
The Saint Likes Me, But I’m Screwed…

Genre: Fluffy romance, slice of life, psychological, light comedy, dark fantasy & adventure, hi-tech/magic/elemental. Setting: metropolis, ruins, forests and bent spaces.  Expectations: arc 1, fluff and some dark stuff. Arc 2, action/adventure. Arc 3, fluff/slice of life. Arc 4, action/adventure. Arc 5, dark/sweet fluff.   In the magical world of Lethren, Alum and his classmates found themselves in the Lesich Empire after having fallen through a spatial quake. But he was unbothered compared to his distressed classmates because—his world hadn’t changed. Meanwhile, a girl with a pure smile took over the role of a saint after the previous saint’s passing. She was doing her best in her new role—being the new beacon of light. Still, for a saint, she was shy, contrasting the people’s image of her elegance. She found herself more worn out than usual—it was because she had to prepare herself to make a good first impression on the otherworlders who’d just arrived. On that same day, Alum arrived in the city and found himself in a park. Unaware of the fateful encounter he’ll have, he was led by the park’s cute animals—he came across a serine scene of a girl sleeping by the fountain. The animals pestered him to cover for her when she sneezed in her sleep, and he did just that—only to fall asleep himself. When Amethely woke up, she was unaware she’d leaned on a stranger, and yet she ended up falling in love at first sight after having shown him an embarrassing side of her. Unbeknownst to her, he was an otherworlder. The same could be said for Alum as well; he’d unknowingly fallen in love with The Lesich Empire’s beloved saint after finding her endearing. Unlike his usual self, he decided to give love a chance—the only problem was…He’d never been in love; what’s more, he’s trying to capture a saint. But it was the same for Amethely; she knew she was shy. Yet she wanted to be more daring to capture his heart, but…  “How do I make him/her fall in love with me?!” 

Seseal · Fantasy
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101 Chs

| ARC II | Chapter 8: The Chimera Labs

 Deep in a dimly lit tunnel made by Chimera Labs, a man heavily stumbled, each step with a thud as he struggled to move properly. And with each ragged breath, he tossed his body forward. He'd lost his right arm and blood.

 He was dizzy, anaemic and about to lose consciousness any time soon. Making matters worse, he hasn't had anything to eat for a while ever since he fled. But that didn't stop him from bursting his mana, smashing the wall, sending cracks and shaking the tunnel.

 "Dammit! Only if it wasn't for that brat! If it wasn't for him!"

 The frustrated man was none other than Ulos, barely alive as his panting ran thin. The only thing on his mind was the memories of the fight that circulated repeatedly.

 He'd been badly injured by some unknown adventurer as they both fought to the death. He'd underestimated his opponent because they seemed young, and their fighting style was amateurish. However, that was a mistake on his part.

 Had he known that the other party had a monstrous mana recovery and could burst intense levels of mana using powerful spells, then…his approach would've been different.

 Despite having a gut feeling that his opponent drew some of the surrounding mana, he ignored it since that alone wasn't enough to cast those types of spells.

 He thought that it was just a coincidence, and he'd miscalculated when the first ray of electricity was fired. But… the second one confirmed it. That boy was a threat and would prove to be an obstacle in the future.

 Not only did he have an unbelievably fast mana recovery, but his control and accuracy over such condensed mana left no residue, as every spell was controlled to almost perfection. And… those eyes, Ulos had seen similar skills, and most people with a skill related to the eyes aren't to be messed with.

 Before long, Ulos arrived at the gates. Statues of deformed beasts blocked the entrance as they stared him down.


 Ulos let out a heavy sigh. "What a pain this is," he said before giving them a death glare. "It's me, Den Ledu, 12th seat of Hilos cult, requesting entry."

 Hearing his hoarse and tired voice, the two chimeras looked at one another and let him pass. Walking past them, he was greeted by yet another corridor. This time, it was well-lit and clean.

 As he kept walking, he stumbled upon a familiar face, leaning on the wall and crossing their arms. They stared at him as their mouth curved up with an arrogant grin.

 "My my, if it isn't Den~, you look quite beaten up. Did the Silver Moon give you a rough beating?"


 Den irately glared at the woman. "Shut your mouth. I have no energy to deal with the likes of you," he condemned. "Besides, had it been 'that princess,' I'd be dead along this base." 

 "Mm-hmm~ that does sound rough," the woman said, uninterested nor caring. "But still… is that how you speak to an old friend?"


 Den wasn't in the mood to converse with this woman. Sure, she was pretty, but that twisted personality of her's made even his stomach twist and turn.

 "I thought you died, you know? The report stated that the 12th seat was likely dead, and look at this! Here you are, 'alive' and well!

 "*Tsk!* So you say—the one that most likely filed my death."

 "Aww~ c'mon! Don't be such a weenie peenie! Well… you were going to lose that seat either way. Hence, they sent you in disguise! How mean of them, right!? Well… it would be a disgrace to your name if rumours floated around that the seat members are as weak as you!"

 "...Not even a little grain of remorse, huh? UghI'm too tired to deal with you, and as for the seat, I don't care anymore."

 "My my~ then… do you want dinner? A bath? Or~ peer~haaps~ me!?"

 "Then, I'll have you and your head." Den wasn't kidding. He wanted to kill the woman right here and now.


 "Oh my~! You're so daring!" the woman said, blushing and covering her face while peaking through her fingers.

 Irritated by her words, he summoned his divine weapon, pointing it toward her neck as murderous intent leaked. Reacting to this killing intent, chimeras merged from the wall, warping and twisting into being.

 "My~my already at it, how eager~!" the woman said with an eerie smile on her face. "Pointing your divine spear at me in broad daylight! Truly naughty! Naughty, naughty boy~!"

 "*Tsk* you piss me off!" Den shouted as he then sighed. "Just let me through already. You just tire me out."

 The woman shrugged and wickedly smiled at Den, gesturing him to do whatever he pleased. "You know, Den, dear~, Seat 12 is taken now," she said. 

 "...I already told you I don't care anymore," Den dismissively replied.




 After a tiresome and long journey, Den finally had some time to rest. He'd been given a room in one of the lab's facilities, and as a high-ranking member of the Hilos cult, he was appointed a highly skilled medic for his treatment.

 "Greetings Sir Den. My name is Irol, and I will be in charge of your recovery."

 "Yeah, yeah, just get me a prosthetic arm, will you?"

 "...If that's what you wish, then I will, but Sir, why not try some Chemel-tech?"

 Heading his words, Den sent him an annoyed look. (Do they want me as a test subject?) he panthers as he sceptically glared.

 "What, did you guys perfect it?" Den sternly asked.

 "We're not quite there yet, but… if it's just the arm, the survival rate is 80% or more," Irol replied, his expression still creepy as he emotionlessly smiled.

 "What's the rate of me going insane?" Den queried.

 "Around 20%, Sir."

 "Side effects? What about those? Will I turn into one of those damned beasts guarding outside?"

 "Sir, our guards are still very sane, although they look like wild beasts… and well… if it fails, you'll get consumed by the new arm or go rouge. However… side effects such as that are around 5-10%, and the likelihood of you becoming a beast is not very likely, around 2% or so. What do you say?"

 (…Now, that sounds more promising.) Den thought.

 Although the risks were still relatively high, the reward for awakening into such will be tremendous. Even those guards outside were ordinary at first, but after successfully turning, their powers soared. How would the result be on an individual who's already strong, to begin with?

 "Well, well, well. That doesn't sound too shabby, does it? So. how much power do you estimate I'll gain?"

 Irol smiled, this time, a genuine one, a creepy and distasteful smile of greed. "It's difficult to pinpoint, Sir, but… I'd say, unimaginable."

 Den grinned. His look wasn't that of a sane person, maybe… maybe he too is as insane as his colleague?

 "In that case, turn me into a goddamned monster."

 He couldn't hide his wide grin, the mad look in his eyes as he spitefully longed for revenge.




 In the ever-quiet study, Luna read a book as usual in the ever-quiet study to pass the time. She'd calmed down considerably and was happy that Alum came out well and alive. No one had expected cultists to appear. And completely eradicating them would prove to be more challenging than expected.

 But…now wasn't the time to think about that. Although Luna was previously in charge of said task, her uncle passed the responsibility to someone else. And if she remembers correctly, it was Delan Luvech.

 He was reliable and once a fiancee candidate of hers. But as it turned out, Delan found love and got engaged before being politically engaged to Luna. But she would have turned it down anyway. If it weren't for the Saint, her uncle would've probably engaged her to Alum—she wouldn't have minded if it turned out like that.

 Actually… for her, it was the preferred outcome…after all, she did hold special feelings for him. However, they weren't romantic in nature, or so she told herself. Besides, Alum already had special feelings for Amethely, and… Luna preferred to be his best friend along with Noel.

 As she flipped to the next page, she heard a knock on the door and wondered who it could've been. She usually didn't get any visitors except for Alum, and had it been Miu, she would've told her before coming.

 Heading to the door and sliding it open, there stood one of her students, an otherworlder. Blond hair and blue eyes…

 (If I remember correctly, his name was Kevin Eststad?) Luna pondered as she stared at him expressionlessly. "Is there something you need? Mister Kevin?" Luna asked.

 Her expressionless exterior made Kevin even more nervous as he fidgets.

 "I-I came here for some advice," he stumbled on his words, lightly scratching his cheek and glancing side to side.

 (Does he have ulterior motives?) Luna wondered. After all, this happens rather frequently. (…He seems sincere. I suppose I can hear him out….)

 "What kind of advice do you seek?" Luna asked, not changing her tone or expression.

 (He's nervous, even embarrassed, is he….)

 Luna had a hunch—Kevin was in love with her, but it didn't make her happy at the very least.

 "Pr-Professor! I need some love advice?"

 "...What? Love advice?" Luna queried, tilting her head and coldly looking at him. She glanced into the hall and asked, "Who told you to come and seek love advice from me?"

 "...Huh? Oh… um, Noel did." Kevin nervously revealed.

 Luna sighed audibly.

 (I take it all back! Noel, I'll never get along with that guy! And love advice? Me, of all people!?)

 "...I have no experience in love," Luna coldly stated.

 "Ah, but… um… Noel told me you gave Alum some good advice… so I—"

 "Leave," Luna coldly told him off.

 "I… I apologise for bothering you, professor," Kevin said, leaving with his head hanging.

 Luna walked into the hall, and behind some pillars, she found two of her friends hiding.

 "Explanation. My study. Now." she said, staring down the shivering childhood friends.





 Luna sat, crossing her legs and sipping tea. With a stern look on her face, she awaited their excuse. "So? What is all this about?" Luna asked Noel, who was facing away in a cold sweat.

 "...So… um…about that. He told me he developed some feelings for you… so… you know?"

 While saying so, he stared at Miu, hoping she'd be able to help him, but… she was averting her eyes from him in an awkward manner, as she didn't want to be involved.

 (Miu… I can understand why, I really do… but! Your childhood friend is scared for his life! Help!)

 "Thus, you sent him my way? Making him ask for love advice?"

 "...Yes…." Noel timidly replied.

 "Do tell, Noel, I'm not complimenting you, but you have a good face, and you're capable. You look popular and seem like a womaniser, tell me. Why don't you, of all people, not have advice for the poor boy?"


 He didn't know whether to take it as a compliment or a total diss, but… he didn't have the experience Luna perceived him to have. Also…

 (Who are you calling a womaniser!?)

 "Well… you seem to have no interest in any guy except for Al, right?"

 "...I don't like the way you put it," Luna bluntly said, "But… what does that have to do with this?"

 "Well… if he himself realised that he stood no chance, he'd just give up without getting too hurt," Noel replied.

 "...No, well… I think he'd get plenty hurt getting shot down like this," Miu joined in, accidentally commenting.

 "...." Noel looked at Miu.

 "...." and Miu did the same.

 The two silently stared at one another without opening their mouths, arguing. Seeing it, Luna couldn't help but smile. Although it wasn't the soft, sweet and warm smile she would show Alum, both Noel and Miu found it precious nevertheless.

 "You look cutter like this!" Noel couldn't help but comment.

 With this, he tries to get out of trouble, and… what better way than a compliment and changing the subject? Luna, on the other hand, had other plans as her facial expression turned into a wicked grin.

 "My? Did you hear that, Chely? I think he may have tried to make a pass."

 "....." hearing Chely's name made Noel freeze. Cold sweat ran down his back as he slowly turned to where Luna was facing.


 Facing Chely, who'd just come out of a door behind some shelves, she'd coldly stared at him.

 "Ch-Chely…! What a coincidence!? Wh-what are you doing here…?" Noel nervously asked.

 Seeing his sorry state, Miu quietly giggled.

 "It isn't a coincidence. I was revising some materials with Princess Luna until a while ago," Chely replied.

 Although she had a smile on her face, Noel could tell how unhappy she was.

 "I… I see…."

 "Rest well until tomorrow. You. Will. Need. It."


 (She emphasised every word! This isn't good!)

 Still, in a shocked state, Noel quietly watched as Chely walked out of the study, and coming to his senses, he started to chase after her.

 Seeing how panicky he was, Miu giggled and was now all alone with Luna. The two quietly smiled at one another.

 As time passed, Luna said, "Miu, time to do some extra studying." while happily smiling.





 Meanwhile, Alum and Amethely were leisurely spending time with one another on their date and having fun. They recently had lunch and skimmed around, looking at all the beautiful flowers the garden had to offer.

 Alum didn't know much about flowers, but as they walked around, Amethely would point at certain ones, telling him what they meant, explaining what makes them unique or how they got their names.

 He wasn't too interested in flowers before, and can't say he was now either, but… his lovely girlfriend loved them, and he attentively listened to what she said. He even asked her a bunch of questions, not because he felt forced to, but because he, too, wanted to learn about the things she enjoyed. And it made Amethely very happy, and she'd snuggle as close to him as possible with a happy smile on her face.

 After a while, they came across a small shop that sold bouquets and flower crowns. Alum saw a purple flower crown and bought it for her. Amethely was very surprised. She was unsure if Alum recalled what the meaning of those flowers was, but… it made her jittery and bubble nonetheless.

 "Can you put it on for me?" Amethely shyly asked.


 He was getting shy as the flower's name was Reneos and meant "Always by your side," he'd basically proposed to her.

 The shop owner watched them with a warm smile as she rested her hand on the cheek, saying, "Oh dear, how precious~" But… it wasn't just the stopover as many couples were passing by as well. They, too, watched their exchange.

 Alum gently brushed away her bangs and carefully put the crown on her head. Amethely couldn't control her expression as she shyly blushed. Her face was soft and mushy. It made it look like she had melted. Then… she ran off to pick something for him as well.

 She picked Juleos flowers. These yellow flowers meant "Happiness through cold storms," and Alum's eyes widened as his attention shifted between the crown and Amethely. He wasn't sure if she knew his past. But he was more overjoyed that she had accepted his proposal.

 "Al, can I put it on for you? Is that okay?"

 (Her smile, her warmth, and her everything…)

 "Of course, I'd love you do," Alum said, getting down on his knees.

 Amethely put the crown on his head, and she'd shyly and gently kissed his forehead, too, which made the crowd cheer.

 Looking at his shy girlfriend, he stood up and gently held her hand as he placed his forehead on hers, saying, "I love you." which excited the crowd as they cheered ever louder.

—Unbeknownst to them, that place became a popular spot to propose.


From now on, the story will be more fantasy-oriented.

Sesealcreators' thoughts