nevertheless competent despite not being required to possess such traits.

 …As they walked in silence, they soon arrived. Before them is a massive door, and as Alver bows down and opens the door, they see a man with white hair and blue eyes, handsome features as he looks youthful.


 (His aura is overwhelming….) Alum thought as he gulped just by seeing the person.

 After all… the glare he received was straight-up terrifying, as his whole being told him to flee.

 (…I'm sorry, Ame… I might actually die, depending on how things turn out….) 

 And with that.

 They entered the chamber….